1. Please make sure that you have following software on your local machine (versions are very important):
- VirtualBox 5.0.26
- Vagrant 1.8.4
- ChefDK 0.17.17
- Maven (at least version 3.0.4)
- JDK 7 or 8
- Chrome browser
TODO - how to check?
Please navigate to AET GitHub Repository and download or clone it using Git.
- to download repo, simply click
Download ZIP
and unpack to your workspace directory, - to clone repository use your favourite Git client with repository address
(or[email protected]:Cognifide/aet.git
if you have GitHub account).
Please navigate to your local AET repository to vagrant
Open command prompt as an administrator and execute the following commands:
vagrant plugin install vagrant-omnibus
vagrant plugin install vagrant-berkshelf
vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostmanager
Run berks install
and then vagrant up
to start virtual machine. This process may take a few minutes.
Enter http://aet-vagrant:8181/system/console to check setup status after vagrant finished AET setup.
Console credentials are:
- username
, - password
You should see the information Bundle information: 251 bundles in total - all 251 bundles active
Now you are ready to run your first suite to check if instance is running properly. To do it, create aet-test
Inside directory create two files pom.xml
and suite.xml
with content defined below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">
<name>AET :: Test Suite Execution</name>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<suite name="check" company="cognifide" project="workshops">
<test name="my-first-test">
<resolution width="1200" height="800"/>
<sleep duration="2000"/>
<screen name="desktop"/>
<screen comparator="layout"/>
<url href="https://www.google.pl/"/>
Run it performing maven command inside aet-test
directory using command line:
mvn aet:run
This action will execute check
You can learn more about running suites in AET wiki.
While running a suite you should see its progress in the console. It looks like this:
[INFO] ********************************************************************************
[INFO] ********************** Job Setup finished at 16:13:24.388.**********************
[INFO] *** Suite is now processed by the system, progress will be available below. ****
[INFO] ********************************************************************************
[INFO] [16:13:24.465]: COLLECTED: [success: 0, total: 1] ::: COMPARED: [success: 0, total: 0]
[INFO] [16:13:30.447]: COLLECTED: [success: 1, total: 1] ::: COMPARED: [success: 1, total: 1]
After suite processing by AET is finished you should see following information with url to the report:
[INFO] Received report message: FinishedSuiteProcessingMessage{correlationId=cognifide-workshops-check-1474577335419, status=OK, errors=[]}
[INFO] Report is available at http://aet-vagrant/report.html?company=cognifide&project=workshops&correlationId=cognifide-workshops-check-1474577335419
[INFO] Suite processing finished.
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 8.721s
[INFO] Finished at: Thu Sep 22 16:13:30 CEST 2016
[INFO] Final Memory: 11M/204M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
After you navigate to report url:
you will see the report. Another way to open the report is to open redirect.html
from target
directory file that is the result of a Maven build.
It will redirect browser to report web application.
If you can see the report with a screenshot captured means you are ready to start your AET adventure.
There are 3 simple exercises that will quickly introduce you to the AET World.
Order of performing exercises is not important, however we suggest starting with exercise 1
Before running each exercise suite check out explained
version of suite which contains comments with suite details.
You will find each exercise description inside its directory.
You will also find in this repository pom-template.xml
and suite-template.xml
that may be useful in the future to setup your own tests.
Directory exercise-page
contains sources of a page that is used in the workshop. You may simply run it using Apache Server.