This repository contains boilerplate code for a RESTful API based on Flask and Flask-RESTPlus.
The code of this demo app is described in an article on my blog:
docker stop rest-api-demo
docker rm rest-api-demo
docker run -d -p 9999:8888 --name=rest-api-demo maodouzi/rest-api-demo:3.9.6
Open the URL http://localhost:9999/api/
Create a virtual Python environment in a directory named venv, activate the virtualenv and install required dependencies using pip:
$ virtualenv -p `which python3` venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
(venv) $ pip install -r requirements.txt
Now let’s set up the app for development and start it:
(venv) $ python develop
(venv) $ python rest_api_demo/
OK, everything should be ready. In your browser, open the URL http://localhost:8888/api/
docker build --tag=maodouzi/rest-api-demo:3.9.6 .