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A repository to keep track of problem solving practice, containing solutions from platforms:
# | Title | Solution | Tags | Submitted |
1109 | C - How Many Squares? | GNU C++17 | implementation *2200 |
Mar/04/2021 21:19 |
1108 | E - Field of Wonders | GNU C++17 | implementation strings *1500 |
Mar/04/2021 21:11 |
1107 | C - Periodic integer number | GNU C++17 | implementation strings *1700 |
Mar/04/2021 21:10 |
1106 | C - Bulls and Cows | GNU C++17 | brute force implementation *1700 |
Mar/04/2021 21:09 |
1105 | C - Game | GNU C++17 | implementation *2000 |
Mar/04/2021 21:09 |
1104 | A - Defragmentation | GNU C++17 | implementation *1800 |
Mar/04/2021 21:08 |
1103 | E - Cartesian Tree | GNU C++17 | data structures *3300 |
Mar/03/2021 19:56 |
1102 | E - A-Z Graph | GNU C++17 | constructive algorithms data structures graphs hashing |
Mar/03/2021 10:35 |
1101 | C - 1D Sokoban | GNU C++17 | binary search dp greedy implementation two pointers |
Mar/03/2021 10:35 |
1100 | B - Berland Crossword | GNU C++17 | bitmasks brute force greedy implementation |
Mar/03/2021 10:35 |
1099 | A - ABC String | GNU C++17 | bitmasks brute force implementation |
Mar/03/2021 10:35 |
1098 | D - Dogeforces | GNU C++17 | constructive algorithms data structures dfs and similar divide and conquer dsu greedy implementation sortings trees |
Mar/03/2021 10:35 |
1097 | F - Delete The Edges | GNU C++17 | constructive algorithms graphs |
Mar/03/2021 10:34 |
1096 | G - Switch and Flip | GNU C++17 | constructive algorithms graphs math *2800 |
Mar/02/2021 17:53 |
1095 | H - Yuezheng Ling and Dynamic Tree | GNU C++17 | data structures trees *3400 |
Mar/01/2021 21:39 |
1094 | E - Fib-tree | GNU C++17 | brute force dfs and similar divide and conquer number theory trees *2400 |
Mar/01/2021 17:24 |
1093 | F - Magnets | GNU C++11 | binary search constructive algorithms interactive *2700 |
Mar/01/2021 00:30 |
1092 | C - Pekora and Trampoline | GNU C++11 | brute force data structures dp greedy implementation *1700 |
Feb/28/2021 22:49 |
1091 | D - Zookeeper and The Infinite Zoo | GNU C++11 | bitmasks constructive algorithms dp math *1800 |
Feb/28/2021 22:25 |
1090 | B - Minimal Cost | GNU C++11 | brute force math *1200 |
Feb/28/2021 21:47 |
1089 | A - K-th Largest Value | GNU C++11 | brute force greedy implementation *800 |
Feb/28/2021 21:37 |
1088 | D - Genius's Gambit | GNU C++11 | bitmasks constructive algorithms greedy math *1900 |
Feb/24/2021 00:37 |
1087 | E - Almost Fault-Tolerant Database | GNU C++11 | brute force constructive algorithms dfs and similar greedy implementation *2500 |
Feb/23/2021 22:00 |
1086 | G - Cow and Exercise | GNU C++11 | flows graphs shortest paths *3100 |
Feb/23/2021 16:17 |
1085 | F - Special Edges | GNU C++11 | flows graphs *3200 |
Feb/21/2021 10:39 |
1084 | E - Inverse Genealogy | GNU C++14 | constructive algorithms divide and conquer dp math trees *2800 |
Feb/19/2021 16:45 |
1083 | D - Rearrange | GNU C++14 | brute force constructive algorithms graphs greedy sortings *2800 |
Feb/19/2021 15:40 |
1082 | G - Subset with Zero Sum | GNU C++14 | constructive algorithms dfs and similar graphs math *2700 |
Feb/19/2021 15:12 |
1081 | E - Pairs of Pairs | GNU C++14 | constructive algorithms dfs and similar graphs greedy trees *2600 |
Feb/19/2021 15:04 |
1080 | E - Inversion SwapSort | GNU C++14 | constructive algorithms greedy sortings *2500 |
Feb/19/2021 14:35 |
1079 | G - Old Floppy Drive | GNU C++11 | binary search data structures math |
Feb/16/2021 23:25 |
1078 | F - Equalize the Array | GNU C++11 | binary search data structures greedy math sortings |
Feb/16/2021 22:40 |
1077 | F - Ones | GNU C++11 | dp greedy *2900 |
Feb/16/2021 16:54 |
1076 | A - Arena | GNU C++11 | implementation sortings *800 |
Feb/16/2021 00:03 |
1075 | G - String Counting | GNU C++11 | combinatorics dp math *2700 |
Feb/15/2021 23:55 |
1074 | E - Move and Swap | GNU C++11 | dfs and similar dp greedy trees *2500 |
Feb/13/2021 13:54 |
1073 | F - Copy or Prefix Sum | GNU C++11 | combinatorics data structures dp sortings *2400 |
Feb/13/2021 12:07 |
1072 | D - Multiples and Power Differences | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms math number theory *2200 |
Feb/13/2021 11:36 |
1071 | C - Floor and Mod | GNU C++11 | binary search brute force math number theory *1700 |
Feb/13/2021 11:18 |
1070 | B - Replace and Keep Sorted | GNU C++11 | dp implementation math *1200 |
Feb/13/2021 10:56 |
1069 | A - Add and Divide | GNU C++11 | brute force greedy math ternary search *1000 |
Feb/13/2021 10:43 |
1068 | A - Searching Local Minimum | GNU C++11 | binary search interactive ternary search *1700 |
Feb/08/2021 00:48 |
1067 | D - Odd Mineral Resource | GNU C++11 | binary search bitmasks brute force data structures probabilities trees *2900 |
Feb/08/2021 00:32 |
1066 | B2 - Painting the Array II | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms data structures dp greedy implementation *2100 |
Feb/07/2021 23:58 |
1065 | B1 - Painting the Array I | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms data structures dp greedy implementation *1900 |
Feb/07/2021 23:49 |
1064 | F - AB Tree | GNU C++11 | dp greedy trees *3100 |
Feb/07/2021 21:17 |
1063 | B - The Same Calendar | GNU C++11 | implementation *1600 |
Feb/07/2021 12:14 |
1062 | E - Another Sith Tournament | GNU C++11 | bitmasks dp math probabilities *2200 |
Feb/07/2021 12:06 |
1061 | D - Iterated Linear Function | GNU C++11 | math number theory *1700 |
Feb/07/2021 11:48 |
1060 | C - Joty and Chocolate | GNU C++11 | implementation math number theory *1600 |
Feb/07/2021 11:36 |
1059 | A - Johny Likes Numbers | GNU C++11 | implementation math *800 |
Feb/07/2021 11:31 |
1058 | E - Sorting Books | GNU C++11 | data structures dp greedy *2500 |
Feb/06/2021 09:40 |
1057 | A - Fibonotci | GNU C++11 | data structures math matrices *2700 |
Feb/02/2021 17:25 |
1056 | H - New Year and Boolean Bridges | GNU C++11 | *3100 |
Feb/02/2021 11:30 |
1055 | E - Nezzar and Tournaments | GNU C++11 | data structures greedy *3300 |
Jan/31/2021 10:46 |
1054 | E - Pattern Matching | GNU C++11 | bitmasks data structures dfs and similar graphs implementation sortings strings |
Jan/30/2021 00:12 |
1053 | C - Longest Simple Cycle | GNU C++11 | dp graphs greedy |
Jan/29/2021 23:51 |
1052 | D - Journey | GNU C++11 | dfs and similar dp dsu implementation |
Jan/29/2021 23:25 |
1051 | B - Inflation | GNU C++11 | binary search brute force greedy math |
Jan/29/2021 22:49 |
1050 | A - K-divisible Sum | GNU C++11 | binary search constructive algorithms greedy math |
Jan/29/2021 22:39 |
1049 | C - Nezzar and Nice Beatmap | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms geometry greedy sortings *2200 |
Jan/29/2021 09:02 |
1048 | B - Nezzar and Binary String | GNU C++11 | data structures greedy *1900 |
Jan/28/2021 23:25 |
1047 | A - Nezzar and Board | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms math number theory *1800 |
Jan/28/2021 23:06 |
1046 | A - Strange Birthday Party | GNU C++11 | binary search dp greedy sortings two pointers *1300 |
Jan/28/2021 21:17 |
1045 | G - Tiles | GNU C++17 (64) | combinatorics dp fft math *2800 |
Jan/27/2021 22:29 |
1044 | F - Strange Set | GNU C++11 | flows math *2700 |
Jan/27/2021 17:32 |
1043 | E - Minimum Path | GNU C++11 | graphs shortest paths *2400 |
Jan/23/2021 12:11 |
1042 | D - Program | GNU C++11 | data structures dp implementation strings *1700 |
Jan/23/2021 11:38 |
1041 | C - No More Inversions | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms math *1500 |
Jan/23/2021 11:12 |
1040 | B - String LCM | GNU C++11 | brute force math number theory strings *1000 |
Jan/23/2021 11:00 |
1039 | A - Replacing Elements | GNU C++11 | greedy implementation math sortings *800 |
Jan/23/2021 10:53 |
1038 | C - Curious Array | GNU C++11 | brute force combinatorics implementation math *2500 |
Jan/22/2021 15:14 |
1037 | E - Team Work | GNU C++11 | combinatorics dp math *2400 |
Jan/22/2021 11:20 |
1036 | E - Transforming Sequence | GNU C++11 | combinatorics dp fft math *3300 |
Jan/20/2021 21:12 |
