the outcomes project's goal is to enable better data anlaysis for finance. it aims to:
- minimize 'setup' redundency when starting a new research/analysis project
- enable manipulation of data more easily and faster than in Excel
- improve the robustsness of an analysis (e.g., analyzing distributions of rolling asset returns)
two primary uses for this python package:
analyzing returns data (calculating % change time series values)
the following nomenclature is used for returns data structure:
series types: topic: source data series (e.g., an asset's price level, an index's total return level, a trading strategy, etc.) rf: the risk-free asset bmk: the benchmark excess: the topic series over/under the risk-free series active: the topic series over/under the benchmark series calculated value types: ln: log (base e) values cmp: compound values
analyzing market data (using abosulte value data; e.g., bond yields)
this analysis leverages the same data structure as the returns data; however, fields where a market data analysis is nonsensical are empty (e.g., Sharpe ratio)
- logically structure everything; kinda a hack job right now
- documentation (ongoing effort to make this useful to devs)
- front end (eventual effort to make this useful to normals)
- turn time periods and data structure into classes
- allow for passing in compound or log returns
- build the drawdown algo using my brain instead of brute force
- annualize and de-annualize functions
0.0.4 - 2018-12-22
- Plan (hopefully) for next version to be materially re-designed. I've hacked together this from my own internal use and to make it useful for others requires logical restructuring of things.
- If you're a dev, this implies things will break next release...
- Test script (although doesn't use unittest or similar framework)
- change_analysis function can now take dynamic time period and measures lists
- Misc clean-up of documentation
- Corrected README v0.0.3 release date
- Some lines are longer than 80 police shoot me
0.0.3 - 2018-12-13
- Sphinx documentation (in 'docs' folder)
- Function variable names to be more consistent / descriptive
0.0.2 - 2018-12-12
- documentation (docstrings, better README, etc.)
- file structure to better follow python norms
0.0.1 - 2018-04-04
- work in progress
greg wolfinger - @direwolfinger - [email protected]
distributed under the MIT license. see ''LICENSE'' for more information.