Parses mysql slow logs, aggregates by thread id or query, outputs in json. This is a limited use drop in replacement for the perl version of pt-query-digest
The following go package is used:
However as I am awaiting on percona/go-mysql#38 to be merged, the following branch is needed:
Tests, what are those? percona/go-mysql has great tests covering a wide variety of slow log formats, sadly I do not have any for slow_log_parse yet.
Feel free to submit any PR's, I'll happily work with any contributors.
- Rolf Martin-Hoster - Initial work - @winmutt
This project is licensed under the GNU Aferro GPL - see the LICENSE file for details
- Thanks a bunch to Percona and @arvenil for doing most of the hard work for me
- Thanks to my job for sending me to the Gophercon that kicked off this bit of inspiration
- Thanks to my most excellent coworkers and friends who helped me through this