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πŸ“š Backend for Ariadne, handling self-reported deceptive design and calls to classifiers

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πŸ“š Dionysus is the backend for the Ariadne project. It is made up of three parts:

  1. An instance of the Calliope model, which classifies cookie banner text as 'good' (i.e., clear enough, likely not deceptive) or 'bad' (i.e., intent is not clear, likely deceptive).
  2. An instance of the Janus model, which classifies options or checkboxes in a cookie banner screencapture as 'absent' (no options detected), 'even' (evenly-weighted options detected), or 'weighted' (unevenly-weighted options detected).
  3. A connection to a PostgreSQL database that stores user-generated reports of deceptive design in webpages, along with a REST API that allows for report management and model usage.


You will need Python 3.8+ (tested on 3.8.16). It is recommended to use a virtual environment.

python3 -m .venv venv
source .venv/bin/activate

Dionysus uses SQLAlchemy to interface with the Postgres database, so you will need to install the appropriate driver for your system. On Debian-based systems, this is libpq-dev:

sudo apt install libpq-dev

Install the rest of the dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Apple silicon

Janus uses TensorFlow, which at the time of writing is provided by the tensorflow-macos pip package on macOS running on Apple silicon.

This guide assumes you already have the Xcode command-line tools (sudo xcode-select --install). To install TensorFlow for Apple silicon with support for GPU via the Metal API,

  1. Install Miniforge either via the official installer or via Pyenv (pyenv install miniforge3-latest).
  2. Create a new conda environment with conda create -n tf-macos python=3.8.
  3. Activate the environment with conda activate tf-macos.
  4. Install TensorFlow's dependencies with conda install -c apple tensorflow-deps.
  5. Install TensorFlow with pip install tensorflow-macos tensorflow-metal.

Then install the rest of the dependencies with

pip install SQLAlchemy Flask Flask-SQLAlchemy flask-cors gunicorn nltk pandas pickle5 numpy opencv-python-headless psycopg2-binary


Make sure you have a Postgres database set up. Take note of the username, password, hostname (if not localhost), and port.

Copy the dionysus.conf.example file as dionysus.conf and edit it to match your database configuration:

host=<postgres hostname>
port=<postgres port>
user=<postgres username>
pass=<postgres password>

; Comma-separated allowed origins for CORS

Dionysus is a Flask app, so you can run it with flask run: FLASK_DEBUG=1 python -m flask run

When in production, set debug=no, enable_logger_middleware=no, and cors_origins to the right domain(s) in dionysus.conf. It is recommended to use a proper WSGI server such as Gunicorn, which is included in the project dependencies.

python -m gunicorn

In both cases, Dionysus will be listening on port 5000.


It is recommended to use the Dionysus Docker image, which contains all the dependencies and is ready to be deployed without manually setting up TensorFlow, NLTK, etc.

This image is built on every push to the main branch. You can also build it locally:

docker build -t jareddantis/wsg-ariadne-dionysus .

Refer to the docker-compose.yml.example file for an example Docker Compose configuration, which includes specifications for a Postgres container. Remember to create and mount the dionysus.conf configuration file into /opt/app.


The default prefix is /api/v1; this can be changed in dionysus.conf. All endpoints expect and return JSON, except for the <prefix>/healthcheck route, which is used for Docker Compose health checks.

$ curl http://localhost:5000/api/v1/healthcheck
Endpoint Method Description
/healthcheck GET Returns OK if the server is running.
/classify/image POST Classifies a cookie banner screencapture using Janus. Takes a JSON object with an image_data key whose value is a data URI containing a base64-encoded image. See Classifier response objects for the response format.
/classify/text POST Classifies cookie banner text using Calliope. Takes a JSON object with a text key. See Classifier response objects for the response format.
/classify/report POST Submits a report for automatic deceptive design detection. See Classifier report and response object for the request and response formats.
/reports GET See Reports summary object.
/reports POST Submits a report for deceptive design patterns. Takes a JSON object with a page_url key and a deceptive_design_type key.
/reports/by-id POST Returns a report by its UUID. Takes a JSON object with a single key report_id with the requested UUID. See Report object for the response format.
/reports/by-url POST Returns a summary of reports for a URL. Takes a JSON object with a single key page_url with the requested URL. See URL report summary object for the response format.

Recognized deceptive design types

These are the valid values for deceptive_design_types in the request body for /report, as well as the deceptive_design_type field in the response body for /classify/image.

