- Node.js
- Prisma
- PostgreSQL
- Express
- Swagger - For API documentation
- Node.js installed
- PostgreSQL installed / deployed and running
In your terminal of choice run the following commands in a dedicated folder
- git clone https://github.com/wizelineacademy/itesm-socioformador-ago-dec-2023-team-01.git
- cd itesm-socioformador-ago-dec-2023-team-01
Once in itesm-socioformador-ago-dec-2023-team-01 run the following commands:
- cd backend
- npm install
- npx prisma migrate dev
- npx prisma generate
- npm run dev
- cd ..
- cd frontend
- npm install
- npm run build
- npm run start
This should install all the necessary dependencies and start both processes
Backend Environment Variables:
PORT: Indicates the port at which the backend should run.
DATABASE_URL: Points to your PostgreSQL database.
BASE_URL: Represents the base localhost URL, including the port.
CLIENT_ID: Auth0 client ID (provided by Auth0). Obtain this from your Auth0 dashboard: Auth0 Dashboard
ISSUER_BASE_URL: Auth0 issuer base URL (provided by Auth0). Obtain this from your Auth0 dashboard: Auth0 Dashboard
CLIENT_SECRET: Auth0 client secret (provided by Auth0). Obtain this from your Auth0 dashboard: Auth0 Dashboard
AUTH0_AUDIENCE: Auth0 audience (provided by Auth0). Obtain this from your Auth0 dashboard: Auth0 Dashboard
JWT_SECRET: Random set of numbers and letters used to generate the JWT token.
Frontend Environment Variables:
AUTH0_SECRET: Randomly generated secret key (provided by Auth0).
AUTH0_BASE_URL: Base URL for Auth0.
AUTH0_ISSUER_BASE_URL: Base URL issued by Auth0 (provided by Auth0). Obtain this from your Auth0 dashboard: Auth0 Dashboard
AUTH0_CLIENT_ID: Client ID (provided by Auth0). Obtain this from your Auth0 dashboard: Auth0 Dashboard
AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET: Random combination of numbers and letters (provided by Auth0). Obtain this from your Auth0 dashboard: Auth0 Dashboard
AUTH0_AUDIENCE: Auth0 audience (provided by Auth0). Obtain this from your Auth0 dashboard: Auth0 Dashboard
PUBLIC_OPENAI_API_KEY: OpenAI API key (provided by OpenAI).
NEXT_PUBLIC_API_URL: Base URL, including localhost and port number.
|-- itesm-socioformador...
| |-- backend/ # Backend code
| |-- src/ # Source code
| |-- server.ts # Initializing backend server
| |-- configs/
| |-- auth0-config.ts # Auth0 configuration
| |-- jwt-config.ts # JSON Web Token configuration
| |-- middlewares/
| |-- authMiddleware.ts # Authentication middleware
| |-- errorMiddleware.ts # Error catch middleware
| |-- modules/
| |-- user/
| |-- controllers/ # Controllers for user module
| |-- models/ # Models for user module
| |-- services/ # Services for user module
| |-- repository/ # Direct interaction with user db table
| |-- routes/
| |-- index.ts
| |-- shared/
| |-- utils/
| |-- frontend/ # Frontend code
| |-- components/ # Reusable UI components
| |-- pages/ # Next.js pages
| |-- public/ # Public assets
| |-- styles/ # CSS styles
| |-- ... # Additional files and folders
|-- ...