Firmware + Python and Node.js libraries for controlling stepper motors via the STMicro L6470 dSPIN stepper motor driver (e.g. Sparkfun Autodriver). The firmware and libraries were developed to control various mechanical components used to study insect behavior. For example, it is used to control a rotating platform for certain tethered flight experiments and for controlling a rotating wind tunnel which tracks the real-time orientation of fly on a 1-DOF magnetic tether.
Includes includes methods for:
- setting basic driver configuration i.e., microstepping, overcurrent threshold, etc.
- setting motion parameters, i.e., max velocity, acceleration, etc.
- basic motor positioning, e.g, motion point-to-point moves, run at fixed velocity, etc.
- position feedback via EM3242 angle sensor,
- running sinusoidal trajectories,
- realtime (closed-loop) trajectory tracking
- provides a web app for ease of system configuration and setup
- Location: "firmware/autostep" sub-directory
- Platform: teensy 3.2
- Install using Aruduino IDE w/ Teensduino Addon
- Location: "softare/python/autostep"
- Requirements: pyserial, numpy, matplotlib
python install
- Location: "software/node/autostep"
npm install
- Location: "software/node/web_app/autostep_server"
npm install
- Location: "software/node/web_app/autostep_client"
npm install