All epics and features related to cloud infrastructure foundations; eg: AWS accounts, VPC , SSO
Improvements or additions to documentation
This issue or pull request already exists
A large, fat feature request that describes a domain or collection of user stories
wodo game development activities
solution to host wodo games globally
Game Hub is an online social arena where wodo community members - players - play online Wodo games
solution to publish, download and review new generation games
Extra attention is needed
end-2-end game implementation support including fundraising, token ganeration, development,marketing
solution to merchandise NFT items
All software development kit packages, client libraries,
Further information is requested
tasks and ideas to related to patent applications
A user story is the smallest unit of work expressed from the software user’s perspective.
A task can be independent or part of a story to accomplish a piece of work
core platform related issues
This will not be worked on