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samhatchett committed Oct 21, 2012
1 parent 0165d06 commit 98953e0
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Showing 114 changed files with 6,318 additions and 1 deletion.
29 changes: 29 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
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# Compiled Object files

# Compiled Dynamic libraries

# Compiled Static libraries

# Doxygen output

# Mac Stuff


114 changes: 114 additions & 0 deletions EPANET/Content.txt
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@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
EPANET-Toolkit Functions by Task
For reference see: EPANET programmer's toolkit Windows help file.
Report bugs, inconsistencies, or errors to Feng Shang or Jim Uber

ENMatlabSetup - Opens the EPANET DLL library and sets global variables required by the Matlab Epanet Toolkit
ENMatlabCleanup - Closes the EPANET DLL library

Opening and closing the EPANET Toolkit system
ENopen - Opens the Toolkit to analyze a particular distribution system.
ENclose - Closes down the Toolkit system (including all files being processed).

Retrieving information about network nodes
ENgetnodeindex - Retrieves the index of a node with a specified ID.
ENgetnodeid - Retrieves the ID label of a node with a specified index.
ENgetnodetype - Retrieves the node-type code for a specific node.
ENgetnodevalue - Retrieves the value of a specific link parameter.

Retrieving information about network links
ENgetlinkindex - Retrieves the ID label of a link with a specified index.
ENgetlinkid - Retrieves the ID label of a link with a specified index.
ENgetlinktype - Retrieves the link-type code for a specific link.
ENgetlinknodes - Retrieves the indexes of the end nodes of a specified link.
ENgetlinkvalue - Retrieves the value of a specific link parameter.

Retrieving information about time patterns
ENgetpatternid - Retrieves the ID label of a particular time pattern.
ENgetpatternindex - Retrieves the index of a particular time pattern.
ENgetpatternlen - Retrieves the number of time periods in a specific time pattern.
ENgetpatternvalue - Retrieves the multiplier factor for a specific time period in a time pattern.

Retrieving other network information
ENgetcontrol - Retrieves the parameters of a simple control statement.
The index of the control is specified in cindex and the remaining arguments return the control's
ENgetqualtype - Retrieves the type of water quality analysis called for.
ENgetoption - Retrieves the value of a particular analysis option.

Setting new values for network parameters
ENsetcontrol - Sets the parameters of a simple control statement.
ENsetnodevalue - Sets the value of a parameter for a specific node.
ENsetlinkvalue - Sets the value of a parameter for a specific link.
ENaddpattern - Adds a new time pattern to the network.
ENsetpattern - Sets all of the multiplier factors for a specific time pattern.
ENsetpatternvalue - Sets the multiplier factor for a specific period within a time pattern.
ENsetqualtype - Sets the type of water quality analysis called for.
ENsettimeparam - Sets the value of a time parameter.
ENsetoption - Sets the value of a particular analysis option.

Saving and using hydraulic analysis results files
ENsavehydfile - Saves the current contents of the binary hydraulics file to a file.
ENusehydfile - Uses the contents of the specified file as the current binary hydraulics file.

Running a hydraulic analysis
ENsolveH - Runs a complete hydraulic simulation with results
for all time periods written to the binary Hydraulics file.
ENopenH - Opens the hydraulics analysis system.
ENinitH - Initializes storage tank levels, link status and settings, and
the simulation clock time prior to running a hydraulic analysis.
ENrunH - Runs a single period hydraulic analysis, retrieving the current simulation clock time t.
ENnextH - Determines the length of time until the next hydraulic event
occurs in an extended period simulation.
ENcloseH - Closes the hydraulic analysis system, freeing all allocated memory.

Running a water quality analysis
ENsolveQ - Runs a complete water quality simulation with results at uniform
reporting intervals written to EPANET's binary Output file.
ENopenQ - Opens the water quality analysis system.
ENinitQ - Initializes water quality and the simulation clock time prior to
running a water quality analysis.
ENrunQ - Makes available the hydraulic and water quality results that
occur at the start of the next time period of a water quality analysis, where the start of the
period is returned in t.
ENnextQ - Advances the water quality simulation to the start of the next hydraulic time period.
ENstepQ - Advances the water quality simulation one water quality time step.
The time remaining in the overall simulation is returned in tleft.
ENcloseQ - Closes the water quality analysis system, freeing all allocated memory.

