Here is the document of my self-study road to Computer Science. Hope my road can shed little light to you.
- CS61c, this class is to introduce the computer system.
- CS161, this class is to introduce the computer security.
- The project 1, which is about exploiting the C program vulnerabilities using gdb.
- The project 2, which is about the encrypted system using Go. It is really a heavy project, and I haved started it.
- MIT 6.5940, this class is to introduce the efficient deep learning.
- CMU 10-714, Deep learning system. The class will lead to build your own dlsys needle (NEcessary Element of Deep LEarning system).
- Needle supports training and inference with CUDA backend, cpu backend and numpy backend.
- Dive into deep learning, this class is to introduce the deep learning and machine learning.
- deeplearning-ai, this class is to introduce the deep learning and machine learning.
- MIT s6.031, this class is to introduce the software construction.
- MIT Missing semester, this class is to introduce the tools that will never be taught in class but will be very useful.
- CS 839 Advanced Machine Learning Systems, Spring 2022
- This course will cover a wide range of topics related to the design and implementation of Systems for Machine Learning including efficient model training, inference and specialized systems designed for graph learning, recommendation systems etc.
- The prerequisites for this course are Advanced Operating Systems (CS 736) or Big Data Systems (CS 744), or equivalent courses.
- This is really a high performance ML-sys, and I just find it recently.
- Relation extraction with BERT
- Name entity recognition with BERT
- The object kinetic Monte Carlo simulation
- The program of canonical Huffman compression
- Tinyflow, which is to implement the deep learning framework, written by tianqi. [UPDATE], this class is covered in CMU 10-714. I will put tinyflow aside.
- LeetCode knight
- LeetCode guardian.