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Typescript types, JSON schemas and swagger configuration files of Glider projects: Derbysoft Proxy, ...

Getting started

yarn add @windingtree/glider-types

Swagger configuration files

const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');

// Importing the swagger doc
const doc = fs.readFileSync(
  path.resolve('node_modules', '@windingtree/glider-types/dist/derbysoft_proxy.yaml'),

JSON schemas

import { derbysoft_proxy } from '@windingtree/glider-types';

// derbysoft_proxy.definitions.Price
// ...
// ...

Typescript types

import type { Price } from '@windingtree/glider-types/dist/derbysoft_proxy';

Swagger schema definitions management

All schema definitions are collected in the commonly shared file located at ./src/shared-definitions.yaml.

Project-specific swagger configuration files are located in the named files like ./src/derbysoft-proxy.yaml.

Project-specific swagger configuration files should not contain any data type definitions. Instead of that, all links to the definitions must be organized using schema references like $ref: "#components/schemas/DefinitionKey".

During the module build, all definitions that have been referred to will be built in the final swagger file of every specific project.

Definitions rules

Every definition must follow these mandatory rules:

  • Must have unique CamelCase styled key
  • Must have description
  • Must have definition of properties types
  • Must have definition of required properties
  • Must have an example of usage

If it is required, a definition can have format validation rules in regular expressions format or native rules supported by swagger.

Supported projects

  • The accommodations API
  • Simard Pay API
  • Win-backend API

To add new project:

  • Add project configuration to the ./scripts/build.js to the supportedApis constant at line 11 in format:
  name: 'project-name', // Unique project name
  path: 'src/project-name.yaml' // Base project swagger file
  • Create a swagger file by the pointed path


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