WJXOverlappedImagesView is a very simple and common view made up of a group of round-cornered image views whitch over lapped on each other with some distance. There is no much deep technology but a common encapsulation. I'm glad that if you will like it or even give it a star.
WJXOverlappedImagesView is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile, and then import WJXOverlappedImagesView
pod 'WJXOverlappedImagesView', '0.0.1'
- Download the project and drop
folder into your project;
Within a simple and effective clourse updateInTransaction
you can apply a custom color and width for the border of its image view, a same width for each image and the overlapped distance and so on.
overlappedImagesView.updateInTransaction { imagesView in
imagesView.imageBorderWidth = 4
imagesView.imageBorderColor = UIColor.white
imagesView.imageHeight = 66
imagesView.overlapDistance = 16
imagesView.shouldShowMoreIndicatorImageViewWhenImageCountExceedsMaxLimit = true
imagesView.maxLimit = 4
imagesView.imageUrls = ["https://avatars1.githubusercontent.com/u/4176744?v=40&s=132",...]
It's flexible to customize the way to fetch images. It does not depend on any 'WebImage' framework by opening a imageFetcher:
overlappedImagesView.imageFetcher = { imagesView, imageView, url, index in
// fetch image via Kingfisher
imageView.kf.setImage(with: URL(string: url), placeholder: UIImage(named: "demo-avatar"))
// fetch image via YYWebImage
// imageView.yy_setImage(with: URL(string: url)!, placeholder: UIImage(named: "demo-avatar"))
// fetch image via SDWebImage
// imageView.sd_setImage(with: URL(string: url), placeholderImage: UIImage(named: "demo-avatar"))
Sometimes it's necessary to cancel the image loading, if it is a subview of some reusable view, such as cell, when it'll be reused. Here is the cancler:
overlappedImagesView.imageFetchCanceler = { imagesView, imageView, index in
// imageView.yy_cancelCurrentImageRequest()
// imageView.sd_cancelCurrentImageLoad()
You don't need to calculate the width. It is support for intrinsicContentSize.
overlappedImagesView.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: overlappedImagesView.intrinsicContentSize, height: imageHeight)
Jiuxing Wang email: [email protected]
WJXOverlappedImagesView is released under MIT license. See LICENSE for details.