This is my first GNOME 3 shell extension. I created this because I saw no way to disable the huge popup displayed dead center of the screen when switching between workspaces, other than editing /usr/share/gnome-shell/js/ui/workspaceSwitcherPopup.js
and setting the value of DISPLAY_TIMEOUT
to zero.
From the GNOME Extensions Page:
From the Command-line:
curl -sL |
tar xzv --wildcards --strip 1 --directory ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/ \
"*/[email protected]"
From Arch Linux User Repository (AUR)
Restart the GNOME Shell with the key sequence: Alt-F2 + "r" then ENTER.
Using GNOME Tweak Tool, navigate to the Shell Extensions pane and enable the plugin by clicking the switch widget:
Note: You may need to restart GNOME Tweak Tool and/or re-log in to your session in order for the extension to appear in the list of installed extensions.
Based on the disable window animations extension by Lukas Zapletal
Thanks to users for suggesting changes and poking me for version updates.