Twitter API application built with React.js
Try it here!
- cd into the app root directory in terminal
- run npm install
- run touch .env to create a .env file
- obtain API_KEY and SECRET_API_KEY from Twitter
- place keys inside of .env file (follow example file .env_example for formatting)
- cd into client folder and run npm install
- cd back into root directory and run npm run dev
- open app in browser in localhost:3000
This project was fun and challenging! I enjoyed learning how to properly leverage the Twitter API to obtain specific information about Twitter users and tweets. It was aslo exciting to come up with creative ways to deconstruct and render the information that was sent back from the API. Overall, this project gave me a better understanding about how applications interact with each other to send and receive information, and the role that servers (in this case a NodeJS server) play in that transaction.