Non-magic context generation for ecto
The current way we use contexts with ecto is broken. Using less magic made a big improvment for me after serveral years with Rails. The problem is we're writing the same wrapper methods in contexts over and over again - with only little variation. The result is a lot of noise in your code. When browse through your contexts it hard to spot the difference in comparision to another context.
That said, it would be easy enough to generate all the functions with a macro. And indeed that was my first approach (If you prefer this way, look at contextual or lazy_context).As I was not born with a perfect memory, I often had to look at the generator itself to figure out the function names. And team members were not happy either when someone made an improvement to the generator.
This led me to the current approch: The magic code is written to the context block surrounded by special comment (yes, you can change them ;))
The definition of your context actions is done similar to the phoenix generator.
You have and file context.ex.eex
which contains all the functions which can
be generated in your context.
If available in Hex, the package can be installed
by adding ecto_context
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:ecto_context, "~> 0.1.0"}
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MIT © Sascha Brink