1035 | D - Cleaning | GNU C++11 | data structures dp greedy math *2200 |
Jan/20/2021 09:47 |
1034 | E - What Is It? | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms greedy *2500 |
Jan/20/2021 09:06 |
1033 | E - Congruence Equation | GNU C++11 | chinese remainder theorem math number theory *2100 |
Jan/10/2021 23:05 |
1032 | D - Birthday | GNU C++11 | data structures dfs and similar dp trees *2700 |
Jan/05/2021 10:26 |
1031 | E - Pastoral Oddities | GNU C++11 | data structures divide and conquer dsu math trees *3000 |
Jan/04/2021 20:37 |
1030 | D - Half-decay tree | GNU C++11 | data structures divide and conquer dp math probabilities *2500 |
Jan/04/2021 11:50 |
1029 | F - Four Divisors | GNU C++11 | data structures dp math number theory sortings two pointers *2400 |
Jan/03/2021 16:31 |
1028 | E - Beautiful Subarrays | GNU C++11 | data structures divide and conquer strings trees *2100 |
Jan/01/2021 19:36 |
1027 | D - Simple Subset | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms greedy number theory *1800 |
Jan/01/2021 19:31 |
1026 | C - Simple Strings | GNU C++11 | dp greedy strings *1300 |
Jan/01/2021 19:16 |
1025 | B - Shopping | GNU C++11 | brute force *1400 |
Jan/01/2021 19:13 |
1024 | A - Buses Between Cities | GNU C++11 | implementation *1600 |
Jan/01/2021 19:08 |
1023 | G - Song of the Sirens | GNU C++11 | combinatorics divide and conquer hashing math string suffix structures strings *2600 |
Dec/31/2020 16:24 |
1022 | F - Bear and Bowling 4 | GNU C++11 | binary search data structures geometry ternary search *2500 |
Dec/31/2020 14:15 |
1021 | E - Different Subsets For All Tuples | GNU C++11 | combinatorics *2300 |
Dec/31/2020 13:56 |
1020 | D - Number of Parallelograms | GNU C++11 | geometry *1900 |
Dec/31/2020 13:31 |
1019 | C - Hard Process | GNU C++11 | binary search dp two pointers *1600 |
Dec/31/2020 13:23 |
1018 | B - Seating On Bus | GNU C++11 | implementation *1000 |
Dec/31/2020 13:16 |
1017 | A - Co-prime Array | GNU C++11 | greedy implementation math number theory *1200 |
Dec/31/2020 13:10 |
1016 | E - Cool Slogans | GNU C++11 | string suffix structures strings *3300 |
Dec/31/2020 10:22 |
1015 | F - Euclid's nightmare | GNU C++11 | dfs and similar dsu graphs math |
Dec/31/2020 00:07 |
1014 | D - 13th Labour of Heracles | GNU C++11 | greedy trees |
Dec/30/2020 23:46 |
1013 | E - Apollo versus Pan | GNU C++11 | bitmasks math |
Dec/30/2020 23:39 |
1012 | C - Canine poetry | GNU C++11 | dp greedy strings |
Dec/30/2020 22:57 |
1011 | B - Last minute enhancements | GNU C++11 | greedy |
Dec/30/2020 22:48 |
1010 | A - Bovine Dilemma | GNU C++11 | brute force math |
Dec/30/2020 22:37 |
1009 | E - Forensic Examination | GNU C++11 | data structures string suffix structures *3100 |
Dec/30/2020 19:04 |
1008 | E - Mike and Friends | GNU C++11 | data structures string suffix structures strings trees *2800 |
Dec/30/2020 12:55 |
1007 | F - The Number of Subpermutations | GNU C++11 | brute force data structures divide and conquer hashing math *2500 |
Dec/29/2020 22:25 |
1006 | D - Match & Catch | GNU C++11 | dp string suffix structures strings *2200 |
Dec/29/2020 15:39 |
1005 | D - String | GNU C++11 | string suffix structures *2300 |
Dec/29/2020 14:41 |
1004 | F - Power Sockets | GNU C++11 | binary search data structures greedy |
Dec/29/2020 09:41 |
1003 | E - A Bit Similar | GNU C++11 | bitmasks hashing string suffix structures strings two pointers |
Dec/29/2020 00:27 |
1002 | D - Ceil Divisions | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms math number theory |
Dec/28/2020 23:17 |
1001 | C - Building a Fence | GNU C++11 | dp greedy implementation |
Dec/28/2020 22:56 |
1000 | B - Red and Blue | GNU C++11 | greedy |
Dec/28/2020 22:45 |
999 | A - Regular Bracket Sequence | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms implementation |
Dec/28/2020 22:42 |
998 | D - Fuzzy Search | GNU C++11 | bitmasks brute force fft *2500 |
Dec/28/2020 21:03 |
997 | E - Logical Expression | GNU C++11 | bitmasks dp shortest paths *2400 |
Dec/27/2020 10:29 |
996 | E - Transmitting Levels | GNU C++11 | dp implementation *2400 |
Dec/26/2020 20:43 |
995 | C - Make Palindrome | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms greedy strings *1800 |
Dec/26/2020 19:57 |
994 | B - Queries about less or equal elements | GNU C++11 | binary search data structures sortings two pointers *1300 |
Dec/26/2020 19:51 |
993 | A - Extract Numbers | GNU C++11 | implementation strings *1600 |
Dec/26/2020 19:48 |
992 | F - Ants on a Circle | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms math *2800 |
Dec/26/2020 15:54 |
991 | E - Pursuit For Artifacts | GNU C++11 | dfs and similar dsu graphs trees *2300 |
Dec/26/2020 10:35 |
990 | D - Nested Segments | GNU C++11 | data structures sortings *1800 |
Dec/26/2020 09:41 |
989 | C - Foe Pairs | GNU C++11 | combinatorics sortings two pointers *1800 |
Dec/26/2020 09:33 |
988 | B - z-sort | GNU C++11 | sortings *1000 |
Dec/26/2020 09:29 |
987 | A - Gabriel and Caterpillar | GNU C++11 | implementation math *1400 |
Dec/26/2020 09:27 |
986 | F - Magic Matrix | GNU C++11 | brute force divide and conquer graphs matrices trees *2400 |
Dec/25/2020 15:00 |
985 | E - Thief in a Shop | GNU C++11 | divide and conquer dp fft math *2400 |
Dec/25/2020 13:56 |
984 | D - Longest Subsequence | GNU C++11 | brute force math number theory *2100 |
Dec/25/2020 13:38 |
983 | C - The Smallest String Concatenation | GNU C++11 | sortings strings *1700 |
Dec/25/2020 13:31 |
982 | B - Alice, Bob, Two Teams | GNU C++11 | brute force constructive algorithms *1400 |
Dec/25/2020 13:30 |
981 | A - Grandma Laura and Apples | GNU C++11 | *1200 |
Dec/25/2020 13:26 |
980 | D - Landmarks | GNU C++11 | data structures dp *3000 |
Dec/25/2020 11:26 |
979 | D - Tavas in Kansas | GNU C++11 | dp games *2900 |
Dec/24/2020 22:45 |
978 | F - Bear and Fair Set | GNU C++11 | flows *2500 |
Dec/22/2020 22:13 |
977 | E - Zbazi in Zeydabad | GNU C++11 | data structures implementation *2300 |
Dec/22/2020 14:58 |
976 | D - Magic Numbers | GNU C++11 | dp *2200 |
Dec/22/2020 14:04 |
975 | C - Bear and String Distance | GNU C++11 | greedy strings *1300 |
Dec/22/2020 13:41 |
974 | B - New Skateboard | GNU C++11 | dp *1300 |
Dec/22/2020 13:37 |
973 | A - Tennis Tournament | GNU C++11 | implementation math *1000 |
Dec/22/2020 13:34 |
972 | F - The Sum of the k-th Powers | GNU C++11 | math *2600 |
Dec/22/2020 11:06 |
971 | E - Ants in Leaves | GNU C++11 | dfs and similar greedy sortings trees *2200 |
Dec/22/2020 10:52 |
970 | D - Optimal Number Permutation | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms *1900 |
Dec/22/2020 10:36 |
969 | C - Not Equal on a Segment | GNU C++11 | data structures implementation *1700 |
Dec/22/2020 10:28 |
968 | B - The Time | GNU C++11 | implementation *900 |
Dec/22/2020 10:24 |
967 | A - Infinite Sequence | GNU C++11 | implementation math *1000 |
Dec/22/2020 10:22 |
966 | F - Xors on Segments | GNU C++11 | data structures strings trees *2800 |
Dec/20/2020 21:47 |
965 | D - Professor GukiZ and Two Arrays | GNU C++11 | binary search two pointers *2200 |
Dec/20/2020 16:12 |
964 | E - New Year Tree | GNU C++11 | bitmasks data structures trees *2100 |
Dec/20/2020 15:33 |
963 | C - Pearls in a Row | GNU C++11 | greedy *1500 |
Dec/20/2020 15:14 |
962 | B - Grandfather Dovlet’s calculator | GNU C++11 | implementation *1000 |
Dec/20/2020 15:09 |
961 | A - Professor GukiZ's Robot | GNU C++11 | implementation math *800 |
Dec/20/2020 15:06 |
960 | E - Sum of Remainders | GNU C++11 | implementation math number theory *2200 |
Dec/20/2020 14:56 |
959 | F - Expensive Strings | GNU C++11 | string suffix structures strings *2700 |
Dec/20/2020 11:02 |
958 | D - Longest k-Good Segment | GNU C++11 | binary search data structures two pointers *1600 |
Dec/20/2020 10:24 |
957 | C - The Labyrinth | GNU C++11 | dfs and similar *1600 |
Dec/20/2020 10:18 |
956 | B - Dinner with Emma | GNU C++11 | games greedy *1000 |
Dec/20/2020 10:10 |
955 | A - Comparing Two Long Integers | GNU C++11 | implementation strings *900 |
Dec/20/2020 10:07 |
954 | C - Latin Square | GNU C++11 | data structures implementation math matrices *2700 |
