Documentation, implementation, and answers to challenges from Crafting Interpreters.
I'm so excited to read this book about interpreter and compiler, i hope i'll learn a lot. I will probably use Go for the first implementation of the interpreter since i'm still learning Go.
Right now i know just simply what is compiler and interpreter.
In this stage i learn about the rough edges on what i might stumble upon on to this learning journey. Map and the shortcut make me do some research on things that i just knew, such as Intermediate Representation, Transpiler, etc. And the one of the most important fundamental that people might dont really understand is the difference between compilers and interpreters.
A map for my language wizard journey.
So basically, lox is a pretty straightforward language. Learned that lox implements simpler version of OOP with classes, inheritence and enscapulations.
The Lox language and its chronicles.