This is a R pacakge including some tools to treat aligned genome sequence.
To acess them, you can try
This is developed for SARS-CoV-2.
Now the available package is:
Description: When you try to call INDEL or SNP from a very large and already aligned geonome sequences on your local system, I will recommend you to use it. To use it try:
findout_mutation(filename, key_pattern)
filename: The file name of your aligned sequences.
key_pattern: An unique pattern in your refference sequence in the above aligned file, such as a EPI id.
As a quality control, sequences will be removed with more than 15 "N" or 50 other degenerate bases like "R".
Description: If you have la list of nucleotide mutation and want to figure out which protein located on or whether lead to a non-synonymous mutation or not, I would like to introduce this package to you.
To use it try:
findout_NTtoAA(Seq_fasta, ORF_table_file, SNP_table_file)
Seq_fasta: reference sequence, make sure this seqeunce has the closest evolution distance to your input.
ORF_table_file: Address to a csv file list a Open Reading Frame Table to your reference sequence.
SNP_table_file: Address to a csv file list the SNP intresting you, such as A21222T. It should be in nucleotide.
ORFStartCol = "Start": The colname of the Start site in ORF_table_file
ORFEndCol = "End": The colname of the End site in ORF_table_file
ORFGeneCol="Gene": The colname of the Gene name in ORF_table_file
SNP = "SNP": The colname of the SNP in SNP_table_file