[R3c.gem] (https://rubygems.org/gems/R3c)
Rest Redmine Ruby Client
Main Features:
- Most of the API is covered
- Basic Auth and Key-based authentication are supported
- Check code for more usage examples
gem install R3c
R3c.auth({api: {key: '8091d55257c4c90b6d56e83322622cb5f4ecee64'}})
Or Basic Auth (user/password):
R3c.auth({basic_auth: {user: 'admin', password: 'password'}})
###Prepare to create an issue with an attachment
file = File.read('c:\windows-version.txt')
token = R3c.upload file
issue_params= {"project_id"=> 1, "subject"=> "This is the subject"}
issue_params["uploads"]= [{"upload"=>{"token"=> token, "filename"=> "R3c.gemspec", "description"=> "a gemspec", "content_type"=> "text/plain"}}]
###Create the new issue
issue= R3c.issue.create(issue_params )
projects= R3c.project.all
user= R3c.user.find 1
See code for more examples