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A boilerplate code towards modular approach to Python-FLask-PostGIS project. This project structure can be implemented to handle files at large scale. Its a simple CRUD project using Flask, PostGIS, SQLAlchemy, Geoalchemy2 and Radis/MQ with production level code.

Project/Environment setup

  • Project is working on PostgreSQL14, Python3.10, PgAdmin4

  • Clone the repo - git clone

  • Navigate to cloned directory and create virtual env. eg - python -m venv .myenv

  • Activate the virtual env -
    If using Unix/Mac OS - source .myenv/bin/activate
    If using windows run - .myenv\Scripts\activate.bat

  • Install required packages using requirements.txt - pip install -r requirements.txt

Falsk DB Migrate

Run below flask commands to migrate db model to physical databse:

  • flask db init
  • flask db migrate -m "Some message"
  • flask db upgrade

Note: As migration folder is added, directly execute flask db upgrade

DB Config

Before running the project, make sure to change the Db URI variables based on your local databse connection strings. DB config files can be found at : application/configs/

Edit below line in file:


Run project

Run below command :

    flask run

Run project using Docker

Install Docker
Run below commands to setup project using docker:

  • To build image and run services: sudo docker-compose up -d --build
    Once the build is completed navigate to localhost:5001 in browser to test the app.

Other useful commands:
  • To stop the above services : sudo docker-compose down
  • Check running containers: sudo docker ps -a
  • Build Docker image: sudo docker build -t IMAGE_NAME .
  • Execute the created IMAGE file : sudo docker run -it --name IMAGE_NAME IMAGE_NAME

How to Contribute?

In order to contribute to this project please fork this repo and choose the open issue you want to work on. Feel free to suggest enhancements and post issues if you encounter any. Thanks.