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Connects to Woodpecker CI and dynamically creates an agent in the cloud.


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Picus connects to a Woodpecker CI server and creates/starts an agent in the cloud when there are pending jobs. The agent will be shutdown/stopped when there are no more build jobs for a specific time in order to reduce cloud costs. Picus polls the Woodpecker API and creates/starts an agent in the cloud when it is required. Currently Hetzner cloud and AWS are supported.


Picus provides a container image which can be used with docker-compose to start the service:

# docker-compose.yml
version: '3'

    # Better replace latest with specific version in next line
    restart: always
      - PICUS_AGENT_WOODPECKER_FILTER_LABELS=platform=linux/amd64,backend=docker,repo=*
      - PICUS_PROVIDER_TYPE=hcloud
      - PICUS_HCLOUD_TOKEN=<...>
      - [email protected]
      - PICUS_HCLOUD_ID=my-woodpecker-instance

The following environment variables can or have to be used independent of the specific provider:

Name Description Default
PICUS_WOODPECKER_SERVER URL to the Woodpecker host like -
PICUS_WOODPECKER_TOKEN Personal token to Woodpecker -
PICUS_WOODPECKER_AGENT_ID ID of the agent as provided by the Woodpecker UI in 'Settings' -> 'Agents' when editing a specific agent -
PICUS_AGENT_WOODPECKER_FILTER_LABELS Filter labels according to woodpecker doc that Picus will use to check if an agent needs to be started. The default labels of an agent platform, backend and repo must be added as well such that Picus can use them. Example: platform=linux/amd64,backend=docker,repo=*. -
PICUS_POLL_INTERVAL Interval in which Picus will poll the Woodpecker API /api/queue/info. For format see go_parse_duration. 10s
PICUS_MAX_IDLE_TIME Duration to wait after the last running job before shutting down or stopping an agent. For format see go_parse_duration. 30m
PICUS_PROVIDER_TYPE Type of cloud provider to use. Valid values are hcloud and aws -

Hetzner cloud

When Hetzner cloud is used as provider, Picus will create a new instance when an agent is required as Hetzner also charges for stopped instances. Thus Picus needs all configuration parameters that describe what instance shall be deployment. When the agent is not required anymore the instance will get deleted.

The following environment variables exist for Hetzner cloud:

Name Description Default
PICUS_AGENT_WOODPECKER_* All environment variables starting with PICUS_AGENT_WOODPECKER_ are forwarded as WOODPECKER_ to the agent. See Woodpecker doc for all required and available parameters -
PICUS_AGENT_IMAGE Container image to use for the agent woodpeckerci/woodpecker-agent:latest
PICUS_HCLOUD_TOKEN API token for Hetzner cloud -
PICUS_HCLOUD_SERVER_TYPE Server type in Hetzner cloud to use for agent cx11
PICUS_HCLOUD_LOCATION Location to start server in Hetzner cloud nbg1
PICUS_HCLOUD_SSH_KEYS List of ssh keys to apply to the server separated by comma -
PICUS_HCLOUD_ID Unqiue id to identify resources created in Hetzner Cloud for this instance of Picus. Used to separate resources for different Picus installations in Hetzner cloud project. Observe limitation in RFC 1123. picus-test


When using AWS as cloud provider Picus requires an existing EC2 instance which already has a Woodpecker agent installed. Picus will then start and stop the instance when required. AWS does not charge for stopped EC2 instances but only for the EBS volumes that are attached to it (see Amazon EC2 On-Demand Pricing).

To setup such an instance the cloudformation template aws_agent_example.yml could be used.

Setup this AWS policy to provide Picus access to the required resources:

Version: 2012-10-17
  - Effect: Allow
      - ec2:StartInstances
      - ec2:StopInstances
    Resource: arn:aws:ec2:*:*:instance/*
  - Effect: Allow
    Action: ec2:DescribeInstances
    Resource: "*"

These environment variables exists for AWS:

Name Description Default
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID AWS access key -
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY The secret key associated with the access key -
AWS_REGION The AWS region in which the EC2 instance has been deployed -
PICUS_AWS_INSTANCE_ID The EC2 instance ID (for example, i-1234567890abcdef0 -


Picus is written in Rust. The project provides a VSCode devcontainer which contains all required tools.


Debug build:

just build

Release build for amd64 target:

just build-amd64

Release build for arm64 target:

just build-arm64


just test

In order to run the tests using Hetzner cloud as well, provide the required environment variables and run

cargo test hcloud -- --ignored

To run all AWS tests with log level set to trace for Picus:

RUST_LOG="picus=trace" cargo test aws -- --ignored --nocapture