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R package for fitting semi-markovian multistate models


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smms: Semi-Markov Multi-State models for interval censored data

The smms package allows you to fit Semi-Markovian multi-state models to panel datasets. The package constructs and optimises the likelihood of arbitrary multi-state models where the possible state transitions can be described by an acyclic graph with one or more initial states and one or more absorbing states.

Designed for data where the exact state transitions are not necessarily observed, so that we have interval censoring of the transition times. Data like these are sometimes referred to as panel data.

The methodology is explained in the paper A new framework for semi-Markovian parametric multi-state models with interval censoring by Aastveit, Cunen and Hjort (2022). The code used for the application and simulations in the paper is available in the scripts folder.


In order to directly install the package from github, you need the package devtools.



The main function in this package is the smms function, which is used to fit a multi-state model. The user needs to provide a datasets of states and time-points for multiple units of observation, typically referred to as patients, a graph describing the states and the possible transitions between them, and a set of parametric densities, and survival functions.

In the next section, we will illustrate the use of the smms function in a simple example.

A simple example


We will use the CAV dataset from the msm package (Jackson 2011) as an illustration. The dataset monitors a number of patients for a number of years after heart transplantation. Coronary allograft vasculopathy (CAV) is a condition potentially occurring after hear transplantation. At each time-point the patients are assigned to one of four states: well, mild CAV, severe CAV and death. The time of death is recorded precisely, but the times of entrance into the CAV-states are interval censored

Here we see the observations belonging to two patients. Note here that the states were originally numbered from 1 to 4, but for the sake of this illustration I have changed the state names to “well”, “mild”, “severe” and “death”. This is to demonstrate that the package accepts names as both numbers and strings. After deleting some observations that are deemed incorrect (because they appear to get better, see next paragraph), we end up with 2398 observations in 556 different patients.

library(igraph) # For specifying the multi-state graph 
library(msm) # To get the CAV dataset

dd = cav
dd = dd[!$pdiag),]

# Remove observations where the patient appears to go back to a previous state (assumed to be impossible):
id_wrong = unique(dd$PTNUM[which(dd$state!=dd$statemax)])  
dd = dd[-which(dd$PTNUM %in% id_wrong),]

# Change state names from 1,2,3,4 to well, mild, severe, death
tab = data.frame(state=1:4,name=c("well","mild","severe","death"))
dd$state = tab$name[match(dd$state,tab$state)]

dd = dd[ ,-c(2, 5, 7, 9, 10)]
colnames(dd)[1:2] <- c("patient","time") # rename relevant columns (necessary in current version)

##    patient     time dage pdiag  state
## 1   100002 0.000000   21   IHD   well
## 2   100002 1.002740   21   IHD   well
## 3   100002 2.002740   21   IHD   mild
## 4   100002 3.093151   21   IHD   mild
## 5   100002 4.000000   21   IHD   mild
## 6   100002 4.997260   21   IHD severe
## 7   100002 5.854795   21   IHD  death
## 8   100003 0.000000   17   IHD   well
## 9   100003 1.189041   17   IHD   well
## 10  100003 2.008219   17   IHD severe
## 11  100003 2.991781   17   IHD  death

Specifying the model graph

Here we assume a four-state illness death model, since we consider CAV to be irreversible (so we do not allow for patients to move back to less severe states). It is convenient to stick to the same state names as in the dataset when specifying the model graph.

# Specify the graph:
gg = graph_from_literal("well"--+"mild"--+"severe"--+"death", "well"--+"death", "mild"--+"death")

Specifying parametric models

Then, the user has to specify parametric models for all transition times (meaning one for each edge in the graph). In the current version of the package, these models have to be specified by providing density functions (in a specific format detailed below), as well as the corresponding survival functions. The functions will look like the following if one chooses to use simple exponential models for all transitions (i.e. meaning that we are fitting a homogeneous Markov model which could have been fitted with the msmpackage too - but this is for the sake of a simple illustration):

f_01 = function(param, x, tt){dexp(tt,exp(param[1]))}
f_12 = function(param, x, tt){dexp(tt,exp(param[2]))}
f_23 = function(param, x, tt){dexp(tt,exp(param[3]))}
f_03 = function(param, x, tt){dexp(tt,exp(param[4]))}
f_13 = function(param, x, tt){dexp(tt,exp(param[5]))}

