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Wilcommerce - Core

Wilcommerce Core is the infrastructure project for Wilcommerce. It contains a list of projects which composes the core of the project.


Wilcommerce.Core.Infrastructure is the infrastructure project for Wilcommerce. It contains a list of classes and interfaces used for the infrastructure layer for this project.


NuGet package is available here


  • IAggregateRoot is the interface which represents an Aggregate root.
  • ICommand is the interface which represents a generic command.
  • ICommandHandler, a generic interface which represents a generic command handler and expose the Handle method for the command.
  • ICommandHandlerAsync, a generic interface which represents a generic command handler and expose the Handle method as async method.
  • IRepository is the interface which exposes all the methods to manage the persistence of an aggregate root.
  • DomainEvent is an abstract class which represents a generic domain event.
  • IHandleEvent is a generic interface which represents an event handler and exposes the Handle method.
  • IEventStore is the interface which represents a generic event store and exposes methods to persist and retrieves events.


Contains all the components which are commons to all the other packages.


NuGet package available here


The Domain namespace defines all the models and the components to manage them.


The Commands namespace contains all the actions available for this package.


The Events namespace contains all the events that could happen.


If you want to contribute to Wilcommerce please, check the CONTRIBUTING file.