Abstraction of BLE API.
Currently only supports BLE Central. BLE Peripheral support might be added later.
A quick glance:
interface Central {
var status(default, null):Observable<Status>;
var peripherals(default, null):Peripherals;
var advertisements(default, null):Signal<Peripheral>;
function startScan():Void;
function stopScan():Void;
interface Peripheral {
var id(default, null):String;
var mac(default, null):String;
var connectable(default, null):Observable<Bool>;
var rssi(default, null):Observable<Int>;
var advertisement(default, null):Observable<Advertisement>;
var connected(default, null):Observable<Bool>;
function connect():Promise<Noise>;
function disconnect():Promise<Noise>;
function discoverServices():Promise<Array<Service>>;
interface Service {
var uuid(default, null):Uuid;
function discoverCharacteristics():Promise<Array<Characteristic>>;
interface Characteristic {
var uuid(default, null):Uuid;
var properties(default, null):Iterable<Property>;
function read():Promise<Chunk>;
function write(data:Chunk, withoutResponse:Bool):Promise<Noise>;
function subscribe(handler:Callback<Outcome<Chunk, Error>>):CallbackLink;
function discoverDescriptors():Promise<Array<Descriptor>>;
- NobleCentral: based on the node module
- ReactNativeCentral: based on the react native library
var central:Central = /* ... pick one implementation */
// start scanning for BLE peripherals when the bluetooth hardware is ready
central.status.nextTime(status -> status == On).handle(central.startScan);
// register a listener for newly discovered peripherals
central.peripherals.discovered.handle(peripheral -> {
// connect to the peripheral before we can perform further actions
peripheral.connect().handle(o -> switch o {
case Failure(e): trace('Unable to connect');
case Success(_):
// discover services
.handle(o -> switch o {
case Success(services): trace(services);
case Failure(e): trace(e);
// read from a characteristic
// note: `findCharacteristic` is a short hand for `discoverServices` + `discoverCharacteristics` with filtering
periperal.findCharacteristic(char -> char.id == READ_CHARACTERISTIC_UUID)
.next(char -> char.read())
.handle(o -> switch o {
case Success(chunk): trace(chunk);
case Failure(e): trace(e);
// write to a characteristic
periperal.findCharacteristic(char -> char.id == WRITE_CHARACTERISTIC_UUID)
.next(char -> char.write('my-value', true))
.handle(o -> switch o {
case Success(_): trace('Successfully written');
case Failure(e): trace(e);