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TwoWire object can now be passed to the constructor

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@wollewald wollewald released this 16 May 14:28
· 85 commits to main since this release

There are now several ways to create your MPU9250 object:

  • MPU9250_WE myMPU9250 = MPU9250_WE() -> uses Wire / I2C Address = 0x68
  • MPU9250_WE myMPU9250 = MPU9250_WE(MPU9250_ADDR) -> uses Wire / MPU9250_ADDR
  • MPU9250_WE myMPU9250 = MPU9250_WE(&wire2) -> uses the TwoWire object wire2 / MPU9250_ADDR
  • MPU9250_WE myMPU9250 = MPU9250_WE(&wire2, MPU9250_ADDR) -> all together

So you are now able two use the two I2C busses of an ESP32.