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An ECS (Entity-Component-System) framework in Elixir


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ECStatic is an Entity-Component-Systems framework in Elixir.

Getting Started


If available in Hex, the package can be installed by adding ecstatic to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
  [{:ecstatic, "~> 0.1.0"}]

Documentation can be generated with ExDoc and published on HexDocs. Once published, the docs can be found at


Here's a list of Ecstatic words; following will be an example sentence in English where we can connect each word to something meaningful for you.

  • Ecstatic.Component : a collection of properties and specific methods
  • Ecstatic.Entity : a collection of components
  • Ecstatic.Aspect : a filter for entities, based on which components are and aren't on that entity. The user can also specify running conditions.
  • Ecstatic.System : business logic; receives an entity and will do some work on it if the entity matches a given aspect. What the system do is defined its the dispatch
  • Ecstatic.Changes : a collection of components that had been :attached, :removed or :updated.

A "Real-World" Example

Let's imagine the following situation: we have an entity "Zaphod", who is a 33-year-old alien. If he plays tennis and over-exerts himself, he may cause himself damage!

How to represent this with an ECS

  • We create an Entity to represent our main character, Zaphod
  • We assign him a SocialComponent which has the attributes :name and :race, which we set to "Zaphod" and :alien respectively
  • We assign him a component PhysicalComponent which has the attribute :stamina and :health set to 100 by default.
  • When the TennisGameSystem is activated every 60 seconds, we modify Zaphod's PhysicalComponent and reduce his :stamina by some random number between 1 and 10.
  • The OverExertionSystem is then activated by this change in the PhysicalComponent; it watches if any change in :stamina is greater than -5. If it is, then we reduce the :health attribute by a proportional amount.
  • The RestSystem executes every 10 seconds, and replenishes Zaphod's :stamina by one point.


Entity and Components

Let's set the following example. Imagine that we have humans. They can get old and die, so let's add them Age and Mortal components:

  defmodule Human do
    use Ecstatic.Entity
    @default_components [Age, Mortal]

The entity Human have been just defined. Now, we have to define its components:

  defmodule Age do
    use Ecstatic.Component
    @default_state %{age: 0, life_expectancy: 80}
  defmodule Mortal do
    use Ecstatic.Component
    @default_state %{mortal: true}

When we create a new human, by default, they will be 0 years old, mortal, with a life_expectancy of 80 years.


The system the most important module, it defines when and what to do with the entities A system has to be defined in two parts: the aspect and the dispatch. Let's make out humans age and die.

    defmodule AgeSystem do
        use Ecstatic.System
        def aspect, do: %Ecstatic.Aspect{}  #this is the default aspect
        def dispatch(_entity, _changes, _delta) do
            Ecstatic.Changes{}              #dispatch must reply this structure
    defmodule DeathOfOldAgeSystem do
        use Ecstatic.System
        def aspect, do: %Ecstatic.Aspect{}  #this is the default aspect
        def dispatch(_entity, _changes, _delta) do
            Ecstatic.Changes{}              #dispatch must reply this structure

Now, we have to define aspect\0 and dispatch\3 for both systems.


Let's say that 10 seconds in real life are one year in the simulation. Also, to stay simple, only entities that are going to age are those with Age component.

defmodule AgeSystem do
    use Ecstatic.System
    def aspect, do: %Ecstatic.Aspect{with: [Age], trigger_condition: [every: 10000, for: :infinity]}

Now, let's kill the elders!

defmodule DeathOfOldAgeSystem do
    use Ecstatic.System
    def aspect, do: %Ecstatic.Aspect{with: [Age], trigger_condition: [lifecycle: [:updated], 
    condition: fn (_cause_systems, entity, _changes) -> 
        age_component = Entity.find_component(entity, Age)
        age = age_component.state.age
        life_expectancy = age_component.state.life_expectancy
        age >= life_expectancy 

Please, check Ecstatic.Aspect documentation for more examples.


We had defined when our systems should act in its aspect. Now, let's define what these systems are doing.

  defmodule AgeSystem do
  use Ecstatic.System
    def dispatch(entity, _changes) do
      age_comp = Entity.find_component(entity, Age)
      new_age_comp = %{age_comp | age: age_comp.age + 1}
      %Ecstatic.Changes{updated: [new_age_comp]}
  defmodule DeathOfOldAgeSystem do
  use Ecstatic.System
    def dispatch(entity) do
        %Ecstatic.Changes{attached: [Dead]}

Notice, that we have to create a implement the 'Dead' component.

Entity Lifecycle

Where are our humans? There's nobody around. That is because we have not created any human yet. In order to do so, let's define an init function in our main process (is up to you).

def initialization() do



  • Añadir todas las formas que el usuario puede usar el dispatch/2 para modificar el entity, o para modificar/borrar/añadir otros entities; explicando bien los parametros que lleguen al dispatch/2


An ECS (Entity-Component-System) framework in Elixir







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