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Repository files navigation

  1. yarn install
  2. yarn dev

Update to Server

  1. yarn build (we build in local)!!
  2. selfpaths - git pull origin master
  3. selfpaths - pm2 restart 3

How to update in digitalOcean server tutorial

  1. Go to Server
  2. sudo ufw allow 1337/tcp
  3. sudo ufw enable , y
  4. cd /var/www/eccxxx-backend
  5. pm2 start ecosystem.config.js

Strapi application

npx create-strapi-app project-name --quickstart yarn add strapi-plugin-magic

Frontend Bulit with

yarn add strapi-plugin-magic

In strapi admin dashboard

  1. magic (sidebar) - sercet key (copy from magic dashboard)
  2. it will added magic into strapi

Added new folder after paste in magic key


  1. added policies folder and file
  2. copy permission from github strapi link
  3. add below line in line 5
await strapi.plugins["magic"].services["magic"].loginWithMagic(ctx);

After added order from strapi admin

/api/order/controllers/order.js order controller, let user only retrieve their order record only.

Create Post order JSON TEST

	"product": {"id": 1}

Added new routes in backend routes.json

  "method": "POST",
  "path": "/orders/confirm",
  "handler": "order.confirm",
  "config": {
    "policies": []

Confirm order API

	"checkout_session": "cs_test_a1DHvLVvRUl050e0NW0NDaKiORx0XwVgbqDQKmHaBxc4AtBTXq4Cr9tHfO"

strapi email: [email protected] strapi password: Password@123

How i started from:

  1. Install strapi for backend
  2. Create Product Collection (name will automatically plural)
  3. Create Product item
  4. Settings - Users && Permission plguin - identity - public (checked: find && findOne)
  5. Install NextJs for frontend
  6. Create utils urls(paste: Magic TEST key as default) and format
  7. Install magic-sdk (which helps authorization to frontend)
  8. Create useAuth Context
  9. Create checkUserLoggedIn function when refresh re-login again
  10. Yarn add strapi-plugin-magic (Making authenticated requests to Strapi)
  11. Kill server and restart
  12. Copy magic secret key to store in strapi Admin
  13. Added folder for permissions
  14. Added one line code in line 5 (check top details) (making authenticated request to strapi)
  15. Test Api with JWT token - http://localhost:1337/products
  16. After Test with Auth user, auth user will be added into User Collection.
  17. Create Order Collection
  18. Setting Relation, Product has many Orders
  19. Setting Relation, User has many Orders
  20. Testing doing manully add order, checkout_session: randomString, User(Select user), Product (Select Product)
  21. Settings - Users && Permission plguin - identity - authenticated (checked: find && findOne)
  22. Test Api with JWT token - http://localhost:1337/orders
  23. Get all orders event not belongs to the user
  24. Edit backend/api/order/controllers/orders.js (to let user only can retrieve what order belongs to him)
  25. Create useOrders custom hook in account.
  26. Fetch orders with authentication bearer token, which like Test Api in orders
  27. Listing Order item in account page.
  28. Seting loading state for orders
  29. Yarn add stripe in backend
  30. Enter stripe web - login - Developers - API keys - secret keys
  31. ADD secret key in backend .env
  32. Go To order Controller, require stripe and key and order create function, create function return id of sesiion ready use for frontend
  33. Settings - Users && Permission plguin - identity - authenticated (checked: create)
  34. Test Api with JWT Token - Body(JSON), - http://localhost:1337/orders
  35. Strapi Admin will added one order with unpaid
  36. yarn add @stripe/stripe-js (install frontend stripe sdk) in frontend
  37. Added TEST key from stripe in utils/url.
  38. Create component BuyButton, and integate with stripe sdk.
  39. Test Buy feature, It succefull and redirect back, but it still is unpaid in strapi order collection.
  40. Go to Backend controllers/order.js, add confirm function.
  41. Need to added this confirm into our routes
  42. backend/api/order/config/routes.json
  43. Go To Strapi Admin - Settings - identity - public (checked: order's confirm)
  44. Test Api with JWT Token - Body(JSON) - http://localhost:1337/orders/confirm
  45. Successful (success_url, order controller, hit confirm function) - Strapi Order unpaid updated to paid
  46. Yarn add strapi-provider-upload-aws-s3 in backend for upload image to cloud
  47. create ./config/plugins.js docs
  48. Go to aws s3 - create bucket
  49. Copy bucket name into plguins.js and region ap-southeast-1
  50. Uncheck Block all public access, then it able to file upload
  51. Click top bar name - security credentials - create access keys
  52. access key id and secret
  53. yarn add uuidv4 in backend for order tracking id


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