S_01 = function(param, x, tt){1-pexp(tt,exp(param[1]))}
S_12 = function(param, x, tt){1-pexp(tt,exp(param[2]))}
S_23 = function(param, x, tt){1-pexp(tt,exp(param[3]))}
S_03 = function(param, x, tt){1-pexp(tt,exp(param[4]))}
S_13 = function(param, x, tt){1-pexp(tt,exp(param[5]))}

Important to note:

  • the names of the functions: these have to be in the form f_ij and S_ij with i indicating the source state (in the internal numbering system) and j indicating the receiving state. More details on the naming convention below.
  • the arguments of the functions: these should always be given as (param, x, tt) as above. x will point to the vector of measured covariates (for a patient) when these are present. When there are no covariates, like in this example, x should still be present as an argument, but will not be called within the functions. In the vignettes we include examples with covariates.
  • the scale of the parameters: for the sake of stable optimisation it is convinient that the parameters live on the real line (instead of the positive half-line as in the common parameterisation of the exponential distribution). Therefore, we include an exponential transformation of the param vector, and we recommend that transformation for all positive parameters.
  • the ordering of the parameters: paramdenotes the full parameter vector for the model.
  • Survival functions should be written so that they return 1 when tt is negative. Using build-in R CDFs for distributions over the positive half-line will ensure this. Otherwise, if the user codes the survival functions herself, she should ensure that they return 1 when ttis negative. We include an example with user-specified distribution functions in the vignettes.

As we saw above, the user has to follow a strict naming convention when specifying the densities and survival functions: within the package, the states are numbered from 0 to k-1 (k being the number of states), in a specific order which depends on the graph. To find out how the user defined state names relate to the internal numbering system, use the names_of_survival_density function. This allways recommended before specifying the model:

##   edge_name survival_name density_name from_prev to_prev  type
## 1        01          S_01         f_01      well    mild trans
## 2        03          S_03         f_03      well   death   abs
## 3        12          S_12         f_12      mild  severe trans
## 4        13          S_13         f_13      mild   death   abs
## 5        23          S_23         f_23    severe   death   abs

Here we see for example that the density for the edge between “mild” and “severe” should be named f_12(as we do above).

Fitting the model

Now we have everything in place in order to fit the multi-state model we have specified above:

startval <- c(-2.5,-1.1,-1.2,-3.1,-2.8)

mlo <- smms(startval,dd,gg, mc_cores = 1, hessian_matrix = T)

One needs some start values for the optimisation, and we will soon add a function which calculates good starting values for a given model. Increasing the number of cores will make optimisation faster (but will not work on Windows machines). Here we choose to compute the hessian matrix too, which takes a bit more time. With one core this might take something like 5 minutes to compute on an ordinary laptop.

We can compute AIC, and look at the estimated parameters and approximate 95% confidence intervals.

# Compute AIC (higher values are better with this definition)
aic <- (-2*mlo$opt$objective)-2*length(mlo$opt$par) #-2887.1

# Look at estimates and 95% confidence intervals. 
# On the -Inf to Inf scale:
##   estimate
## 1    -2.51    -2.66    -2.36
## 2    -1.11    -1.36    -0.86
## 3    -1.24    -1.48    -1.00
## 4    -3.11    -3.33    -2.90
## 5    -2.76    -3.67    -1.84
# On the 0 to Inf scale (on the transition intensity scale):
##   estimate
## 1     0.08     0.07     0.09
## 2     0.33     0.26     0.42
## 3     0.29     0.23     0.37
## 4     0.04     0.04     0.06
## 5     0.06     0.03     0.16



R package for fitting semi-markovian multistate models



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