Dec/20/2020 09:28 |
953 | F - Simba on the Circle | GNU C++11 | dp *2600 |
Dec/19/2020 23:23 |
952 | B - Glass Half Spilled | GNU C++11 | dp *2000 |
Dec/19/2020 17:52 |
951 | A - Row GCD | GNU C++11 | math number theory *1600 |
Dec/19/2020 17:39 |
950 | E - Plan of Lectures | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms dfs and similar graphs implementation sortings trees *2400 |
Dec/18/2020 00:48 |
949 | D - Pairs | GNU C++11 | binary search constructive algorithms greedy *1900 |
Dec/17/2020 23:33 |
948 | C - Busy Robot | GNU C++11 | implementation *1800 |
Dec/17/2020 23:02 |
947 | B - Find The Array | GNU C++11 | bitmasks constructive algorithms greedy *1400 |
Dec/17/2020 22:49 |
946 | A - Dungeon | GNU C++11 | binary search math *1100 |
Dec/17/2020 22:41 |
945 | F - Frogs and mosquitoes | GNU C++11 | data structures greedy *2500 |
Dec/17/2020 19:11 |
944 | F - Cut Length | GNU C++11 | geometry *2900 |
Dec/17/2020 17:19 |
943 | E - Square Root of Permutation | GNU C++11 | combinatorics constructive algorithms dfs and similar graphs math *2200 |
Dec/17/2020 10:06 |
942 | D - The Union of k-Segments | GNU C++11 | greedy sortings *1800 |
Dec/17/2020 09:50 |
941 | C - Replace To Make Regular Bracket Sequence | GNU C++11 | data structures expression parsing math *1400 |
Dec/17/2020 09:33 |
940 | B - HDD is Outdated Technology | GNU C++11 | implementation math *1200 |
Dec/17/2020 09:28 |
939 | A - The Text Splitting | GNU C++11 | brute force implementation strings *1300 |
Dec/17/2020 09:25 |
938 | E - Minimum spanning tree for each edge | GNU C++11 | data structures dfs and similar dsu graphs trees *2100 |
Dec/16/2020 20:47 |
937 | D - Gadgets for dollars and pounds | GNU C++11 | binary search greedy two pointers *2000 |
Dec/16/2020 20:39 |
936 | C - Load Balancing | GNU C++11 | implementation math *1500 |
Dec/16/2020 20:21 |
935 | B - Книга - лучший подарок | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms implementation *1100 |
Dec/16/2020 20:18 |
934 | A - Флеш-карты | GNU C++11 | greedy implementation sortings *800 |
Dec/16/2020 20:16 |
933 | C - Nearest vectors | GNU C++11 | geometry sortings *2300 |
Dec/16/2020 15:05 |
932 | E - Chocolate Bar | GNU C++11 | brute force dp *2000 |
Dec/16/2020 09:16 |
931 | D - Igor In the Museum | GNU C++11 | dfs and similar graphs shortest paths *1700 |
Dec/16/2020 09:03 |
930 | B - Queries on a String | GNU C++11 | implementation strings *1300 |
Dec/16/2020 08:32 |
929 | A - Tricky Sum | GNU C++11 | math *900 |
Dec/16/2020 08:27 |
928 | E2 - Close Tuples (hard version) | GNU C++11 | binary search combinatorics implementation math sortings two pointers *1700 |
Dec/16/2020 00:02 |
927 | F - The Treasure of The Segments | GNU C++11 | binary search data structures greedy *1800 |
Dec/15/2020 23:48 |
926 | C - Balance | GNU C++11 | dp *2500 |
Dec/14/2020 19:29 |
925 | C - Gerald and Giant Chess | GNU C++11 | combinatorics dp math number theory *2200 |
Dec/14/2020 17:59 |
924 | C - Drazil and Park | GNU C++11 | data structures *2300 |
Dec/13/2020 15:33 |
923 | B - Drazil and Tiles | GNU C++11 | data structures graph matchings greedy implementation *2000 |
Dec/13/2020 15:00 |
922 | A - Drazil and Factorial | GNU C++11 | dp greedy implementation math *1400 |
Dec/13/2020 14:17 |
921 | C - Mr. Kitayuta vs. Bamboos | GNU C++11 | binary search greedy *2900 |
Dec/13/2020 11:59 |
920 | D - Unambiguous Arithmetic Expression | GNU C++11 | dp expression parsing *2600 |
Dec/12/2020 23:02 |
919 | B - Mr. Kitayuta's Technology | GNU C++11 | dfs and similar graphs *2200 |
Dec/12/2020 11:25 |
918 | A - Mr. Kitayuta, the Treasure Hunter | GNU C++11 | dp *1900 |
Dec/12/2020 10:54 |
917 | F - T-Shirts | GNU C++11 | data structures *2800 |
Dec/12/2020 10:19 |
916 | E - Misha and LCP on Tree | GNU C++11 | binary search dfs and similar hashing string suffix structures trees *3000 |
Dec/10/2020 10:28 |
915 | D - Misha and XOR | GNU C++11 | bitmasks *2700 |
Dec/09/2020 20:08 |
914 | C - Misha and Palindrome Degree | GNU C++11 | implementation math *2500 |
Dec/09/2020 19:09 |
913 | G - Game On Tree | GNU C++11 | data structures dfs and similar greedy trees *2700 |
Dec/09/2020 17:42 |
912 | F - Divide Powers | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms greedy *2900 |
Dec/09/2020 15:57 |
911 | E - Two Editorials | GNU C++11 | brute force dp greedy sortings two pointers *2500 |
Dec/09/2020 09:32 |
910 | D - Radio Towers | GNU C++11 | combinatorics dp math *1600 |
Dec/09/2020 09:01 |
909 | C - Two Brackets | GNU C++11 | greedy *800 |
Dec/09/2020 08:55 |
908 | B - Toy Blocks | GNU C++11 | binary search greedy math sortings *1400 |
Dec/09/2020 08:52 |
907 | A - Robot Program | GNU C++11 | math *800 |
Dec/09/2020 08:47 |
906 | B - Misha and Permutations Summation | GNU C++11 | binary search data structures math *2000 |
Dec/08/2020 19:50 |
905 | A - Misha and Forest | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms data structures graphs greedy *1500 |
Dec/08/2020 18:35 |
904 | E - Xum | GNU C++11 | bitmasks constructive algorithms math matrices number theory *2500 |
Dec/08/2020 16:32 |
903 | E - Yurii Can Do Everything | GNU C++11 | binary search bitmasks brute force constructive algorithms divide and conquer two pointers *2500 |
Dec/08/2020 14:34 |
902 | E1 - Bitwise Queries (Easy Version) | GNU C++11 | bitmasks constructive algorithms interactive math *2000 |
Dec/08/2020 12:01 |
901 | E2 - Bitwise Queries (Hard Version) | GNU C++11 | bitmasks constructive algorithms interactive math *2300 |
Dec/08/2020 12:00 |
900 | G - Forbidden Value | GNU C++11 | data structures dp *2900 |
Dec/08/2020 11:10 |
899 | F - String and Operations | GNU C++11 | dp greedy *2800 |
Dec/07/2020 20:31 |
898 | E - Four Points | GNU C++11 | brute force constructive algorithms flows geometry greedy implementation math ternary search *2400 |
Dec/07/2020 19:35 |
897 | D - Sequence and Swaps | GNU C++11 | dp greedy sortings *1600 |
Dec/07/2020 18:28 |
896 | C - Ping-pong | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms games math *1100 |
Dec/07/2020 18:20 |
895 | B - Jumps | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms math *1200 |
Dec/07/2020 18:13 |
894 | A - Strange Functions | GNU C++11 | math number theory *800 |
Dec/07/2020 18:08 |
893 | H1 - Multithreading (Easy Version) | GNU C++11 | combinatorics fft math *2900 |
Dec/07/2020 17:11 |
892 | E - Capitalism | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms dfs and similar graphs shortest paths *2700 |
Dec/07/2020 15:07 |
891 | F - The Struggling Contestant | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms greedy *2400 |
Dec/07/2020 11:42 |
890 | C2 - Errich-Tac-Toe (Hard Version) | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms math *2300 |
Dec/07/2020 09:34 |
889 | C1 - Errich-Tac-Toe (Easy Version) | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms math *2100 |
Dec/07/2020 09:13 |
888 | D - Rating Compression | GNU C++11 | binary search data structures greedy implementation two pointers *1800 |
Dec/07/2020 09:03 |
887 | B - Balls of Steel | GNU C++11 | brute force geometry greedy *1000 |
Dec/07/2020 08:38 |
886 | A - Avoid Trygub | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms sortings *800 |
Dec/07/2020 08:27 |
885 | F - Even Harder | GNU C++11 | dp *2700 |
Dec/05/2020 19:09 |
884 | E - Dog Snacks | GNU C++11 | binary search dfs and similar dp greedy trees *2300 |
Dec/05/2020 18:40 |
883 | D - Checkpoints | GNU C++11 | brute force constructive algorithms greedy math probabilities *1900 |
Dec/05/2020 18:15 |
882 | C - Triangles | GNU C++11 | greedy implementation *1700 |
Dec/05/2020 17:51 |
881 | B - Suffix Operations | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms implementation *1400 |
Dec/05/2020 17:35 |
880 | A - Cancel the Trains | GNU C++11 | implementation *800 |
Dec/05/2020 17:28 |
879 | C - Black Widow | GNU C++14 | dp graphs implementation math *2900 |
Nov/16/2020 20:17 |
878 | B - Catching Cheaters | GNU C++14 | dp strings *1800 |
Nov/16/2020 10:55 |
877 | A - Knapsack | GNU C++14 | constructive algorithms greedy sortings *1300 |
Nov/16/2020 10:51 |
