PoParser is a personal project to fulfill a need I got: parse Gettext Portable files (*.po files) and edit its content using PHP.
PoParser will allow you to read PO Data from any source (files and strings built-in), update it and store back to a file (or get the compiled string).
It supports following parsing features:
- header section.
- msgid, both single and multiline.
- msgstr, both single and multiline.
- msgctxt (Message context).
- msgid_plural (plurals forms).
- #, keys (flags).
- #. keys (Comments extracted from source code).
- #: keys (references).
- #| keys (previously untranslated), both single and multiline.
- #~ keys (old entries), both single and multiline.
// Parse a po file
$poParser = new Sepia\PoParser();
$entries = $poParser->parseFile( 'es.po' );
// $entries contains every entry in es.po file.
// Update entries
$msgid = 'Press this button to save';
$msgstr= 'Pulsa este botón para guardar';
$poParser->updateEntry($msgid, $msgstr);
// You can also change translator comments, code comments, flags...
- Fixes with multi-flags entries (thanx @gnouet)
- Constructor now accepts options to define separator used in multiline msgid entries.
- New method
- new methods parseString() and parseFile() replace the old parse()`
- new method writeFile() replaces the old write().
- new method compile() which takes all parsed entries and coverts back to a PO formatted string.
Tests are done using PHPUnit. To execute tests, from command line type:
php vendor/bin/phpunit
Edit your composer.json file to include the following:
"require": {
"sepia/po-parser": "dev-master"