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Legion Shading
fallenoak edited this page Sep 10, 2016
6 revisions
struct PSFog
vec4 densityParams; // vec4(start, end, density, bias)
vec4 heightPlane; // vec4(?)
vec4 color_and_heightRate; // vec4(r, g, b, heightRate)
vec4 heightDensity_and_endColor; // vec4(heightDensity, r, g, b)
vec4 sunAngle_and_sunColor; // vec4(sunAngle, r, g, b)
vec4 heightColor_and_endFogDistance; // vec4(r, g, b, endFogDistance)
vec4 sunPercentage; // vec4(?)
struct PSFogTransition
vec4 densityParams; // vec4(start, end, density, bias)
vec4 color; // vec4(?)
Permutation 36
#version 150
#extension GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects : require
#extension GL_ARB_explicit_attrib_location : require
layout(location = 0) in vec3 in_pos; // Binding: 0
layout(location = 3) in vec3 in_normal; // Binding: 3
layout(location = 4) in vec4 in_col0; // Binding: 4
layout(location = 6) in vec2 in_tc0; // Binding: 6
layout(location = 1) out vec4 out_col0; // Binding: 1
layout(location = 2) out vec4 out_vpos; // Binding: 2
layout(location = 3) out vec3 out_vnrml; // Binding: 3
layout(location = 4) out vec2 out_tc0; // Binding: 4
layout(std140) uniform vs_cb0 // Size: 3264
mat4x4 vc_projection; // Offset: 0
mat2x4 vc_texTransform[2]; // Offset: 4
vec4 v_padding8[4]; // Offset: 8
mat3x4 vc_worldView[64]; // Offset: 12
out gl_PerVertex
vec4 gl_Position;
void main()
vec3 position_410 = vec4(in_pos, 1.0) * vc_worldView[0];
mat3x3 worldView = mat3x3(
out_col0 = vec4(in_col0.rgb, 1.0);
out_vpos = vec4(position_410, 1.0 - in_col0.a);
vec3 normal_420 = normalize((in_normal * worldView));
out_vnrml = normal_420;
out_tc0 = vec4(in_tc0, 0.0, 1.0) * vc_texTransform[0];
gl_Position = vec4(position_410, 1.0) * vc_projection;
gl_Position.y *= -1.0;
Permutation: 199
#version 150
#extension GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects : require
#extension GL_ARB_explicit_attrib_location : require
struct PSFog
vec4 densityParams;
vec4 heightPlane;
vec4 color_and_heightRate;
vec4 heightDensity_and_endColor;
vec4 sunAngle_and_sunColor;
vec4 heightColor_and_endFogDistance;
vec4 sunPercentage;
struct PSFogTransition
vec4 densityParams;
vec4 color;
layout(location = 1) in vec4 in_col0; // Binding: 1
layout(location = 2) in vec4 in_col1; // Binding: 2
layout(location = 3) in vec4 in_vpos; // Binding: 3
layout(location = 4) in vec3 in_vnrml; // Binding: 4
layout(location = 5) in vec2 in_tc0; // Binding: 5
layout(location = 0) out vec4 out_col0; // Binding: 0
layout(std140) uniform ps_cb0 // Size: 368
vec4 p_padding0[7]; // Offset: 0
vec4 pc_sunDir; // Offset: 7
vec4 p_padding8; // Offset: 8
PSFog pc_fog; // Offset: 9
PSFogTransition pc_fog2; // Offset: 16
vec4 p_padding18[4]; // Offset: 18
vec4 pc_visParams; // Offset: 22
uniform sampler2D pt_map0; // Binding: 0
void main()
vec3 matDiffuse_775 = ((in_col0.rgb * 2.0) * texture(pt_map0, in_tc0).rgb);
float opacity = in_col0.w * pc_visParams.x;
vec4 t678 = vec4(matDiffuse_775.rgb, opacity);
float vLength = length(in_vpos.xyz);
# Fog
vec4 fogHeightPlane = pc_fog.heightPlane;