876 | D - Rectangular Polyline | GNU C++14 | constructive algorithms dp geometry *2900 |
Nov/11/2020 19:09 |
875 | C - Team-Building | GNU C++14 | data structures dfs and similar dsu graphs *2500 |
Nov/01/2020 20:59 |
874 | B - Divide and Sum | GNU C++14 | combinatorics math sortings *1900 |
Nov/01/2020 19:42 |
873 | A - Division | GNU C++14 | brute force math number theory *1500 |
Nov/01/2020 19:16 |
872 | D - Roads and Ramen | GNU C++14 | data structures dfs and similar trees *2800 |
Oct/29/2020 20:08 |
871 | F - Emotional Fishermen | GNU C++14 | combinatorics dp math two pointers *2600 |
Oct/29/2020 17:25 |
870 | G - Death DBMS | GNU C++14 | data structures string suffix structures strings trees *2600 |
Oct/29/2020 16:39 |
869 | E - Make It Increasing | GNU C++14 | binary search constructive algorithms data structures dp implementation *2200 |
Oct/29/2020 16:02 |
868 | D - Minimal Height Tree | GNU C++14 | graphs greedy shortest paths trees *1600 |
Oct/28/2020 21:41 |
867 | C - Chef Monocarp | GNU C++14 | dp flows graph matchings greedy math sortings *1800 |
Oct/28/2020 21:35 |
866 | B - Reverse Binary Strings | GNU C++14 | constructive algorithms greedy *1200 |
Oct/28/2020 21:04 |
865 | A - Marketing Scheme | GNU C++14 | brute force constructive algorithms greedy math *800 |
Oct/28/2020 20:57 |
864 | D - Abandoning Roads | GNU C++14 | brute force dp graphs greedy *3000 |
Oct/27/2020 20:55 |
863 | C - Solo mid Oracle | GNU C++11 | binary search greedy math ternary search *2100 |
Oct/25/2020 20:28 |
862 | A - Perform Easily | GNU C++11 | binary search brute force data structures dp greedy sortings two pointers *1900 |
Oct/25/2020 19:54 |
861 | B - Shurikens | GNU C++11 | data structures greedy implementation *1700 |
Oct/25/2020 19:39 |
860 | E - Complicated Computations | GNU C++11 | binary search data structures two pointers *2400 |
Oct/25/2020 14:29 |
859 | C - Binary Search | GNU C++11 | binary search combinatorics *1500 |
Oct/24/2020 22:41 |
858 | B - Prime Square | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms math *900 |
Oct/24/2020 22:18 |
857 | A - Reorder | GNU C++11 | math *800 |
Oct/24/2020 22:07 |
856 | D - Hexagons | GNU C++11 | brute force constructive algorithms greedy implementation math shortest paths *1900 |
Oct/18/2020 19:00 |
855 | C - Palindromifier | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms strings *1400 |
Oct/18/2020 17:51 |
854 | B - Putting Bricks in the Wall | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms implementation *1100 |
Oct/18/2020 17:15 |
853 | A - XORwice | GNU C++11 | bitmasks greedy math *800 |
Oct/18/2020 17:06 |
852 | E - Coins Exhibition | GNU C++11 | data structures dp math *2900 |
Oct/18/2020 09:55 |
851 | F - Realistic Gameplay | GNU C++11 | dp greedy *2600 |
Oct/15/2020 13:16 |
850 | E - Sharti | GNU C++11 | data structures games *3200 |
Oct/13/2020 21:42 |
849 | C - Helping People | GNU C++11 | dp probabilities *2600 |
Oct/13/2020 16:38 |
848 | B - Obsessive String | GNU C++11 | dp strings *2000 |
Oct/13/2020 15:55 |
847 | A - Treasure | GNU C++11 | greedy *1500 |
Oct/13/2020 15:26 |
846 | E - Colored Cubes | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms implementation matrices *2700 |
Oct/11/2020 20:50 |
845 | E - String Reversal | GNU C++11 | data structures greedy strings *1900 |
Oct/11/2020 18:20 |
844 | D - String Deletion | GNU C++11 | binary search data structures greedy two pointers *1700 |
Oct/11/2020 18:12 |
843 | C - Numbers on Whiteboard | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms data structures greedy implementation math *1000 |
Oct/11/2020 17:31 |
842 | B - Barrels | GNU C++11 | greedy implementation sortings *800 |
Oct/11/2020 17:16 |
841 | A - Number of Apartments | GNU C++11 | brute force constructive algorithms math *900 |
Oct/11/2020 17:09 |
840 | A - Avoiding Zero | GNU C++11 | math sortings *900 |
Oct/11/2020 16:53 |
839 | E - You Are Given Some Strings... | GNU C++11 | brute force string suffix structures strings *2400 |
Oct/10/2020 10:09 |
838 | F - You Are Given Some Letters... | GNU C++11 | binary search implementation math *2700 |
Oct/10/2020 10:06 |
837 | B - You Are Given a Decimal String... | GNU C++11 | brute force dp shortest paths *1700 |
Oct/10/2020 09:33 |
836 | C - You Are Given a WASD-string... | GNU C++11 | brute force data structures dp greedy implementation math strings *2100 |
Oct/10/2020 09:18 |
835 | D - Print a 1337-string... | GNU C++11 | combinatorics constructive algorithms math strings *1900 |
Oct/10/2020 08:36 |
834 | A - You Are Given Two Binary Strings... | GNU C++11 | bitmasks greedy *1100 |
Oct/10/2020 08:12 |
833 | F - Secret Letters | GNU C++11 | data structures dp greedy *3100 |
Oct/09/2020 16:35 |
832 | H - Summer Dichotomy | GNU C++11 | 2-sat data structures dfs and similar greedy *3200 |
Oct/09/2020 16:02 |
831 | B - The World Is Just a Programming Task (Hard Version) | GNU C++11 | implementation *2500 |
Oct/09/2020 14:51 |
830 | F - Royal Questions | GNU C++11 | dsu graphs greedy *2500 |
Oct/09/2020 13:52 |
829 | E - Vasya and Binary String | GNU C++11 | dp *2400 |
Oct/09/2020 11:35 |
828 | F - Clear the String | GNU C++11 | dp *2000 |
Oct/09/2020 10:04 |
827 | F - Vasya and Endless Credits | GNU C++11 | dp flows graph matchings graphs sortings *2600 |
Oct/09/2020 08:23 |
826 | G - Vasya and Maximum Profit | GNU C++11 | binary search constructive algorithms data structures dp dsu *2400 |
Oct/09/2020 07:45 |
825 | D - Compression | GNU C++11 | dp implementation math number theory *1800 |
Oct/09/2020 07:04 |
824 | C - Brutality | GNU C++11 | greedy sortings two pointers *1300 |
Oct/09/2020 06:48 |
823 | B - Digital root | GNU C++11 | math number theory *1000 |
Oct/09/2020 06:45 |
822 | A - Digits Sequence Dividing | GNU C++11 | greedy strings *900 |
Oct/09/2020 06:42 |
821 | C - Au Pont Rouge | GNU C++11 | binary search dp strings *2800 |
Oct/08/2020 21:54 |
820 | A - Circle Coloring | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms *800 |
Oct/01/2020 14:19 |
819 | G - New Year and Binary Tree Paths | GNU C++11 | bitmasks brute force combinatorics dp *3200 |
Sep/29/2020 21:01 |
818 | F - New Year and Finding Roots | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms implementation interactive trees *2800 |
Sep/29/2020 19:23 |
817 | E - Cycling City | GNU C++11 | dfs and similar graphs *3100 |
Sep/29/2020 11:03 |
816 | B - Cubes | GNU C++11 | data structures greedy implementation *2100 |
Sep/29/2020 09:33 |
815 | D - Shop | GNU C++11 | greedy *2800 |
Sep/29/2020 09:00 |
814 | C - Pluses everywhere | GNU C++11 | combinatorics dp math number theory *2200 |
Sep/29/2020 08:02 |
813 | A - DNA Alignment | GNU C++11 | greedy math *1500 |
Sep/29/2020 07:38 |
812 | H - Triple | GNU C++11 | fft math *3200 |
Sep/28/2020 21:23 |
811 | F - Niyaz and Small Degrees | GNU C++11 | data structures dp trees *3400 |
Sep/28/2020 20:34 |
810 | G - Get Ready for the Battle | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms implementation *3100 |
Sep/28/2020 18:54 |
809 | F - Number of Subsequences | GNU C++11 | combinatorics dp strings *2000 |
Sep/28/2020 17:29 |
808 | E - Rock, Paper, Scissors | GNU C++11 | brute force constructive algorithms flows greedy math *1800 |
Sep/28/2020 17:20 |
807 | D - Non-zero Segments | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms data structures greedy sortings *1500 |
Sep/28/2020 16:46 |
806 | C - Increase and Copy | GNU C++11 | binary search constructive algorithms math *1100 |
Sep/28/2020 16:19 |
805 | B - Symmetric Matrix | GNU C++11 | implementation *900 |
Sep/28/2020 16:13 |
804 | A - Floor Number | GNU C++11 | implementation math *800 |
Sep/28/2020 16:08 |
803 | E - Pavel and Triangles | GNU C++11 | brute force dp fft greedy ternary search *1900 |
Sep/28/2020 09:10 |
802 | D - Frets On Fire | GNU C++11 | binary search sortings *1800 |
Sep/28/2020 08:50 |
801 | C - Ramesses and Corner Inversion | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms greedy implementation math *1500 |
Sep/28/2020 08:31 |
800 | B - Alyona and a Narrow Fridge | GNU C++11 | binary search flows greedy sortings *1300 |