Generating an output report
ENsaveH - Transfers results of a hydraulic simulation from the binary
Hydraulics file to the binary Output file, where results are only reported at uniform reporting
ENsaveinpfile - Writes all current network input data to a file using the format of an EPANET input file.
ENreport - Writes a formatted text report on simulation results to the Report file.
ENresetreport - Clears any report formatting commands that either appeared in the
[REPORT] section of the EPANET Input file or were issued with the ENsetreport function.
ENsetreport - Issues a report formatting command. Formatting commands are the
same as used in the [REPORT] section of the EPANET Input file.
ENsetstatusreport - Sets the level of hydraulic status reporting.
ENgeterror - Retrieves the text of the message associated with a particular error or warning code.
ENwriteline - Writes a line of text to the EPANET report file.

General functions
ENerror - Prints out the error message string associated with error number errcode
ENgetflowunits - Retrieves a code number indicating the units used to express all flow rates.
ENgetcount - Retrieves the number of network components of a specified type.

Matlab specific functions
ENgetalllinknodes - Gets the node indices associated with all network links
ENgetnetsize - Retreive number of network components
ENgetversion - Retrieves the EPANET code version
31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions EPANET/ENMatlabCleanup.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
function ENMatlabCleanup(DLLname)
% Declaration:
% ENMatlabCleanup(DLLname)
% Description:
% Unloads EPANET DLL library
% Arguments:
% DLLname Name of the Epanet DLL file (w/o the *.dll extension)
% Globals:
% Notes:
% ENMatlabCleanup must be called at the end of a toolkit application.
% must be called when all processing has been completed,
% even if an error condition was encountered.

%errcode = 0;
if nargin == 1
% Load library
if libisloaded(ENDLLNAME)
errstring =['Library ', ENDLLNAME, '.dll was not loaded'];
157 changes: 157 additions & 0 deletions EPANET/ENMatlabSetup.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
function [errcode] = ENMatlabSetup(DLLname,Hname)
% Declaration:
% [errcode] = ENMatlabSetup(DLLname,Hname)
% Description:
% Opens the EPANET DLL library and sets global variables required by the
% Matlab Epanet Toolkit
% EPANET Programmer's Toolkit Version:
% This version is consistent with the API defined for EPANET v2.00.12.
% If you are using another version of the EPANET programmer's toolkit DLL
% and header file, an error will be issued.
% Arguments:
% DLLname Name of the Epanet DLL file (w/o the *.dll extension)
% Hname Name of the Epanet header file defining the exported symbols in
% DLLname.dll (with the *.h extension).
% Returns:
% Returns an error code (zero is normal termination).
% Globals:
% EN_CONSTANT is a global structure containing all integer codes defined
% for use of the Epanet programmer's toolkit (as defined in epanet2.h).
% This structure can then be used for convenient access to these codes,
% by declaring 'global EN_CONSTANT' in the code module.
% Notes:
% ENMatlabSetup must be called before any of the other toolkit functions.


currentversion = 20012;
%errcode = 0;

% Load library
if ~libisloaded(ENDLLNAME)

% Check version of EPANET DLL
[errcode, version] = ENgetversion();
if version ~= currentversion
errcode = 1;
errstring = ['Current version ',num2str(version),' of EPANET is not supported. Update to version ',num2str(currentversion)];

