Docker images for CI/CD process and how to get started.
is the password for decryptingenv.encrypted
contains the containers you're going to usecodeship-steps.yml
contains the build/deploy orchestration- You can run the CI/CD locally with
jet steps
- You can encrypt your
file by runningjet encrypt env env.encrypted
Copy the following files from /docs/samples
into the root of your repo.
codeship-steps.{one of}.yml
Collection of re-usable scripts
Everything you need to build, scan, and push to any repository.
Contains the aws-sdk cli
Contains the terraform cli
- setup-env:
- setup-environment:
- setup-gitflow:
- aws-env-check: Checks that the necessary
are set to executeaws-*
scripts. - aws-auth: Sets credentials to allow connection to AWS.
- aws-s3-deploy: Deploys static assets to a S3 bucket.
- docker-env-check: Checks that the necessary
are set to executedocker-*
scripts. - docker-auth: Sets credentials to allow connection to private docker registry.
- docker-build: Builds docker image and pushes to registry.
- npm-env-check: Checks that the necessary
are set to executenpm-*
scripts. - npm-auth: Sets credentials to allow connection to private npm registry.
- npm-version: Pull version from
and applies toenv
- terraform-: TODO
- CodeShip Jet - CI/CD CLI
- Docker - Linux Containers
- HashiCorp Terraform - Infrastructure as Code
Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
- will Farrell - Initial work - willfarrell
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details
- Phase I:
- static assets
- serverless
- Phase II:
- docker
- ECS deploy (service, task)
- terraform
- Phase III
- terraform module aws-code-pipeline
- ensure all images have a USER line
- connect repo to docker hub, but disable auto build - to show dockerfile