Sep/28/2020 08:18 |
799 | A - Ilya and a Colorful Walk | GNU C++11 | greedy implementation *1100 |
Sep/28/2020 08:13 |
798 | E - Boolean Function | GNU C++11 | bitmasks dp expression parsing *3000 |
Sep/27/2020 21:27 |
797 | D - Number of Binominal Coefficients | GNU C++11 | dp math number theory *3300 |
Sep/27/2020 17:50 |
796 | C - Superior Periodic Subarrays | GNU C++11 | number theory *2400 |
Sep/27/2020 08:54 |
795 | B - Once Again... | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms dp matrices *1900 |
Sep/27/2020 08:20 |
794 | A - GCD Table | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms greedy number theory *1700 |
Sep/27/2020 08:00 |
793 | E - New Year and Old Subsequence | GNU C++11 | data structures divide and conquer dp matrices *2600 |
Sep/26/2020 09:47 |
792 | D - New Year and Fireworks | GNU C++11 | brute force data structures dfs and similar dp implementation *1900 |
Sep/26/2020 09:02 |
791 | C - New Year and Rating | GNU C++11 | binary search greedy math *1600 |
Sep/26/2020 08:28 |
790 | B - New Year and North Pole | GNU C++11 | geometry implementation *1300 |
Sep/26/2020 08:16 |
789 | A - New Year and Hurry | GNU C++11 | binary search brute force implementation math *800 |
Sep/26/2020 08:12 |
788 | B - Nice table | GNU C++11 | brute force constructive algorithms greedy math *2100 |
Sep/25/2020 20:00 |
787 | E - Fedya the Potter | GNU C++11 | binary search implementation math number theory *3400 |
Sep/25/2020 17:59 |
786 | D - Eels | GNU C++11 | data structures *2800 |
Sep/25/2020 11:27 |
785 | C - Construct a tree | GNU C++11 | binary search constructive algorithms dfs and similar graphs greedy trees *2400 |
Sep/25/2020 09:47 |
784 | A - Sum in the tree | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms dfs and similar greedy trees *1600 |
Sep/25/2020 08:40 |
783 | E - Battle Lemmings | GNU C++11 | dp greedy *2500 |
Sep/25/2020 00:03 |
782 | D - Rescue Nibel! | GNU C++11 | combinatorics data structures sortings *1800 |
Sep/24/2020 23:11 |
781 | C2 - Pokémon Army (hard version) | GNU C++11 | data structures divide and conquer dp greedy implementation *2100 |
Sep/24/2020 22:59 |
780 | C1 - Pokémon Army (easy version) | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms dp greedy *1300 |
Sep/24/2020 22:48 |
779 | B - Rock and Lever | GNU C++11 | bitmasks math *1200 |
Sep/24/2020 22:42 |
778 | A - Cubes Sorting | GNU C++11 | math sortings *900 |
Sep/24/2020 22:37 |
777 | C - Second price auction | GNU C++11 | bitmasks probabilities *2000 |
Sep/24/2020 20:27 |
776 | A - Game | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms math *800 |
Sep/24/2020 20:26 |
775 | D - Isolation | GNU C++11 | data structures dp *2900 |
Sep/24/2020 16:29 |
774 | E - Legendary Tree | GNU C++11 | binary search interactive trees *3100 |
Sep/24/2020 15:21 |
773 | C - Morse Code | GNU C++11 | binary search data structures dp hashing sortings string suffix structures strings *2400 |
Sep/24/2020 09:55 |
772 | B - Wrong Answer | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms *2000 |
Sep/24/2020 09:14 |
771 | A1 - Toy Train (Simplified) | GNU C++11 | brute force greedy *1700 |
Sep/24/2020 08:39 |
770 | A2 - Toy Train | GNU C++11 | brute force greedy *1800 |
Sep/24/2020 08:36 |
769 | F - Density of subarrays | GNU C++11 | dp math *3500 |
Sep/23/2020 08:01 |
768 | E - Square Table | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms math probabilities *2400 |
Sep/22/2020 23:07 |
767 | E - Quick Tortoise | GNU C++11 | bitmasks divide and conquer dp *3000 |
Sep/22/2020 16:18 |
766 | D - Fence | GNU C++11 | binary search data structures string suffix structures *2900 |
Sep/22/2020 15:40 |
765 | C - Doe Graphs | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms divide and conquer dp graphs shortest paths *2600 |
Sep/22/2020 10:18 |
764 | B - Table | GNU C++11 | bitmasks combinatorics dp math *1900 |
Sep/22/2020 08:46 |
763 | A - Cycles | GNU C++11 | binary search constructive algorithms graphs greedy *1600 |
Sep/22/2020 08:31 |
762 | E - Strange device | GNU C++11 | binary search interactive math trees *3400 |
Sep/21/2020 19:32 |
761 | D - Winding polygonal line | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms geometry greedy math *2600 |
Sep/21/2020 10:44 |
760 | B - The minimal unique substring | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms math strings *2200 |
Sep/21/2020 09:56 |
759 | C - Permutation recovery | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms data structures dfs and similar graphs greedy math sortings *2100 |
Sep/21/2020 08:59 |
758 | A - The Party and Sweets | GNU C++11 | binary search constructive algorithms greedy implementation math sortings two pointers *1500 |
Sep/21/2020 08:35 |
757 | F - Permutation | GNU C++11 | data structures divide and conquer hashing *2700 |
Sep/20/2020 11:02 |
756 | B - Little Pony and Harmony Chest | GNU C++11 | bitmasks brute force dp *2000 |
Sep/20/2020 09:14 |
755 | D2 - Sage's Birthday (hard version) | GNU C++11 | binary search brute force constructive algorithms greedy sortings two pointers *1500 |
Sep/20/2020 07:40 |
754 | E - Decryption | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms implementation math number theory *2100 |
Sep/19/2020 23:51 |
753 | D1 - Sage's Birthday (easy version) | GNU C++11 | binary search constructive algorithms greedy sortings *1000 |
Sep/19/2020 22:58 |
752 | C - Killjoy | GNU C++11 | greedy implementation math *1500 |
Sep/19/2020 22:53 |
751 | B - Stairs | GNU C++11 | brute force constructive algorithms greedy implementation math *1200 |
Sep/19/2020 22:46 |
750 | A - Digit Game | GNU C++11 | games greedy implementation *900 |
Sep/19/2020 22:39 |
749 | F - Forest Fires | GNU C++11 | math *3500 |
Sep/18/2020 23:31 |
748 | E - Civilization | GNU C++11 | dfs and similar dsu graphs trees *2100 |
Sep/18/2020 20:04 |
747 | D - A Lot of Games | GNU C++11 | dp games strings *1900 |
Sep/18/2020 19:33 |
746 | C - Boredom | GNU C++11 | dp *1500 |
Sep/18/2020 19:22 |
745 | B - Fedya and Maths | GNU C++11 | math number theory *1200 |
Sep/18/2020 19:14 |
744 | A - Laptops | GNU C++11 | sortings *1100 |
Sep/18/2020 19:09 |
743 | E - Beautiful Matrix | GNU C++11 | combinatorics data structures dp *2900 |
Sep/18/2020 16:21 |
742 | G - Three Occurrences | GNU C++11 | data structures divide and conquer hashing two pointers *2500 |
Sep/18/2020 13:24 |
741 | C - Vasya and Templates | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms greedy implementation strings *2300 |
Sep/18/2020 12:42 |
740 | D - Rock-Paper-Scissors Champion | GNU C++11 | data structures greedy *2500 |
Sep/18/2020 10:55 |
739 | B - Minimum Diameter Tree | GNU C++11 | greedy implementation trees *1700 |
Sep/18/2020 08:33 |
738 | A - Connect Three | GNU C++11 | greedy implementation *1600 |
Sep/18/2020 08:16 |
737 | E - Decoding Genome | GNU C++11 | dp matrices *1900 |
Sep/17/2020 20:30 |
736 | D - Olympiad | GNU C++11 | binary search greedy sortings two pointers *1900 |
Sep/17/2020 20:06 |
735 | C - Reducing Fractions | GNU C++11 | implementation math number theory sortings *1800 |
Sep/17/2020 19:59 |
734 | B - Cosmic Tables | GNU C++11 | data structures implementation *1300 |
Sep/17/2020 19:26 |
733 | A - Shooshuns and Sequence | GNU C++11 | brute force implementation *1200 |
Sep/17/2020 19:22 |
732 | D - Cycles in product | GNU C++11 | combinatorics divide and conquer trees *2900 |
Sep/17/2020 15:35 |
731 | E - Good Subsegments | GNU C++11 | data structures *3000 |
Sep/17/2020 14:24 |
730 | F - Pudding Monsters | GNU C++11 | data structures divide and conquer *3000 |
Sep/17/2020 12:46 |
729 | C - Sky Full of Stars | GNU C++17 | combinatorics math *2500 |
Sep/17/2020 09:38 |
728 | B - Roman Digits | GNU C++17 | brute force combinatorics dp greedy math *2000 |
Sep/17/2020 08:31 |
727 | A - Convert to Ones | GNU C++17 | brute force greedy implementation math *1500 |
Sep/17/2020 08:19 |
726 | F - Equal Product | GNU C++17 | data structures math number theory two pointers *3000 |
Sep/16/2020 21:01 |
725 | C - MUH and House of Cards | GNU C++11 | binary search brute force greedy math *1700 |
