Live demo:
- Install dependencies
npm i
- Spin up webpack dev server
npm start
- Local dev app should open in your default browser: http://localhost:8080/tech-test/
Develop a responsive UI shell for a website with a Header, Footer, Content and a Navigation Menu on the left-hand side
- Header should always stay on the top irrespective of screen size
- Footer should always stay on the bottom irrespective of screen size
- Content should be scrollable with header/footer/nav menu retaining their positions
- Side navigation should have option to expand or collapse
- When you collapse, navigation menu items should show only icons
- When you expand, navigation menu items should show icons with text
Choose content of your choice.
Choose left navigation menu items of your choice.
Choose color schemes that may appeal to business audience.
- Please use React to develop above components
- Please try to use SCSS for your component styling
- Please try to minimize the use of external UI libraries like bootstrap etc