This library will sub-divide triangles in a mesh until each edge-length is less than or equal to a user-specified threshold. Use it when you have too few triangles in a mesh and you need to create more. Please see the JSFiddle example:
const homogenizeTriangles = require('@windfish-studio/homogenize-triangles');
//Three verts making up a triangle in 3D space
flatVertices = [-1, -5, 0, 0, 5, 0, 1, -5, 0];
//Three vertex indices (the index of first coordinate of the vtx in flatVertices, divided by 3)
flatFaces = [0,1,2];
//One normal vector for each face
flatFaceNormals = [0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,1];
//the tolerance, edges longer than this will be cut in half
const tol = 3.0;
const homogenized = homogenizeTriangles(
//returns an object with keys {verts, faces, facenormals} which point to arrays.
//Each array has the same format as the inputs to the function
npm run test