Sep/16/2020 19:29 |
724 | A - MUH and Sticks | GNU C++11 | implementation *1100 |
Sep/16/2020 19:25 |
723 | D - MUH and Cube Walls | GNU C++11 | string suffix structures strings *1800 |
Sep/16/2020 19:16 |
722 | B - MUH and Important Things | GNU C++11 | implementation sortings *1300 |
Sep/16/2020 19:08 |
721 | G - Gold Experience | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms graphs math number theory probabilities *3300 |
Sep/16/2020 17:15 |
720 | F - Foo Fighters | GNU C++11 | bitmasks constructive algorithms *2700 |
Sep/16/2020 10:14 |
719 | E - Earth Wind and Fire | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms greedy math sortings two pointers *2300 |
Sep/16/2020 09:14 |
718 | D - Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap | GNU C++11 | greedy sortings *1800 |
Sep/16/2020 08:56 |
717 | C - Crazy Diamond | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms sortings *1700 |
Sep/16/2020 08:39 |
716 | B - Born This Way | GNU C++11 | binary search brute force two pointers *1600 |
Sep/16/2020 08:18 |
715 | A - Another One Bites The Dust | GNU C++11 | greedy *800 |
Sep/16/2020 08:11 |
714 | D - Chain Reaction | GNU C++11 | brute force geometry *3000 |
Sep/15/2020 20:53 |
713 | E - Bricks | GNU C++11 | flows graph matchings graphs *2800 |
Sep/15/2020 17:46 |
712 | D - Game of Pairs | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms dfs and similar interactive math number theory *2800 |
Sep/15/2020 17:25 |
711 | C - Codeword | GNU C++11 | combinatorics strings *2500 |
Sep/15/2020 09:53 |
710 | B - World Tour | GNU C++11 | graphs shortest paths *2000 |
Sep/15/2020 09:06 |
709 | A - Reberland Linguistics | GNU C++11 | dp implementation strings *1800 |
Sep/15/2020 08:35 |
708 | E - Expected Damage | GNU C++11 | binary search combinatorics probabilities *2400 |
Sep/15/2020 00:23 |
707 | D - Trash Problem | GNU C++11 | data structures implementation *2100 |
Sep/14/2020 23:45 |
706 | C - Mortal Kombat Tower | GNU C++11 | dp graphs greedy shortest paths *1500 |
Sep/14/2020 23:14 |
705 | B - Negative Prefixes | GNU C++11 | greedy sortings *1300 |
Sep/14/2020 23:08 |
704 | A - Buying Torches | GNU C++11 | math *1000 |
Sep/14/2020 23:02 |
703 | C - Fixed Point Removal | GNU C++11 | binary search constructive algorithms data structures greedy two pointers *2300 |
Sep/14/2020 20:36 |
702 | B - Tree Tag | GNU C++11 | dfs and similar dp games trees *1900 |
Sep/14/2020 20:19 |
701 | A - Balanced Bitstring | GNU C++11 | implementation strings *1500 |
Sep/14/2020 20:04 |
700 | F - Good Contest | GNU C++11 | combinatorics dp probabilities *2700 |
Sep/14/2020 19:37 |
699 | C - Link Cut Centroids | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms dfs and similar graphs trees *1700 |
Sep/14/2020 18:55 |
698 | D - Three Sequences | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms data structures greedy math *2200 |
Sep/14/2020 18:07 |
697 | H - Balanced Reversals | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms *3300 |
Sep/14/2020 15:48 |
696 | E - Deleting Numbers | GNU C++11 | interactive math number theory *2600 |
Sep/14/2020 11:36 |
695 | F - Balanced Domino Placements | GNU C++11 | combinatorics dp *2600 |
Sep/14/2020 09:54 |
694 | B - Maximum Product | GNU C++11 | brute force dp greedy implementation sortings *1200 |
Sep/13/2020 17:32 |
693 | A - Subset Mex | GNU C++11 | greedy implementation math *900 |
Sep/13/2020 17:25 |
692 | B - Verse For Santa | GNU C++11 | binary search brute force implementation *1300 |
Sep/12/2020 15:40 |
691 | A - New Year Garland | GNU C++11 | math *900 |
Sep/12/2020 15:33 |
690 | F - Red-Blue Graph | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms flows *2900 |
Sep/12/2020 15:27 |
689 | E - Raining season | GNU C++11 | data structures divide and conquer trees *3200 |
Sep/11/2020 21:50 |
688 | F - Number of Components | GNU C++11 | dsu implementation *2800 |
Sep/11/2020 17:16 |
687 | D - Game with Tokens | GNU C++11 | data structures games implementation *2500 |
Sep/11/2020 10:45 |
686 | C - Teodor is not a liar! | GNU C++11 | data structures dp *1900 |
Sep/11/2020 08:58 |
685 | B - Game with String | GNU C++11 | implementation probabilities strings *1600 |
Sep/11/2020 08:28 |
684 | A - Peculiar apple-tree | GNU C++11 | dfs and similar graphs trees *1500 |
Sep/11/2020 08:09 |
683 | G - Autocompletion | GNU C++11 | data structures dfs and similar dp *2600 |
Sep/10/2020 20:47 |
682 | F - Attack on Red Kingdom | GNU C++11 | games two pointers *2500 |
Sep/10/2020 19:51 |
681 | E - Array Shrinking | GNU C++11 | dp greedy *2100 |
Sep/10/2020 17:33 |
680 | D - Count the Arrays | GNU C++11 | combinatorics math *1700 |
Sep/10/2020 17:18 |
679 | D - Large Triangle | GNU C++11 | binary search geometry sortings *2700 |
Sep/10/2020 16:52 |
678 | C - Adding Powers | GNU C++11 | bitmasks greedy implementation math number theory ternary search *1400 |
Sep/10/2020 13:40 |
677 | B - Bogosort | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms sortings *1000 |
Sep/10/2020 11:40 |
676 | C - Sergey's problem | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms graphs *3000 |
Sep/10/2020 10:47 |
675 | B - The hat | GNU C++11 | binary search interactive *2000 |
Sep/10/2020 09:25 |
674 | A - Elections | GNU C++11 | brute force greedy *1700 |
Sep/10/2020 08:28 |
673 | A - Two Regular Polygons | GNU C++11 | geometry greedy math number theory *800 |
Sep/09/2020 21:13 |
672 | E - Count The Blocks | GNU C++11 | combinatorics dp math *1800 |
Sep/09/2020 20:35 |
671 | B - Big Vova | GNU C++11 | brute force greedy math number theory *1300 |
Sep/09/2020 18:39 |
670 | A - Ahahahahahahahaha | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms math *1100 |
Sep/09/2020 17:41 |
669 | E - Egor in the Republic of Dagestan | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms dfs and similar dp graphs greedy shortest paths *2500 |
Sep/09/2020 17:22 |
668 | D - Discrete Centrifugal Jumps | GNU C++11 | data structures dp graphs *2200 |
Sep/09/2020 16:51 |
667 | C - Chocolate Bunny | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms interactive math two pointers *1600 |
Sep/09/2020 16:12 |
666 | G - Letters and Question Marks | GNU C++11 | bitmasks dp string suffix structures *2800 |
Sep/09/2020 16:04 |
665 | F - AND Segments | GNU C++11 | bitmasks combinatorics data structures dp two pointers *2500 |
Sep/09/2020 15:17 |
664 | D - Infinite Path | GNU C++11 | brute force dfs and similar graphs math number theory *2200 |
Sep/09/2020 10:06 |
663 | C - Game with Chips | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms implementation *1600 |
Sep/09/2020 09:18 |
662 | B - Princesses and Princes | GNU C++11 | brute force graphs greedy *1200 |
Sep/09/2020 09:11 |
661 | A - Sum of Odd Integers | GNU C++11 | math *1100 |
Sep/09/2020 09:06 |
660 | F - Strange Function | GNU C++11 | binary search data structures dp greedy *2500 |
Sep/09/2020 08:59 |
659 | G - Substring Search | GNU C++11 | bitmasks brute force fft *2900 |
Sep/08/2020 17:50 |
658 | E - Divisor Paths | GNU C++11 | combinatorics graphs greedy math number theory *2200 |
Sep/08/2020 16:05 |
657 | D - Minimum Euler Cycle | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms graphs greedy implementation *1800 |
Sep/08/2020 15:33 |
656 | C - Circle of Monsters | GNU C++11 | brute force constructive algorithms greedy math *1600 |
Sep/08/2020 14:42 |
655 | B - Middle Class | GNU C++11 | greedy sortings *1100 |
Sep/08/2020 10:53 |
654 | A - Level Statistics | GNU C++11 | implementation math *1200 |
Sep/08/2020 10:44 |
653 | F - Make It Ascending | GNU C++11 | bitmasks brute force dp *3000 |
Sep/08/2020 10:31 |
652 | E - Placing Rooks | GNU C++11 | combinatorics fft math *2300 |
Sep/08/2020 08:09 |
651 | D - Multiple Testcases | GNU C++11 | binary search constructive algorithms data structures greedy sortings two pointers *1900 |
Sep/08/2020 07:49 |
650 | C - Yet Another Counting Problem | GNU C++11 | math number theory *1600 |
Sep/07/2020 19:26 |
649 | B - Binary Period | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms strings *1100 |
Sep/07/2020 18:56 |