Value Friendly name Description
unclear_language Unclear language The cookie banner does not explicitly or clearly ask for consent to use cookies.
weighted_options Weighted options The controls on the cookie banner are weighted, i.e., designed to bring more visual emphasis on one option over another.
prefilled_options Pre-filled options The cookie banner has options that were filled out for the user, e.g., pre-checked checkboxes for different types of cookies.
other Other Other types of deceptive design not included above.

Classifier response objects

The POST /classify/image endpoint returns a JSON object with the following keys:

    "success": true,

    // Predicted classification for the cookie banner image.
    //   'absent'     no cookie banner options detected
    //   'even'       cookie banner options detected, likely unweighted
    //   'weighted'   cookie banner options detected, likely weighted
    "classification": "absent"

The POST /classify/text endpoint returns a JSON object with the following keys:

    "success": true,

    // Whether the language used in the cookie banner text
    // is 'good' (likely not deceptive) or 'bad' (likely deceptive)
    "is_good": true

Classifier report and response object

The POST /classify/report endpoint expects a JSON object with the following keys:

    // URL of the page where the cookie banner was found
    "page_url": "",

    // Whether the user verified the classification as correct or not
    "vote": true,

    // Optional:
    // Whether the cookie banner used unclear language or not
    "calliope_tripped": true,

    // Optional:
    // Janus's classification for the cookie banner
    // See (#classifier-response-objects) for the possible values
    "janus_result": "weighted",

    // Optional:
    // The cookie banner text that was submitted to /classify/text
    "calliope_text": "We use cookies on this site...",

    // Optional:
    // The cookie banner image that was submitted to /classify/image,
    // in data URI format
    "janus_screenshot": "data:image/png;base64,...",

    // Optional: User remarks
    "remarks": "This cookie banner is deceptive because..."

The endpoint will then return a JSON object with the following keys:

    // UUID of the detection report
    "detection_id": "9d852b6b-c20c-49e6-909d-c8529fae3773",
    "success": true

Reports summary object

The GET /reports endpoint returns a JSON object with the following keys:

    // When this is false, the other keys are not present
    // and an `error` key is present instead.
    "success" : true,

    // Total number of unique reports in the database
    "total_reports": 1,

    // Number of unique domains for which there are reports
    "num_domains": 1,

    // Statistics for the most-reported domain
    "top_domain": {
        "domain": "",

        // Number of reports for this domain
        "num_reports": 1,

        // Number of reports for this domain per type
        // The keys are the same as the **friendly names** for `deceptive_design_type`
        "per_type": {
            "Unclear language": 1,
            "Pre-filled options": 0,
            "Weighted options": 0,
            "Other": 0

    // Five most recent reports
    "most_recent_reports": [
            // Report UUID
            "id": "9d852b6b-c20c-49e6-909d-c8529fae3773",

            // Website being reported
            "domain": "",
            "path": "/example",

            // Report details
            // Values are the same as the **friendly names** for `deceptive_design_type`,
            // except when `is_custom_type` is true
            "deceptive_design_type": "Unclear language",
            "is_custom_type": false,

            // Number of times this report was submitted,
            // and the date and time the report was last submitted
            // This means that multiple reports for the same domain and path
            // will be grouped together into one UUID
            "num_reports": 1,
            "last_report_timestamp": 1683054243184.512

Report object

The POST /reports/by-id endpoint returns a JSON object with the following keys:

    "success": true,
    "report": {
        // Report UUID
        "id": "9d852b6b-c20c-49e6-909d-c8529fae3773",

        // Website being reported
        "domain": "",
        "path": "/example",

        // Report details
        // Values are the same as the **friendly names** for `deceptive_design_type`,
        // except when `is_custom_type` is true
        "deceptive_design_type": "Unclear language",
        "is_custom_type": false,

        // Number of times this report was submitted,
        // and the date and time the report was first and last submitted
        // This means that multiple reports for the same domain and path
        // will be grouped together into one UUID
        "num_reports": 1,
        "first_report_timestamp": 1683054243184.512,
        "last_report_timestamp": 1683054243184.512

URL report summary object

The POST /reports/by-url endpoint returns a JSON object with the following keys:

    "success": true,

    // Statistics for this domain AND url (exact match)
    "specific_reports": {
        "count": 1,
        "last_report_timestamp": 1683054243184.512,
        "by_type": {
            "other": 0,
            "prefilled_options": 0,
            "unclear_language": 1,
            "weighted_options": 1

    // Statistics for this domain (any url)
    "general_reports": {
        "count": 1,
        "last_report_timestamp": 1683054243184.512