forked from tmock12/ageChecker
Simple Form to Capture Data triggering a POP UP
This Code will help to demonstrate the usage of JavaScript Data Structure
- Array
- Simple Variable
include ageChecker.js to your html head section -
<script type="text/javascript" src="ageChecker.js"></script>
as of now you must have these fields included in your html file-
include the following in the html head section of any page you want to deny access to younger users-
<script type="text/javascript" src="ageChecker.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
this checks if the user has an appropriate cookie set, and if not, redirects to the specified page in your ageChecker.js file.
if you want to keep users with javascript disabled out, add the following to the html head section of any page you want to keep users out of-
<meta HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" content="2; url=YourWebsiteWithAgecheck.html">
Fill in the url="YourWebsiteWithAgecheck" with the appropriate page you want to redirect to.
You may also want to add this to the page where users set their birthday -
You must have javascript enabled to view this page.
It lets users who have javascript disabled that they will not be able to use your site.