648 | A - Road To Zero | GNU C++11 | greedy math *1000 |
Sep/07/2020 18:36 |
647 | G - Construct the String | GNU C++11 | data structures dp strings *2700 |
Sep/07/2020 18:28 |
646 | F - Jog Around The Graph | GNU C++11 | binary search dp geometry graphs *2700 |
Sep/07/2020 17:09 |
645 | G - Directing Edges | GNU C++11 | dfs and similar dp graphs trees *2800 |
Sep/07/2020 13:40 |
644 | F - Bicolored Segments | GNU C++11 | data structures dp graph matchings sortings *2600 |
Sep/07/2020 09:12 |
643 | E - Calendar Ambiguity | GNU C++11 | math number theory *2200 |
Sep/07/2020 08:31 |
642 | G - Running Competition | GNU C++11 | bitmasks fft math number theory *2600 |
Sep/04/2020 19:14 |
641 | F - Controversial Rounds | GNU C++11 | binary search data structures dp greedy two pointers *2500 |
Sep/04/2020 15:32 |
640 | E - Two Types of Spells | GNU C++11 | binary search data structures greedy implementation math sortings *2200 |
Sep/04/2020 14:27 |
639 | D - Colored Rectangles | GNU C++11 | dp greedy sortings *1800 |
Sep/04/2020 10:33 |
638 | C - Good Subarrays | GNU C++11 | data structures dp math *1600 |
Sep/04/2020 10:21 |
637 | B - Substring Removal Game | GNU C++11 | games greedy sortings *800 |
Sep/04/2020 10:11 |
636 | A - Bad Triangle | GNU C++11 | geometry math *800 |
Sep/04/2020 10:06 |
635 | B - RPG Protagonist | GNU C++11 | brute force greedy math *1700 |
Sep/04/2020 10:04 |
634 | F - x-prime Substrings | GNU C++11 | brute force dfs and similar dp string suffix structures strings *2800 |
Sep/04/2020 08:51 |
633 | E - Clear the Multiset | GNU C++11 | data structures divide and conquer dp greedy *2200 |
Sep/03/2020 21:58 |
632 | D - Zigzags | GNU C++11 | brute force combinatorics data structures math two pointers *1900 |
Sep/03/2020 21:51 |
631 | C - Binary String Reconstruction | GNU C++11 | 2-sat brute force constructive algorithms greedy *1500 |
Sep/03/2020 21:44 |
630 | A - String Similarity | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms strings *800 |
Sep/03/2020 21:27 |
629 | D - Rainbow Rectangles | GNU C++11 | data structures sortings two pointers *3300 |
Sep/03/2020 17:07 |
628 | G - Mercenaries | GNU C++11 | bitmasks brute force combinatorics dp dsu math two pointers *2600 |
Sep/03/2020 14:06 |
627 | E - Delete a Segment | GNU C++11 | brute force constructive algorithms data structures dp graphs sortings trees two pointers *2300 |
Sep/02/2020 16:45 |
626 | E - Distance Matching | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms dfs and similar trees *3200 |
Sep/02/2020 14:18 |
625 | E1 - Chiori and Doll Picking (easy version) | GNU C++11 | bitmasks brute force combinatorics math *2700 |
Sep/01/2020 20:44 |
624 | E2 - Chiori and Doll Picking (hard version) | GNU C++11 | bitmasks brute force combinatorics math *3500 |
Sep/01/2020 20:19 |
623 | D - Yui and Mahjong Set | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms interactive *3200 |
Sep/01/2020 15:14 |
622 | G - Xor-matic Number of the Graph | GNU C++11 | bitmasks graphs math number theory trees *2600 |
Sep/01/2020 13:21 |
621 | C - Kaavi and Magic Spell | GNU C++11 | dp strings *2200 |
Sep/01/2020 11:27 |
620 | B - Xenia and Colorful Gems | GNU C++11 | binary search greedy math sortings two pointers *1700 |
Sep/01/2020 10:34 |
619 | A - Linova and Kingdom | GNU C++11 | dfs and similar dp greedy sortings trees *1600 |
Sep/01/2020 09:57 |
618 | D - Enchanted Artifact | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms interactive strings *2300 |
Aug/31/2020 21:14 |
617 | C - Monster Invaders | GNU C++11 | dp greedy implementation *2300 |
Aug/31/2020 16:51 |
616 | B - Stoned Game | GNU C++11 | brute force constructive algorithms games greedy *1800 |
Aug/31/2020 14:35 |
615 | A - Multiples of Length | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms greedy number theory *1600 |
Aug/31/2020 14:29 |
614 | E - Train Tracks | GNU C++11 | data structures trees *3100 |
Aug/31/2020 09:26 |
613 | F - Piet's Palette | GNU C++11 | matrices *3200 |
Aug/30/2020 20:49 |
612 | D - Résumé Review | GNU C++11 | binary search greedy math *2700 |
Aug/30/2020 19:33 |
611 | C - Quantifier Question | GNU C++11 | dfs and similar dp graphs math *2600 |
Aug/29/2020 09:59 |
610 | B - Monopole Magnets | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms dfs and similar dsu graphs *2000 |
Aug/29/2020 09:22 |
609 | A - Hilbert's Hotel | GNU C++11 | math number theory sortings *1600 |
Aug/29/2020 08:38 |
608 | F1 - Slime and Sequences (Easy Version) | GNU C++11 | dp fft math *3100 |
Aug/28/2020 16:16 |
607 | D - Slime and Biscuits | GNU C++11 | math probabilities *3200 |
Aug/28/2020 15:26 |
606 | C - Orac and Game of Life | GNU C++11 | dfs and similar graphs implementation shortest paths *2000 |
Aug/28/2020 09:10 |
605 | B - Orac and Medians | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms greedy math *2000 |
Aug/28/2020 08:42 |
604 | A - Orac and LCM | GNU C++11 | data structures math number theory *1600 |
Aug/28/2020 07:42 |
603 | F - Ehab's Last Theorem | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms dfs and similar graphs greedy *2500 |
Aug/27/2020 21:19 |
602 | C - Drazil Likes Heap | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms data structures greedy implementation *2400 |
Aug/27/2020 20:35 |
601 | F - Johnny and New Toy | GNU C++11 | data structures implementation math *3300 |
Aug/27/2020 16:42 |
600 | E - Road to 1600 | GNU C++11 | brute force constructive algorithms *2400 |
Aug/27/2020 11:18 |
599 | E - James and the Chase | GNU C++11 | dfs and similar graphs probabilities trees *3000 |
Aug/27/2020 10:43 |
598 | D - Johnny and James | GNU C++11 | greedy implementation math trees *2900 |
Aug/27/2020 08:34 |
597 | F - Restore the Permutation by Sorted Segments | GNU C++11 | brute force constructive algorithms data structures greedy implementation *2400 |
Aug/26/2020 21:25 |
596 | F - Summoning Minions | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms dp flows graph matchings greedy sortings *2500 |
Aug/26/2020 20:44 |
595 | G - Shifting Dominoes | GNU C++11 | data structures geometry graphs trees *3200 |
Aug/26/2020 17:09 |
594 | H2 - Breadboard Capacity (hard version) | GNU C++11 | *3500 |
Aug/26/2020 15:21 |
593 | H1 - Breadboard Capacity (easy version) | GNU C++11 | dp flows greedy *3300 |
Aug/26/2020 12:44 |
592 | F - Lamps on a Circle | GNU C++11 | games implementation interactive math *2600 |
Aug/26/2020 10:50 |
591 | E - Ski Accidents | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms graphs greedy *2500 |
Aug/26/2020 09:50 |
590 | D - AND, OR and square sum | GNU C++11 | bitmasks greedy math *1700 |
Aug/26/2020 08:21 |
589 | C - Even Picture | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms *1500 |
Aug/26/2020 07:54 |
588 | B - Codeforces Subsequences | GNU C++11 | brute force constructive algorithms greedy math strings *1500 |
Aug/25/2020 21:39 |
587 | A - C+= | GNU C++11 | brute force greedy implementation math *800 |
Aug/25/2020 21:26 |
586 | I - Cubic Lattice | GNU C++11 | geometry math matrices number theory *3500 |
Aug/25/2020 18:43 |
585 | H - Set Merging | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms divide and conquer *3300 |
Aug/25/2020 09:38 |
584 | E - Origami | GNU C++11 | geometry math sortings *3300 |
Aug/24/2020 20:15 |
583 | D - The Majestic Brown Tree Snake | GNU C++11 | dfs and similar dp greedy trees two pointers *3000 |
Aug/24/2020 10:50 |
582 | C - Mastermind | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms graph matchings greedy implementation sortings two pointers *2500 |
Aug/24/2020 09:04 |
581 | A - Boboniu Chats with Du | GNU C++11 | dp greedy sortings two pointers *1800 |
Aug/23/2020 20:01 |
580 | E - Boboniu and Banknote Collection | GNU C++11 | strings *3500 |
Aug/23/2020 20:00 |
579 | D - Boboniu and Jianghu | GNU C++11 | dp greedy sortings trees *2800 |
Aug/23/2020 15:23 |
578 | C - Boboniu and String | GNU C++11 | binary search geometry ternary search *2600 |
Aug/23/2020 09:20 |
577 | B - Boboniu Walks on Graph | GNU C++11 | brute force dfs and similar graphs hashing *2300 |
Aug/23/2020 08:13 |
