todo: write this section
- accounting
- performance
- portfolio management
- risk
- tax
- organizations (orgs)
- users
- accounts (accts)
- portfolios (ports)
- strategies (strats)
- instruments (insts)
- transactions (txns)
- lots
TODO: update services to support processing arrays of data (e.g., insert multiple instruments in one request)
an org
can be any type of entity. orgs are self-referential to create org hierarchies.
tablename: orgs
field | type | key | not null | description |
id | vxid |
pk | x | unique vxid for each org record. org ids begin with the org prefix. |
name | text |
alphanumeric name for the org. | ||
parent_id | vxid |
fk(orgs ) |
vxid linking the org to a parent. null if this is the parent org. |
a user
is an varangian account.
tablename: users
field | type | key | not null | description |
id | vxid |
pk | x | unique vxid for each user record. user ids begin with the usr prefix. |
login_name | text |
alphanumeric user name to allow for human-friendly log-ins. |
an account
is any representation of a group of lots, typically to represent positions held with a specific custody bank or brokerage.
tablename: accts
field | type | key | not null | description |
id | vxid |
pk | x | unique vxid for each account record. account ids begin with the acct prefix. |
name | text |
alphanumeric name for the account. | ||
parent_id | vxid |
fk(accts ) |
vxid linking the account to a parent. null if this is the parent account. useful if a broker/custody bank has subaccounts and stuff. |
a portfolio
is a logical group of lots. portfolios are meant to group lots logically regarless of how they are held in reality.
tablename: ports
field | type | key | not null | description |
id | vxid |
pk | x | unique vxid for each portfolio. portfolio ids begin with the prt prefix. |
name | text |
alphanumeric name for the portfolio. | ||
parent_id | vxid |
fk(ports ) |
vxid linking the portfolio to a parent. null if this is the top level. |
a strategy
is a logical group of lots associated with a specific strategy. strategies are meant to group lots to track specific strategies employed in a portfolio or across multiple portfolios.
tablename: strats
field | type | key | not null | description |
id | vxid |
pk | x | unique vxid for each strategy. strategy ids begin with the str prefix. |
name | text |
alphanumeric name for the strategy. | ||
parent_id | vxid |
fk(strats ) |
vxid linking the strategy to a parent. null if this is the top level. |
an instrument
is any object that can be priced and/or traded.
tablename: insts
field | type | key | not null | description |
id | vxid |
pk | x | unique vxid for each instrument record. instrument ids begin with the inst prefix. |
ticker_local | text |
market-accepted ticker in the local jurisdiction. | ||
ticker_vgn | text |
varangian ticker ... todo: make dynamic based on tags | ||
proxy_inst | vxid |
fk(insts ) |
vxid linking to a proxy instrument. used for instruments that don't have full instrument support. |
todo: determine how to setup look-thru instruments (e.g., underlying fund holdings)
a transaction
is a record of an activity that changes state for something in varangian.
tablename: txns
field | type | key | not null | description |
id | vxid |
pk | x | unique vxid for each transaction record. transaction ids begin with the txn prefix. |
txn_dt | timestamptz |
date and time of the transaction | ||
settle_dt | timestamptz |
date for the transaction to settle | ||
txn_type | text |
type of the transaction being processed (see below) | ||
txn_sub_type | text |
sub type of the transaction being processed (see below) | ||
txn_size | float8 |
notional size of the transaction | ||
inst_id | vxid |
fk(insts ) |
vxid of the instrument involved in the transaction | |
parent_id | vxid |
fk(txns ) |
vxid linking to a parent txn. null if there is no parent | |
lot_id | vxid |
fk(lots ) |
vxid linking txn to a specific lot (e.g., allocating transactions) | |
state | text |
state of the transaction. used primarily to indicate unprocessed txns | ||
trade_amt_ccy | vxid |
fk(insts ) |
vxid of the trade currency | |
trade_amt_gross | float8 |
gross trade amount | ||
trade_amt_net | float8 |
net (of fees) trade amount | ||
settle_amt_ccy | vxid |
fk(insts ) |
vxid of the settlement currency | |
settle_amt_gross | float8 |
gross settle amount | ||
settle_amt_net | float8 |
net (of fees) settle amount |
- parent transaction of a package of transactionstrade
- buy, sell, buy (reinvest)settle
- settlement for a tradesweep
- movement of cash into or out of a sweep vehicle (e.g., mmf)xfer
- transfer in to or out of an account (xfin, xfout)corpact
- corporate action (e.g., stock split, dividend)
TODO: maybe create sub accounts for each account that are liability and asset accounts so it fits the accounting identities
TODO: activities are cash / operations basis or accrual basis ... is that a transaction type, a new 'type`, or account based?
