Labs helping you to learn AWS Fargate within a few hours.
📚 Check out our new book Rapid Docker on AWS
- Written for DevOps engineers and web developers who want to run dockerized web applications on AWS.
- Prior knowledge of Docker and AWS is not required.
- Continuous Deployment of your Web Application and Infrastructure as Code.
Are you looking for an instructor-led workshop based on these labs? Say [email protected].
Raise the VPCs per region limit if you run this lab with a larger group of people!
- Lab 01: ECS Cluster
- Lab 02: Application Load Balancer
- Lab 03: ECS Task Definition and IAM Roles
- Lab 04: ECS Service and Application Load Balancer (ALB)
- Lab 05: Auto Scaling for ECS Service
- Lab 06: RDS Aurora
Clone or download this repository on your local machine.
Open the AWS Management Console of an empty AWS account.
Create your own VPC stack. Replace $user
with your name (e.g. andreas
aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name vpc-$user --template-body file://templates/vpc-2azs.yaml
Wait until the stack reached the status CREATE_COMPLETE
You are now ready for the first lab.
Use the following commands to delete your stacks. Replace $user
with your name (e.g. andreas
aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name ecs-$user
Wait until the stack has been deleted.
aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name vpc-$user
We offer AWS workshops tailored to your needs. See widdix/learn-* for more labs.