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Pacman Game 🎮

This is the Pacman game written in React/NextJS and TypeScript. Styling is done mainly with Tailwind CSS.

You can play it here:


Game logic is completely separated from React. To create a Game, use the Game class and run makeGameStep() on each run of the game loop.

The game loop is done with a custom useInterval hook.

Game states

The game has the following states

  • GHOST_LOCKED - at the beginning Ghosts are locked inside the base in the middle of the screen and are released after 10 seconds. The time can be changed in pacman/TypesAndSettings.ts.
  • GHOSTS_GOING_TO_CORNERS after being released each Ghost goes towards one of the board's corners using the shortest path (Astar algorithm is used).
  • RUNNING that's the normal state in which the Ghosts are trying to catch Pacman. After each step, the shortest path is calculated using the Astar Pathfinder algorithm.
  • ENERGIZER Pacman is earning points by eating "pills". The big pills are "energizers" which start this state and make the Ghosts move in random directions. During that phaze Pacman can kill the Ghost. The killed Ghost is moved back to the base, waits there for 10 seconds and is released. First it is going towards one of the board's corners and then starts chasing Pacman.
  • KILLED that's when Pacman is killed by any of the Ghosts.
  • GAME OVER after losing 3 lifes.

Ghost's states

As during some parts of the gameplay each Ghost can have a different state it is also reflected in the Ghost class with following statuses/states:

  • LOCKED - locked in the base
  • ALIVE - normal state while chasing Pacman
  • ENERGIZER - when Pacman eats the big pill.
  • EATEN - after being eaten/chased by Pacman
  • GOING_TO_CORNER - when going towards the board's corner (after being released from the base)


Astar pathfinding algorithm is used to calculate the path of each ghost on each step.

You can show the paths during the gameplay by pressing the button at the top of the screen

Pathfinding algorithm preview


Both the keyboard and touch screen can be used to control the game. On the desktop use keyboard arrows + space for pausing the game or click the screen.

On mobile, tap the screen. The whole screen is divided into clickable triangles (top, right, bottom, left) Keyboard control is done using useKeyboardControl custom hook. Mobile/screen control is handled by TouchScreenController component which is set to fixed


Game is fully responsive and works on all screen sizes. Custom useWindowDimension hook is used to determine the correct size of the game field which is then passed to all the components using Context.

Board and pills

The position of the walls and pills is coded in pacman/data/standardBoard.ts as a long array of 0 and 1 for walls (0-no wall, 1-wall) and 0,1 and 2 for pills (0-no pill, 1 - basic pill, 2 energizer pill). Right now it is set as in the original Pacman game but it can be customized. Walls component can be used to generate the walls on the screen for development purposes. Right now it is commented out as it matches the board background.


If you have any questions please reach out to me using [email protected] Also, check out my portfolio website - I am currently seeking for new job opportunities as a Web Developer.