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We developed our API to help our clients to manage their data in WIzart PIM. The API use REST approach based on JSON format. In our developing we are going to standardise the API and our goal is full supporting JSON:API v1.1 specification. More details about the specification you can found here JSON:API Specification.

To support old version of the API we are using semantic versioning 2.0.0

Versions lifetime

Version Release End of supporting
2.0 01.06.2021
2.1 14.04.2022 01.01.2023

API Authentication and Authorization

We support two types of authorization: OAuth 2.0 and token-based authorization. We use OAuth 2.0 for data manipulation where we need the best possible data protection. The token based authorization we use to get the data. You can found any token in your account in PIM Admin. See the detail instruction here.

For each of our methods, the type of authorization supported was marked.

Authorization type Description
Bearer Token The authorization method based on OAuth 2.0. We usually use this method to process data.
Web Token We use it for web integrations on the client's websites.
Android Token We use it for integrations from android apps.
Ios Token We use it for integrations from Ios apps.
Direct Token We use this token for our partners who wants to build their own services based on our API.

Note: It is very important to use the correct token as we are optimizing our responses for devices and some API methods may not be available for another tokens.

Checking import status

Information:importId’ is the ID of the import. You can get it using Other API methods | Getting-all-imported-data , or you can check the name of your log file.

You can come across the following statuses/notifications:

Status Description State
uploading_files Upload the files that you’re sending to the PIM. intermediate status, import in progress
validating_csv Make sure your CSV has all required fields completed, as well as no changes in the structure of the original CSV template. If you get an error at this stage, please check File upload requirements \[wall product types\] or File upload requirements \[flooring\]. intermediate status, import in progress
unpacking_archive Extract the uploaded images from the archive. intermediate status, import in progress
checking_images Make sure your CSV is not missing any images from the ZIP archive. intermediate, in progress
waiting_queue Waiting for free workers to start the import. in progress
importing_data The import is in progress. in progress
success You’ll get the ‘success’ notification if the import was finished without any errors and warnings, which means that all the products have been successfully imported. import finished
warning You’ll get the ‘warning’ notification if the import was finished without any errors but with some warnings. Your CSV file might contain some non-critical errors, for example, incorrect value type. Some of the products might not have been imported. Please note that the products whose records contain errors will be skipped, but the import of the other products will be still in progress. import finished
failure If you see the ‘failure’ notification, the import was finished with some errors. Usually, it is a server error. All the products before this error occurred will be successfully imported to the PIM, the other products will have to be re-imported. Please note that the products with a fatal error will stop the import process; however, the products imported before the error occurred will be successfully imported. import finished




You can create a bug report and ask questions via our official GitHub repository.