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Installation Instructions: Windows

Fatema Boxwala edited this page Feb 28, 2016 · 5 revisions

To work on this repository on a Windows machine you are going to need to install a couple of tools first.

Installing a Text Editor

Note: If you already have a preferred plaintext editor that you like, go ahead and skip this section!

You will need to install a text editor in order to write files to put in your git repository and push to the website. A text editor like Vim or Emacs is different from something like MS Word, because it will create plain text files with no automatic formatting.

In this workshop, I am recommending you install and use Atom. Atom is a cool text editor that has a pretty graphical user interface, and is entirely open-source! You can even view the source code on github.

Another text editor that will be useful for you to know in the future is Vim. This editor takes a little more getting used to, and I won't be going over it in the curriculum, but I recommend trying it out in the future!

Install Atom from here, and poke around a bit to get used to writing a file in it.

Installing Git

You can install git for windows here. This will install both git gui and git bash on your computer. In this workshop we will be using git bash.

The following are the recommended installation options for this workshop:

  1. Select Components screen - The default setup for this should be fine, you can choose to add a desktop icon.

  2. Adjusting your PATH environment screen - Choose "Use git from git bash only"

  3. Choosing the SSH executable screen - Choose "Use OpenSSH"

  4. Configuring the line ending conversions screen - Choose "checkout Windows-style, commit Unix-style"

  5. Configuring terminal emulator screen - Choose "use MinTTY"