Wundernut is a coding challenge that we publish every now and then, rewarding the winner at the end. Created by our employees, it’s a brainy puzzle for us each time too! But we like to put our brain into thinking how to activate and challenge fellow coders with a new Wundernut to crack each time!
How did we get the idea of Wundernut in the first place? Read the story behind it: https://medium.com/wunderdog-culture/the-wundernut-story-e9f4a3e321f9
Here all past Wundernuts collected:
Wundernuts in order
- The funniest words Find the funniest Finnish words from the Finnish classic novel Alastalon salissa by Volter Kilpi. Spring 2015
- Most voluminous word pairs What is the most voluminous word in the excellent book Alastalon salissa by Mr. Kilpi? Summer 2015
- The Megakolmio Awakens Release the Force and program an algorithm, which forms a grand Megakolmio out of Minikolmios! Fall 2015
- Wundercube Find all Finnish words hidden inside this letter cube! Spring 2016
- Secret message Find a secret message from a picture using some pixel magic! Winter 2016
- The biggest square Help Thip and Tale to build as big a nut bank as possible! Spring 2017
- Brilliant cut Your task is to cut the given raw material of gemstones in a way that provides the biggest possible profit. Fall 2017
- The shortest edition Create a compressed version of Mr. Kilpi's classic novel Alastalon Salissa. Winter 2017-2018
- Back to school Back in the days our grandparents kept themselves entertained at school with this game and now we’ve transformed it into a Wundernut! So, take out a grid paper and start filling it in according to the rules. Fall 2018
- Doggolang Create an interpreter for a new programming language deviced by the clever dogs. Spring 2019
- What's that noise? Decipher an audio message encoded in morse code. Spring 2022
- Wunderdog and the Encrypted Parchment Decrypt the secret spell parchment. Autumn 2022
- The shortest way out of a maze inhabited by a dragon A hero is lost in a maze inhabited by an angry dragon. Can you help the hero find the shortest way out of the maze without confronting the dragon. Spring / Early Summer 2024