vec3 fogColor = pc_fog.color_and_heightRate.xyz;
float fogHeightRate = pc_fog.color_and_heightRate.w;
float fogHeightDensity = pc_fog.heightDensity_and_endColor.x;
vec3 fogEndColor = pc_fog.heightDensity_and_endColor.yzw;
float fogStart = pc_fog.densityParams.x;
float fogEnd = pc_fog.densityParams.y;
float fogDensity = pc_fog.densityParams.z;
float fogBias = pc_fog.densityParams.w;
float z_868 = vLength - fogBias;
float expMax_870 = max(0.0, (z_868 - fogStart));
float expFog_873 = 1 / (exp((expMax_870 * fogDensity)));
float expFogHeight_876 = 1 / (exp((expMax_870 * fogHeightDensity)));
float height_880 = dot(fogHeightPlane.xyz, in_vpos.xyz) + fogHeightPlane.w;
float heightFog_882 = clamp((height_880 * fogHeightRate), 0, 1);
float finalFog_883 = mix(expFog_873, expFogHeight_876, heightFog_882);
float endFadeFog_887 = clamp((1.42857146 * (1.0 - (vLength / fogEnd))), 0, 1);
# Fog Transition
vec3 fogTransitionColor = pc_fog2.color.rgb;
float fogTransitionStart = pc_fog2.densityParams.x;
float fogTransitionEnd = pc_fog2.densityParams.y;
float fogTransitionDensity = pc_fog2.densityParams.z;
float fogTransitionBias = pc_fog2.densityParams.w;
float z_907 = vLength - fogTransitionBias;
float expMax_909 = max(0.0, (z_907 - fogTransitionStart));
float expFog_912 = 1 / (exp((expMax_909 * fogTransitionDensity)));
float expFogHeight_915 = 1 / (exp((expMax_909 * fogHeightDensity)));
float height_919 = (dot(fogHeightPlane.xyz, in_vpos.xyz) + fogHeightPlane.w);
float heightFog_921 = clamp((height_919 * fogHeightRate), 0, 1);
float finalFog_922 = mix(expFog_912, expFogHeight_915, heightFog_921);
float endFadeFog_926 = clamp(1.42857146 * (1.0 - (vLength / fogTransitionEnd)), 0, 1);
# Fog Mixing
float density_343 = mix(min(finalFog_883, endFadeFog_887), min(finalFog_922, endFadeFog_926), in_vpos.w);
float heightFog_344 = mix(heightFog_882, heightFog_921, in_vpos.w);
vec3 fogColor_349 = mix(fogColor, fogTransitionColor, vec3(in_vpos.w));
float sunAngle = pc_fog.sunAngle_and_sunColor.x;
vec3 sunColor = pc_fog.sunAngle_and_sunColor.yzw;
vec3 fogHeightColor = pc_fog.heightColor_and_endFogDistance.xyz;
float endFogDistance = pc_fog.heightColor_and_endFogDistance.w;
float end2_948 = vLength / endFogDistance;
float end_950 = (end2_948 * (end2_948 * end2_948));
vec3 heightColor_953 = mix(fogHeightColor, fogEndColor, vec3(clamp(end2_948, 0, 1)));
vec3 fogFinal_956 = mix(fogColor_349, fogEndColor, vec3(clamp(end_950, 0, 1)));
vec3 fogFinal_958 = mix(fogFinal_956, heightColor_953, vec3(heightFog_344));
# Sun
vec3 sunColor_962 = mix(fogFinal_958, sunColor, vec3(pc_fog.sunPercentage.x));
float nDotSun_960 = dot(normalize(in_vpos.xyz), -(pc_sunDir.xyz));
float nDotSun_964 = clamp((nDotSun_960 - sunAngle), 0, 1);
vec3 fogFinal_1042;
if (nDotSun_964 > 0.0) {
float nDotSun_969 = ((1.0 / (1.0 - sunAngle)) * nDotSun_964);
float nDotSun_971 = ((nDotSun_969 * nDotSun_969) * nDotSun_969);
fogFinal_1042 = mix(fogFinal_958, sunColor_962, vec3(nDotSun_971));
} else {
fogFinal_1042 = fogFinal_958;
// Final Mixing
vec4 t980 = vec4(mix(fogFinal_1042, t678.xyz, vec3(density_343)), opacity);
out_col0 = t980;