Exercise1:We finished the process_web_log data pipeline process with 4 tasks.
Exercise2 :We did test runs for each of the tasks we defined and a test run for the workflow.Additionally, we triggered the workflow and monitored a few runs. Document the test runs with our findings or observations from the runs.
Exercise3 :We added to the workflow a task that implemented sending a message to Slack after the last task.
This project requires the following system environment:
- Operating System: Windows 10 or higher
- Python Version: Python 3.0 or higher
- Docker: Latest version of Docker must be installed.
- Docker Compose: Required for orchestrating multi-container setups. Typically included with Docker Desktop for Windows and Mac. For Linux, follow the installation guide.
- Airflow: Stable version of Airflow needs to be installed.
Install Docker: Visit Docker's website to download and install Docker Desktop for Windows or Mac. For Linux users, install Docker Engine following the instructions provided on the Docker website.
Verify Docker Installation: After installation, run
docker --version
in your command line to verify that Docker has been installed successfully. -
Install Docker Compose (if not included): For Windows users, if Docker Compose is not already included, follow the official Docker Compose installation guide.
Verify Docker Compose Installation: Run
docker-compose --version
to ensure it is installed correctly.
To run the application using Docker and Docker Compose, follow these steps:
# Clone the repository to the folder of ..Aiflow\dags
git clone https://github.com/woshimajintao/ETL-Pipeline-with-Apache-Airflow.git specific_folder_Airflow\dags
# Navigate to the project directory
cd ..Airflow\dags
# Build and run the containers
docker-compose up -d
# Close the Airflow in the Airflow Folder
docker compose down
docker-compose.yaml: Dokcer configuration file.
log.txt: Web server log file.
extracted_data.txt:The ipaddress field extracted from the web server log file.
transformed_data.txt: The file filtered out all the occurrences of ipaddress .
weblog.tar: Archived transformed_data.txt.
process_web_log.py: Creat a DAG in Exercise1.
scan_extract_transform_load_message.py: Add to the workflow an additional task in Exercise3.
Management_Business_DataScience_Workflows_Assignment3.pdf:Our report and summary file.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.