- trade
- buy
- sell
- reinvest
- settle
- income
- dividend
- interest
- sweep
- in
- out
- transfer
- allocation
payable for txn amount to lots
unsettled share amount to lots
// pending settlement based on settle date to pending activity ledger
sweep out funds to cash, send cash, release payable
receive shares, update settle amount to lots
receivable for txn amount to lots
unsettled share amount to lots
// pending settlement based on setttle date to pending activity ledger
receive cash, sweep in to sweep vehicle, release receivable
send shares, update settle amount to lots
an allocating transaction allocates a parent transaction to specific lots (e.g., a sale that is applied to multiple lots). each allocating transaction has a parent_id
referring to the parent transaction and a tgt_lot_id
specifying the target allocation
allocation transactions are typically generated automatically to create an audit trail when processing another transaction
id - unique
txnDt - settle date
settleDt - settle date
txnType - settle
txnSubType - [null]
parent_id - txn being settled (logic to find this)
inst_id - from parent txn
pull allocating transactions to determine which lots to settle against
update each allocated lot with new settled amount
update payable/receivable balance to 0
update cash balance to net new balance
latest thinking: attach income receivables / payables to the lot itself
dividend receivable generated for each lot on ex date (for lots held on record date)
receive cash, sweep in to sweep vehicle, release receivable
optional dividend reinvesment:
buy fractional shares
transfer a lot of something into or out of an account
// how do i handle transfers without defining a single account?
a lot
is the atomic unit in varangian.
tablename: lots
field | type | key | not null | description |
id | vxid |
pk | x | unique vxid for each lot record. lot ids begin with the lot prefix. |
inst_id | vxid |
fk(insts ) |
foreign key to the unique instrument vxid. instruments begin with the inst prefix. |
src_txn_id | vxid |
fk(txns ) |
vxid linking the lot to the transaction record. begin with the txn prefix. |
orig_dt | timestamptz |
the original txn timestamp. useful for txn tracing, tax lot optimizing, etc. | ||
orig_size | float8 |
the original txn lot size. see point-in-time section for tracking size over time. | ||
le_org_id | vxid |
fk(orgs ) |
foreign key to the legal entity org that owns the lot. orgs begin with the org prefix. |
acct_id | vxid |
fk(accts ) |
foreign key to the account where the lot is held. accounts begin with the acct prefix. |
lot balances at a point-in-time (lot_bals
field | type | key | not null | description |
lot_id | vxid |
pk, fk(lots ) |
x | foreign key to the lots table. |
lot_dt | timestamptz |
pk | x | timestamp for the lot at a point in time. transaciton logs can recreate lot properties over time. |
lot_size | float8 |
lot size. depending on the instrument type this is equivalent to shares, notional, etc. lot size is the net of the settled and unsettled size. | ||
settled_size | float8 |
size of lot that's been settled. | ||
unsettled_size | float8 |
size of the lot that hasn't been settled yet. |
TODO: determine if lot balances should be designed as a singleton w/ access as /lots/{id}/balance
varagian takes a hybrid approach to key management. internally all keys are left to the data store to generate. this allows any service to operate with the data store indpendently and not have to worry about key generation.
varangian uses the native uuid type in postgres to generate v4 uuids. these ids are used when interacting with the internal system, but are converted to external ids when used with public facing services.
the vxid
package supports working between public and private varangian keys. since uuid v4 keys are well known (or can be easily searched for on the interent), i will not spend time discussing them. instead i will focus on the public keys which are meant to be consumed by all varangian services whether exposed to the public or not.
an vxid
is a base57 encoded URI safe uuid with a prefix attached to assist with human readable debugging, logging, and tracing. prefixes typically use an abbreviation with an associated resource.
prefix | object type |
org | organization |
usr | user |
acct | account |
prt | portfolio |
str | strategy |
inst | instrument |
txn | transaction |
lot | lot |
the oinst, or open instruments, service is a crowd-sourced database for financial instruments. data providers are becoming more and more extractionary in the value chain and oinst is a solution to combat this behavior. varangian's philosophy is to focus on value creation for the ecosystem instead of value extraction unlike most players in the financial services industry.
varangian creates a network effect for financial data by enabling a platform for investors to contribute to open financial data. the higher the quality of data on oinst, the greater the use by investors and therefore the greater contributions, which create a virtous flywheel effect.
at some point it may be worth looking at a crytpto economic model for this service to reward those who contribute more value to the service.