Windows 11/10 system tray area application that displays the current week number
Always see the current week number in the system tray area in Windows taskbar and lookup the week number for any other date via double-click on the application icon.
Options to start with Windows, customize icon colors, language, notifications, calendar rules and more. For details see Help section below.
- English
- Swedish
If you want to contribute with another language, please create an Issue on Github and I'll contact you!
Icon color picker, possible to define and use custom colors; both icon text and background can be customized
After download of via Download latest release first unzip the archive, then run WeekNumber.exe. To remove the application just delete the executable and other files extracted from the zip archive and the generated application configuration file WeekNumber.exe.config.
Choose to keep the file downloaded if prompted - it will look similar to this (depends on your web browser and settings)
Microsoft Defender / Windows Security could identify application as a virus, trojan and/or malware which is not the case. I have created a lightweight version that does not trigger any false alarm, this version only can display the current week number in the task area, nothing else. Not autostart with Windows (it can manually be made to start with Windows - google how). Nor do the lightweight version have options to change icon colors or anything else that the full version of WeekNumber can do.
See more here if interested.
All application features are accessible via right-click on the application icon residing in the system tray area in Windows taskbar. If the application icon is not visible then press the ^ symbol on the system tray area, click and hold on the application icon and then drag it to the visible system tray area to pin it there.
About WeekNumber - Displays version information
Check for updated version - Checks if newer version is available, option to update if that's the case
Open application web page - Shows the application web page
Start with Windows - If ticked, the application starts automatically with Windows
Update automatically - If ticked, updates automatically without user interaction
Language - Change language used by the application
- English
- Svenska - Swedish
Application log
- Use application log - Application writes to a log file if ticked
- Show application log - If above is ticked, opens the application log file in a text editor; quite technical
Notifications - Control the application notification messages in sub-menus
- Display startup notification - If ticked, the application will show a notification when started
- Display new week notification - If ticked, a notification will be shown when the week changes
- Use silent notifications - If ticked, any notifications for this application will not trigger system sounds to be played
Use small / large taskbar buttons - Toogles Windows taskbar size and also adjusts the application icon resolution to match. Having trouble seeing the week number? Try using large taskbar buttons
Export settings... - Option to export / backup the current application settings
Import settings... - Option to import previously exported / backed up application settings
Calendar - Calendar rules used by the application; per default the application uses the systems regional settings to figure this out, but it can be manually overridden here
- First Day Of Week - Calendar rule, select what day a week starts on
- Calendar week rule - Additional calendar rule that tells what rule is used for the first week of a year
Icon - Application icon settings
- Icon colors - Allows user to change icon background and foreground color or reset colors used back to default in sub-menus
- Icon resolution - Possibility to tweak the WeekNumber icon resolution, if the icon is fuzzy setting a higher or lower resolution can help with apperance
- Graphics settings - Possibility to tweak icon graphics settings used by the application when drawing the week number icon
- Smoothing mode
- Compositing Quality
- Interpolation Mode
- Text Contrast
- Save icon... - Saves the current WeekNumber icon displayed to a .ico file
Get week number for date... - Get week number for specified date
Exit WeekNumber - Closes the application. Start it again from the Windows Start Menu
- WeekNumber is completely free and open source. Donations are very much appreciated!