Composer-based WordPress build based from
Please make sure you are following the WP Coding Standards when pushing your code.
If you wand to contribute and want to have a copy of your development environment, please ask the repo maintainers if you can be given a test access. Otherwise, please try running your local development
- Open an issue or take note of the Issue number that you want to fix. You can also get some tasks/request from here that dont have any assigned issues yet
- Clone the repo locally or fork this repo
- Create a branch against master and name it as ISSUE#-short_description (eg. 123-add_footer_color). Always make sure that your branch is up to date from master. Always push all your fix against the new branch that you created. Never push to Master.
- Once pushed, you can create a PR from here.
- One the PR is approved and merged, the changes will be visible in the staging site then checked manually before being pushed to live by the repo maintainers
- Live is read-only so plugins cannot be installed there as well as themes
- Plugins are installed via composer so if you will need a specific plugin instlled, you may need to open an Issue and get it approved
- Please work only on the environment that you are assigned to. Once you have access, here is how you can get SFTP access :
- You can access the database here
- You can access logs
- You can check the performance of the site through New Relic
- If you will be bringing in configuration that you made from your environrment, you'll need to have this plugin to export the configs
- If you will be needing WP CLI access, you will need Terminus to do that
- To know more about the Pantheon workflow
You may need to have a local environment that supports nested docroot like Lando to make this work locally.