An Angular Referance PWA with SSR, SEO and Firebase (angularpwassrseofbref)
Check out the blog post for this project: An Angular Reference PWA with SSR, SEO and Firebase
This project was generated with Angular CLI version 8.1.0.
[Firebase] (
[FirebaseCLI] (
[AnguarFire] (
In order to get started with Angular development, Node.js and the Angular CLI and Firebase Tools is needed. To install the Angular CLI use the following command in the terminal window:
$ npm install -g @angular/cli
npm install -g firebase-tools
The enable-ivy option enables the next generation renderer.
The style option specifies what CSS preprocessor is used in building the project. the options are: css, scss, less, sass, styl.
The routing option generates a file app-routing.module.ts file.
This skip-install option disables the npm install after code generation.
ng new angularpwassrseofbref --routing --style scss --enable-ivy --skip-install --skip-git
The Angular Compiler Options are located in the project's Set "enableIvy: true" option to false.
"compilerOptions": { ... },
"angularCompilerOptions": {
"enableIvy": false
AOT compilation with Ivy is faster and should be used by default. In the angular.json workspace configuration file, set the default build options for your project to always use AOT compilation.
"projects": {
"angularpwassrseofbref": {
"architect": {
"build": {
"options": {
"aot": true,
Getting started with service workers
Execute the following command in the terminal:
ng add @angular/pwa --project angularpwassrseofbref
Add the "meta name" and "link rel" tags in the <head>
section in the index.html file in the src folder:
<link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="./assets/icons/icon-96x96.png">
<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar" content="#1976d2">
<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-title" content="AngularReference">
Server-side Rendering (SSR): An intro to Angular Universal
Execute the following command in the terminal:
ng add @nguniversal/express-engine --clientProject angularpwassrseofbref
Create the file robots.txt to the src folder and create the text
User-agent: *
Allow: /
Create the file sitemap.xml to the src folder and create the text
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<urlset xmlns="">
Modify angular.json and add "src/robots.txt" and "src/sitemap.xml" in tha assets,
"assets": [
Add the meta data in the <head>
section in the intex.html file in the src folder:
<meta name="description" content="This is a meta description sample. We can add up to 160 characters.">
Add the needed packages
npm install firebase @angular/fire --save
Modify app.module.ts to import the Firebase libraries. Add the import for environment
import { AngularFireModule } from '@angular/fire';
import { AngularFirestoreModule } from '@angular/fire/firestore';
import { AngularFireStorageModule } from '@angular/fire/storage';
import { AngularFireAuthModule } from '@angular/fire/auth';
import { environment } from '../environments/environment';
imports: [
AngularFireModule.initializeApp(environment.firebaseConfig), // initialize
AngularFirestoreModule, // firestore
AngularFireAuthModule, // auth
AngularFireStorageModule, // storage
ServiceWorkerModule.register('ngsw-worker.js', { enabled: environment.production }) // service worker
Modify environment.ts and and add the firebase credentials.
export const environment = {
production: false,
firebaseConfig: {
apiKey: '...',
authDomain: '...',
databaseURL: '...',
projectId: '...',
storageBucket: '...',
messagingSenderId: '...',
appId: '...'
export const environment = {
production: true,
firebaseConfig: {
apiKey: '...',
authDomain: '...',
databaseURL: '...',
projectId: '...',
storageBucket: '...',
messagingSenderId: '...',
appId: '...'
firebase login
? Allow Firebase to collect anonymous CLI usage and error reporting information? (Y/n) Y
Visit this URL on any device to log in:
Waiting for authentication...
Select the google account and then Authorize it for firebase
+ Success! Logged in as [email protected]
firebase init
######## #### ######## ######## ######## ### ###### ########
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
###### ## ######## ###### ######## ######### ###### ######
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## #### ## ## ######## ######## ## ## ###### ########
You're about to initialize a Firebase project in this directory:
? Which Firebase CLI features do you want to set up for this folder? Press Space to select features, then Enter to confirm your choi
◯ Database: Deploy Firebase Realtime Database Rules
❯◉ Firestore: Deploy rules and create indexes for Firestore
◉ Functions: Configure and deploy Cloud Functions
◉ Hosting: Configure and deploy Firebase Hosting sites
◉ Storage: Deploy Cloud Storage security rules
You're about to initialize a Firebase project in this directory:
? Which Firebase CLI features do you want to set up for this folder? Press Space to select features, then Enter to confirm your choi
ces. Firestore: Deploy rules and create indexes for Firestore, Functions: Configure and deploy Cloud Functions, Hosting: Configure a
nd deploy Firebase Hosting sites, Storage: Deploy Cloud Storage security rules
=== Project Setup
First, let's associate this project directory with a Firebase project.
You can create multiple project aliases by running firebase use --add,
but for now we'll just set up a default project.
? Select a default Firebase project for this directory:
❯ angular-pwa-ssr-seo-firebase (angular-pwa-ssr-seo-firebase)
=== Firestore Setup
Firestore Security Rules allow you to define how and when to allow
requests. You can keep these rules in your project directory
and publish them with firebase deploy.
? What file should be used for Firestore Rules? (firestore.rules)
Firestore indexes allow you to perform complex queries while
maintaining performance that scales with the size of the result
set. You can keep index definitions in your project directory
and publish them with firebase deploy.
? What file should be used for Firestore indexes? (firestore.indexes.json)
=== Functions Setup
A functions directory will be created in your project with a Node.js
package pre-configured. Functions can be deployed with firebase deploy.
? What language would you like to use to write Cloud Functions?
❯ TypeScript
? Do you want to use TSLint to catch probable bugs and enforce style? (Y/n) Y
=== Functions Setup
A functions directory will be created in your project with a Node.js
package pre-configured. Functions can be deployed with firebase deploy.