EN_CONSTANT = struct(...
'EN_ELEVATION', int32(0),... % Node parameters
'EN_BASEDEMAND', int32(1),...
'EN_PATTERN', int32(2),...
'EN_EMITTER', int32(3),...
'EN_INITQUAL', int32(4),...
'EN_SOURCEQUAL', int32(5),...
'EN_SOURCEPAT', int32(6),...
'EN_SOURCETYPE', int32(7),...
'EN_TANKLEVEL', int32(8),...
'EN_DEMAND', int32(9),...
'EN_HEAD', int32(10),...
'EN_PRESSURE', int32(11),...
'EN_QUALITY', int32(12),...
'EN_SOURCEMASS', int32(13),...
'EN_INITVOLUME', int32(14),...
'EN_MIXMODEL', int32(15),...
'EN_MIXZONEVOL', int32(16),...
'EN_TANKDIAM', int32(17),...
'EN_MINVOLUME', int32(18),...
'EN_VOLCURVE', int32(19),...
'EN_MINLEVEL', int32(20),...
'EN_MAXLEVEL', int32(21),...
'EN_MIXFRACTION', int32(22),...
'EN_TANK_KBULK', int32(23),...
'EN_DIAMETER', int32(0),... % Link parameters
'EN_LENGTH', int32(1),...
'EN_ROUGHNESS', int32(2),...
'EN_MINORLOSS', int32(3),...
'EN_INITSTATUS', int32(4),...
'EN_INITSETTING', int32(5),...
'EN_KBULK', int32(6),...
'EN_KWALL', int32(7),...
'EN_FLOW', int32(8),...
'EN_VELOCITY', int32(9),...
'EN_HEADLOSS', int32(10),...
'EN_STATUS', int32(11),...
'EN_SETTING', int32(12),...
'EN_ENERGY', int32(13),...
'EN_DURATION', int32(0),... % Time parameters
'EN_HYDSTEP', int32(1),...
'EN_QUALSTEP', int32(2),...
'EN_PATTERNSTEP', int32(3),...
'EN_PATTERNSTART', int32(4),...
'EN_REPORTSTEP', int32(5),...
'EN_REPORTSTART', int32(6),...
'EN_RULESTEP', int32(7),...
'EN_STATISTIC', int32(8),...
'EN_PERIODS', int32(9),...
'EN_NODECOUNT', int32(0),... % Component counts
'EN_TANKCOUNT', int32(1),...
'EN_LINKCOUNT', int32(2),...
'EN_PATCOUNT', int32(3),...
'EN_CURVECOUNT', int32(4),...
'EN_CONTROLCOUNT', int32(5),...
'EN_JUNCTION', int32(0),... % Node types
'EN_RESERVOIR', int32(1),...
'EN_TANK', int32(2),...
'EN_CVPIPE', int32(0),... % Link types
'EN_PIPE', int32(1),...
'EN_PUMP', int32(2),...
'EN_PRV', int32(3),...
'EN_PSV', int32(4),...
'EN_PBV', int32(5),...
'EN_FCV', int32(6),...
'EN_TCV', int32(7),...
'EN_GPV', int32(8),...
'EN_NONE', int32(0),... % Quality analysis types
'EN_CHEM', int32(1),...
'EN_AGE', int32(2),...
'EN_TRACE', int32(3),...
'EN_CONCEN', int32(0),... % Source quality types
'EN_MASS', int32(1),...
'EN_SETPOINT', int32(2),...
'EN_FLOWPACED', int32(3),...
'EN_CFS', int32(0),... % Flow units types
'EN_GPM', int32(1),...
'EN_MGD', int32(2),...
'EN_IMGD', int32(3),...
'EN_AFD', int32(4),...
'EN_LPS', int32(5),...
'EN_LPM', int32(6),...
'EN_MLD', int32(7),...
'EN_CMH', int32(8),...
'EN_CMD', int32(9),...
'EN_TRIALS', int32(0),... % Misc. options
'EN_ACCURACY', int32(1),...
'EN_TOLERANCE', int32(2),...
'EN_EMITEXPON', int32(3),...
'EN_DEMANDMULT', int32(4),...
'EN_LOWLEVEL', int32(0),... % Control types
'EN_HILEVEL', int32(1),...
'EN_TIMER', int32(2),...
'EN_TIMEOFDAY', int32(3),...
'EN_AVERAGE', int32(1),... % Time statistic types.
'EN_MINIMUM', int32(2),...
'EN_MAXIMUM', int32(3),...
'EN_RANGE', int32(4),...
'EN_MIX1', int32(0),... % Tank mixing models
'EN_MIX2', int32(1),...
'EN_FIFO', int32(2),...
'EN_LIFO', int32(3),...
'EN_NOSAVE', int32(0),... % Save-results-to-file flag
'EN_SAVE', int32(1),...
'EN_INITFLOW', int32(10)); % Re-initialize flow flag
26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions EPANET/ENaddpattern.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
function [errcode] = ENaddpattern(patid)
% Declaration:
% int ENaddpattern( char* id )
% Description:
% Adds a new time pattern to the network.
% Arguments:
% id:
% ID label of pattern
% Returns:
% Returns an error code.
% Notes:
% The ID label should contain no more than 31 characters.
% The new pattern will contain a single time period whose multiplier factor is 1.
% Use the ENsetpattern function to populate the pattern with a specific set of multipliers after first retrieving its index with the ENgetpatternindex function.
% Example:
% char patId[] = "NewPattern";
% float patFactors[] = {0.8, 1.1, 1.4, 1.1, 0.8, 0.7};
% int patIndex;
% ENaddpattern(patId);
% ENgetpatternindex(patId, patIndex);
% ENsetpattern(patIndex, patFactors, 6);


if errcode ENerror(errcode); end
23 changes: 23 additions & 0 deletions EPANET/ENclose.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
function [errcode] = ENclose()
% Declaration:
% [errcode]=ENclose()
% Description:
% Closes down the Toolkit system (including all files being processed).
% Returns:
% Returns an error code.
% Notes:
% ENclose must be called when all processing has been completed,
% even if an error condition was encountered.
% See Also:
% ENopen

if errcode ENerror(errcode); end


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