ETCD Client for elixir
If available in Hex, the package can be installed
by adding etcd_client
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:etcd_client, "~> 0.1.0-alpha.1"}
Opens a grpc connection channel to etcd with hostname and port provided in 'opts' keyword list. Registers the channel with name provided in 'opts' keyword list.
To start from a supervisor: add to config.exs:
config :myapp,
etcd: [
hostname: "localhost",
port: "2379"
Add to supervisor child list:
{EtcdClient, [Keyword.put(Application.get_env(:myapp, :etcd), :name, ETCD)]}
To use above connection pass the name you provided as the 'conn' argument to EtcdClient functions:
{:ok, response} = EtcdClient.put_kv_pair(ETCD, key, value)
To establish an etcd lease and associate a kv pair:
{:ok, response} = EtcdClient.start_lease(ETCD, lease_id, time_to_live)
{:ok, pid} = EtcdClient.keep_lease_alive(ETCD, lease_id, keep_alive_interval)
{:ok, response} = EtcdClient.put_kv_pair(ETCD, key, value, lease_id)
To establish an etcd watch over a range of keys:
{:ok, pid} = EtcdClient.start_watcher(ETCD, watcher_id, from)
EtcdClient.add_watch(start_range, end_range, watcher_id, watch_id)
Events recieved by the watcher will be sent to the pid provided in the from argument, to retrieve them if using a GenServer add:
def handle_info({:watch_event, event} , state) do
watch_response = elem(event, 1)
Enum.each(, fn(e) -> process_watch_event(e) end)
{:noreply, 1}
If using the latest master branch of etcd (3.3+git) you can add multiple watches to the same watcher. Older versions will ignore the watch_id and you will need to start a separate watcher(with unique ids) for each individual watch.
For more information on etcd request and response types see the generated proto files in /lib/priv on github.
Documentation can be found at