? What language would you like to use to write Cloud Functions? TypeScript
? Do you want to use TSLint to catch probable bugs and enforce style? Yes
✔ Wrote functions/package.json
✔ Wrote functions/tslint.json
✔ Wrote functions/tsconfig.json
✔ Wrote functions/src/index.ts
✔ Wrote functions/.gitignore
? Do you want to install dependencies with npm now? (Y/n) Y
=== Hosting Setup
Your public directory is the folder (relative to your project directory) that
will contain Hosting assets to be uploaded with firebase deploy. If you
have a build process for your assets, use your build's output directory.
? What do you want to use as your public directory? dist
? Configure as a single-page app (rewrite all urls to /index.html)? (y/N) Y
✔ Wrote dist/index.html
=== Storage Setup
Firebase Storage Security Rules allow you to define how and when to allow
uploads and downloads. You can keep these rules in your project directory
and publish them with firebase deploy.
? What file should be used for Storage Rules? (storage.rules)
i Writing configuration info to firebase.json...
i Writing project information to .firebaserc...
✔ Firebase initialization complete!
Modify the firebase.json file:
"hosting": {
"public": "dist/browser",
// ...
"rewrites": [
"source": "**",
"function": "ssr"
Remove the Express Server Listener
When deploying to AppEngine we need to tell the server to listen to requests. In Cloud Functions, this is already happening under the hood, so we need to update our server code.
Make sure to export the express app, then remove the call to listen.
export const app = express();
// ...
// remove or comment out these lines
// Start up the Node server
// app.listen(PORT, () => {
// console.log(`Node Express server listening on http://localhost:${PORT}`);
// })
Update the Webpack Config file webpack.server.config.js
output: {
// Puts the output at the root of the dist folder
path: path.join(__dirname, 'dist'),
library: 'app',
libraryTarget: 'umd',
filename: '[name].js',
Add Firebase Polyfills to Express
Firebase uses Websockets and XHR not included in Angular that we need to polyfill.
npm install ws xhr2 bufferutil utf-8-validate --save
Modify server.ts by declaring them on Node global at the top of the file.
(global as any).WebSocket = require('ws');
(global as any).XMLHttpRequest = require('xhr2');
The function itself only needs to import the universal app into the current working directory. That’s why we need to copy it to the function’s environment. Modify index.ts
import * as functions from 'firebase-functions';
const universal = require(`${process.cwd()}/dist/server`).app;
export const ssr = functions.https.onRequest(universal);
Update the package.json build:ssr to call the functions build script. Also update the serve:ssr to call firebase serve.
"scripts": {
"serve:ssr": "firebase serve",
"build:ssr": "npm run build:client-and-server-bundles && npm run compile:server && npm run build:functions",
Update the package.json in the functions subdirectory build script. Notice the functions to be deployed with Node v8.
"name": "functions",
"engines": {
"node": "8"
"scripts": {
"build": "mkdir -p dist && rm -r ./dist && cp -r ../dist . && tsc",
npm install
cd functions
npm install
cd ..
At times, the package.json file can get out of date from what is current. To check for outdated packages install npm-check-update, run ncu to see outdated packages, and then run ncu -u to update the packages.
npm install -g npm-check-updates
ncu -u
npm run build:ssr
npm run serve:ssr
firebase deploy
=== Deploying to 'angular-pwa-ssr-seo-firebase'...
i deploying storage, firestore, functions, hosting
Running command: npm --prefix "$RESOURCE_DIR" run lint
> functions@ lint C:\Users\willi\OneDrive\Documents\GitHub\angular-pwa-ssr-seo-firebase\functions
> tslint --project tsconfig.json
Running command: npm --prefix "$RESOURCE_DIR" run build
> functions@ build C:\Users\willi\OneDrive\Documents\GitHub\angular-pwa-ssr-seo-firebase\functions
> node cp-angular && tsc
+ functions: Finished running predeploy script.
i storage: checking storage.rules for compilation errors...
+ storage: rules file storage.rules compiled successfully
i firestore: checking firestore.rules for compilation errors...
i firestore: reading indexes from firestore.indexes.json...
+ firestore: rules file firestore.rules compiled successfully
i functions: ensuring necessary APIs are enabled...
+ functions: all necessary APIs are enabled
i storage: uploading rules storage.rules...
i firestore: uploading rules firestore.rules...
+ firestore: deployed indexes in firestore.indexes.json successfully
i functions: preparing functions directory for uploading...
i functions: packaged functions (3.05 MB) for uploading
+ functions: functions folder uploaded successfully
i hosting[angular-pwa-ssr-seo-firebase]: beginning deploy...
i hosting[angular-pwa-ssr-seo-firebase]: found 28 files in dist/browser
+ hosting[angular-pwa-ssr-seo-firebase]: file upload complete
+ storage: released rules storage.rules to
+ firestore: released rules firestore.rules to cloud.firestore
i functions: updating Node.js 8 function ssr(us-central1)...
+ functions[ssr(us-central1)]: Successful update operation.
i hosting[angular-pwa-ssr-seo-firebase]: finalizing version...
+ hosting[angular-pwa-ssr-seo-firebase]: version finalized
i hosting[angular-pwa-ssr-seo-firebase]: releasing new version...
+ hosting[angular-pwa-ssr-seo-firebase]: release complete
+ Deploy complete!
Project Console:
Hosting URL:
Browse to
Run ng generate component component-name
to generate a new component. You can also use ng generate directive|pipe|service|class|guard|interface|enum|module
Run ng test
to execute the unit tests via Karma.
Run ng e2e
to execute the end-to-end tests via Protractor.
To get more help on the Angular CLI use ng help
or go check out the Angular CLI README.