This is a CLI game written in Python3, inspired by the original Breakout. The ball moves straight around the screen, bouncing off the top and two sides of the screen. When a brick is hit, the ball bounces back and the brick is destroyed. The player loses a life when the ball touches the bottom of the screen; to prevent this from happening, the player has a horizontally movable paddle to bounce the ball upward, keeping it in play.
: move the ball right<kbd>
: move the paddle left<kbd>
: move the ball left<kbd>
: move the paddle right<kbd>
: move the ball if lost a life<kbd>
: pause / unpause<kbd>
: quit
These are the classes used in the game
The Game
class manages all the other the classes. It handles collisions between objects, adding and removing items from screen.
The Sprite
class is responsible for storing the coordinates and ascii representation of objects. It forms a backbone of all the object classes visible on the screen.
The Display
class is responsible for showing all the objects on the console.
The Paddle
class is responsible for movement and appearance of paddle. It inherits from Sprite class.
The Brick
class is responsible for strength and color of bricks.
The Ball
class handles the movement of the ball. It also has a function called go_fast which is invoked when the fastball powerup is activated.
It is the parent class of all the powerups. This handles the movement of the powerup and the collision with the paddle.
Expand Paddle: Increases the size of the paddle by a certain amount.
Shrink Paddle: Reduce the size of the paddle by a certain amount but not completely.
Increases the speed of the ball.
Thru-ball: This enables the ball to destroy and go through any brick it touches, irrespective of the strength of the wall.(Even the unbreakable ones which you couldn’t previously destroy)
Paddle Grab: Allows the paddle to grab the ball on contact and relaunch the ball at will.