Reusables of a learning project by rewriting parts of my home infrastructure as
a Pulumi and Fedora Coreos based Gitops Project in Python.
- See safe for usage in an example project
create a base project, lock and install build requirements, install and configure a simulation of the targets
mkdir -p example; cd example; git init
git submodule add infra
infra/scripts/ --yes
make sim-up
You have just created two TLS Certificates and an SSH Keypair in a very fancy way!
See the examples for code of what else can be done with it
- Fedora-CoreOS Linux - updating, minimal, monolithic, container-focused operating system
- Setup: Bootstrap and Reconfiguration of CoreOS with Jinja templated butane files
- Reconfiguration:
- Fast (~4s) reconfiguration using saltstack and butane to salt translation
- Single Container:
- run systemd container units using podman-quadlet
- Compose Container:
- run multi-container applications defined using a compose file
- nSpawn OS-Container:
- run any linux OS in a light-weight system container
- tls/http/web FrontEnd:
- using container, compose and nspawn labels for dynamic configuration
- DNS Resolver:
- using container for local DNSSEC capable recursive DNS-Resolver
- TLS Certificate-Authority, TLS Certificates and SSH-Certificates
- SSH copy/deploy/execute functions, local and remote Salt-Call
- serve configuration HTTPS payloads, request a port forwarding
- write image to removable storage specified by serial_number
- build Embedded-OS Images and IOT Images
- Raspberry PI Extras - Eeprom, U-Boot and UEFI bios files
- Openwrt Linux - Network Device Distribution for Router and other network devices
Need to know technologies (to write Deployment and Docs):
- Basic Knowledge of
Python, Yaml, Jinja, Systemd Service, Containerfile, Markdown
Advanced functionality available with knowledge of:
- Pulumi, Butane, more Systemd, Fcos, Saltstack, Podman, compose.yml, makefile, Pipfile, libvirt, Bash, Mkdocs, Mermaid, Marimo Notebooks
Provision can be run on Arch Linux, Manjaro Linux or as Container Image.
- imperativ infrastructure delaration using pythonfcos
- Fedora-CoreOS, minimal OS withclevis
(sss,tang,tpm) storage unlockbutane
- create fcosignition
configs usingjinja
enhanced butane yamlsystemd
- service, socker, path, timer, nspawn machine containerpodman
- build Container and NSpawn images, run Container using quadlet systemd containersaltstack
- local build environments and local services
- remote fcos config update using butane to saltstack translation and execution
- documentation using markdown and mermaidlibvirt
- simulation of machines using the virtualization api supporting qemu and kvmtang
- server used for getting a key shard for unattended encrypted storage unlock on bootage
- ssh keys based encryption of production files and pulumi master passworduv
- virtualenv management using pyproject.toml and uv.lock
- from current directory, eg. pwd=~/code
mkdir -p ${project_dir}
cd ${project_dir}
git init
git submodule add infra
infra/ --yes
creates default dirs and files in the project_dir- use
cat infra/
to inspect script before running it - directories created:
- docs, state, target with an empty .gitkeep file inside
- files created:
-,, Pulumi.yaml, Makefile, Pipfile
- config-template.yaml, .gitignore, mkdocs.yml, empty authorized_keys
- use
- on arch or manjaro linux
make install-requirements
- on other linux, use a provision container.
This needs podman or docker already installed on host.
For the simulation environment with libvirt the host system must also have a configured libvirt.
# Either: build container using `sudo podman build`
make provision-client
# Or: build container using any other container tool
# - replace "docker" with the preferred container build call
cd infra/Containerfile/provision-client && \
docker build -t provision-client:latest $(pwd)
# call provision shell(defaults to /usr/bin/bash interactive shell)
# defaults to podman, but can be overriden with DOCKER_CMD=executable
DOCKER_CMD=docker infra/scripts/
# use exit to return to base shell
make docs
# build infra-shared documentation
make docs-infra
make sim-up
make sim-show args="ca_factory" | jq ".root_cert_pem" -r | \
openssl x509 -in /dev/stdin -noout -text
make sim-show args="ca_factory" | jq ".provision_cert_pem" -r | \
openssl x509 -in /dev/stdin -noout -text
pulumi stack select sim
pulumi about
uv run ipython
make sim-clean
# in case something happend while destroying sim stack
make sim__ args="stack rm --force"; rm Pulumi.sim.yaml
# recreate stack
make sim-create
make sim-preview
# if list of changes looks good, apply them
make sim-up
# "error: the stack is currently locked by 1 lock(s)."
# "Either wait for the other process(es) to end or delete the lock file with `pulumi cancel`."
make sim__ args="cancel"
make sim-show
make sim-list
# use highlight and less
make sim-show | highlight --syntax json -O ansi | less
# use bat for integrated highlight plus pager
make sim-show | bat -l json
# eg. add the own ssh public key in project_dir/authorized_keys
cat ~/.ssh/ >> authorized_keys
make prod-create
make prod__ args="preview --suppress-outputs"
make prod__ args=up
- Inspired and impressed by deuill/coreos-home-server
All code in this repository is covered by the terms of the Apache 2.0 License,
the full text of which can be found in the LICENSE file.