576 | I - Kevin and Grid | GNU C++11 | fft graphs math *3300 |
Aug/22/2020 21:10 |
575 | H - ZS Shuffles Cards | GNU C++11 | combinatorics dp math probabilities *3000 |
Aug/22/2020 16:28 |
574 | G - Omkar and Pies | GNU C++11 | bitmasks dfs and similar dp math shortest paths *2900 |
Aug/22/2020 15:16 |
573 | F - Omkar and Landslide | GNU C++11 | binary search constructive algorithms data structures greedy math *2400 |
Aug/22/2020 10:13 |
572 | E - Omkar and Duck | GNU C++11 | bitmasks constructive algorithms interactive math *2100 |
Aug/22/2020 08:36 |
571 | D - Omkar and Bed Wars | GNU C++11 | dp greedy *1700 |
Aug/22/2020 08:04 |
570 | C - Omkar and Waterslide | GNU C++11 | greedy implementation *1200 |
Aug/22/2020 07:26 |
569 | B - Omkar and Infinity Clock | GNU C++11 | implementation math *800 |
Aug/22/2020 07:16 |
568 | A - Omkar and Password | GNU C++11 | greedy math *800 |
Aug/22/2020 07:10 |
567 | E - Strange Operation | GNU C++11 | combinatorics data structures dp *2800 |
Aug/21/2020 14:14 |
566 | C - String Transformation 2 | GNU C++11 | bitmasks dp graphs trees *3100 |
Aug/21/2020 10:34 |
565 | B - GameGame | GNU C++11 | bitmasks constructive algorithms dp games greedy math *1900 |
Aug/21/2020 08:23 |
564 | A - String Transformation 1 | GNU C++11 | dsu graphs greedy sortings strings trees two pointers *1700 |
Aug/21/2020 07:18 |
563 | D - Captain Flint and Treasure | GNU C++11 | data structures dfs and similar graphs greedy implementation trees *2000 |
Jul/30/2020 23:52 |
562 | C - Uncle Bogdan and Country Happiness | GNU C++11 | dfs and similar greedy math trees *1800 |
Jul/30/2020 23:21 |
561 | B - Captain Flint and a Long Voyage | GNU C++11 | greedy math *1000 |
Jul/30/2020 22:50 |
560 | A - Captain Flint and Crew Recruitment | GNU C++11 | brute force greedy math number theory *800 |
Jul/30/2020 22:42 |
559 | D - Segment Intersections | GNU C++11 | brute force greedy implementation math *2100 |
Jul/30/2020 14:50 |
558 | C - Good String | GNU C++11 | brute force dp greedy two pointers *1500 |
Jul/30/2020 14:15 |
557 | B - Array Walk | GNU C++11 | brute force dp greedy *1600 |
Jul/30/2020 14:02 |
556 | A - LCM Problem | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms greedy math number theory *800 |
Jul/30/2020 13:49 |
555 | B - Unmerge | GNU C++11 | dp *1800 |
Jul/21/2020 23:33 |
554 | A2 - Prefix Flip (Hard Version) | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms data structures implementation strings two pointers *1700 |
Jul/21/2020 23:27 |
553 | A1 - Prefix Flip (Easy Version) | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms data structures strings *1300 |
Jul/21/2020 23:27 |
552 | D - New Passenger Trams | GNU C++11 | binary search brute force data structures sortings two pointers *2300 |
Jul/19/2020 21:16 |
551 | A - Acacius and String | GNU C++11 | brute force implementation strings *1500 |
Jul/19/2020 18:20 |
550 | C - Choosing flowers | GNU C++11 | binary search brute force data structures dfs and similar dp greedy sortings two pointers *2000 |
Jul/19/2020 17:51 |
549 | B - Dubious Cyrpto | GNU C++11 | binary search brute force math number theory *1500 |
Jul/19/2020 17:34 |
548 | C - Vasya and Beautiful Arrays | GNU C++11 | brute force dp number theory *2100 |
Jul/17/2020 15:46 |
547 | A - Vasya and Robot | GNU C++11 | brute force greedy math *1500 |
Jul/17/2020 14:52 |
546 | C - And Reachability | GNU C++11 | bitmasks dp *2200 |
Jul/16/2020 16:50 |
545 | B - Good Triple | GNU C++11 | brute force two pointers *1900 |
Jul/16/2020 09:55 |
544 | A - Increasing by Modulo | GNU C++11 | binary search greedy *1700 |
Jul/16/2020 09:12 |
543 | E2 - Reading Books (hard version) | GNU C++11 | data structures greedy implementation sortings ternary search two pointers *2500 |
Jul/14/2020 17:18 |
542 | C - Move Brackets | GNU C++11 | greedy strings *1000 |
Jul/14/2020 17:17 |
541 | D - Zero Remainder Array | GNU C++11 | math sortings two pointers *1400 |
Jul/14/2020 17:17 |
540 | E1 - Reading Books (easy version) | GNU C++11 | data structures greedy sortings *1600 |
Jul/14/2020 17:17 |
539 | A - Required Remainder | GNU C++11 | math *800 |
Jul/14/2020 17:16 |
538 | B - Multiply by 2, divide by 6 | GNU C++11 | math *900 |
Jul/14/2020 17:16 |
537 | F - Omkar and Modes | GNU C++11 | binary search divide and conquer interactive *2700 |
Jul/14/2020 15:40 |
536 | G - Circular Dungeon | GNU C++11 | greedy math probabilities *2600 |
Jul/14/2020 12:54 |
535 | E - Merging Towers | GNU C++11 | data structures dsu implementation trees *2300 |
Jul/13/2020 18:08 |
534 | E - Omkar and Last Floor | GNU C++11 | dp greedy two pointers *2900 |
Jul/13/2020 13:17 |
533 | D - Omkar and Circle | GNU C++11 | brute force dp games greedy *2100 |
Jul/13/2020 11:12 |
532 | F - Strange Addition | GNU C++11 | data structures dp matrices *2600 |
Jul/13/2020 01:36 |
531 | D - Berserk And Fireball | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms greedy implementation math two pointers *2000 |
Jul/12/2020 23:48 |
530 | C - Create The Teams | GNU C++11 | brute force dp greedy implementation sortings *1400 |
Jul/12/2020 23:24 |
529 | B - Universal Solution | GNU C++11 | greedy *1400 |
Jul/12/2020 23:20 |
528 | A - Three Indices | GNU C++11 | brute force data structures *900 |
Jul/12/2020 22:48 |
527 | C - Omkar and Baseball | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms math *1500 |
Jul/11/2020 23:28 |
526 | B - Omkar and Last Class of Math | GNU C++11 | greedy math number theory *1300 |
Jul/11/2020 23:17 |
525 | A - Omkar and Completion | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms implementation *800 |
Jul/11/2020 23:08 |
524 | B - Double Elimination | GNU C++11 | dp implementation *2500 |
Jul/11/2020 21:22 |
523 | D - Tree Queries | GNU C++11 | data structures probabilities trees *2700 |
Jul/10/2020 15:06 |
522 | C - Point Ordering | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms geometry interactive math *2300 |
Jul/10/2020 10:47 |
521 | B1 - Send Boxes to Alice (Easy Version) | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms greedy math number theory ternary search two pointers *1800 |
Jul/10/2020 10:08 |
520 | B2 - Send Boxes to Alice (Hard Version) | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms greedy math number theory ternary search two pointers *2100 |
Jul/10/2020 10:06 |
519 | A - Feeding Chicken | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms greedy implementation *1700 |
Jul/10/2020 09:40 |
518 | D - Nastya and Time Machine | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms dfs and similar graphs trees *2600 |
Jul/09/2020 16:53 |
517 | C - Nastya and Unexpected Guest | GNU C++11 | dfs and similar dp graphs shortest paths *2400 |
Jul/09/2020 11:13 |
516 | B - Nastya and Scoreboard | GNU C++11 | bitmasks dp graphs greedy *1700 |
Jul/09/2020 10:13 |
515 | A - Nastya and Strange Generator | GNU C++11 | brute force data structures greedy implementation *1500 |
Jul/09/2020 09:53 |
514 | E - Bombs | GNU C++11 | data structures two pointers *2400 |
Jul/08/2020 12:09 |
513 | D2 - Prefix-Suffix Palindrome (Hard version) | GNU C++11 | binary search greedy hashing string suffix structures strings *1800 |
Jul/08/2020 11:40 |
512 | D1 - Prefix-Suffix Palindrome (Easy version) | GNU C++11 | hashing string suffix structures strings *1500 |
Jul/08/2020 11:29 |
511 | C - Permutation Partitions | GNU C++11 | combinatorics greedy math *1300 |
Jul/08/2020 10:39 |
510 | B - Maximums | GNU C++11 | implementation math *900 |
Jul/08/2020 10:34 |
509 | A - Bad Ugly Numbers | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms number theory *1000 |
Jul/08/2020 10:30 |
508 | E - Balanced Binary Search Trees | GNU C++11 | dp math *2400 |
Jul/07/2020 14:59 |
507 | D - Balanced Playlist | GNU C++11 | binary search data structures implementation *2000 |
Jul/07/2020 10:02 |
506 | C2 - Balanced Removals (Harder) | GNU C++11 | binary search constructive algorithms divide and conquer greedy implementation sortings *1900 |
Jul/07/2020 09:37 |
505 | C1 - Balanced Removals (Easier) | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms geometry greedy *1700 |
Jul/07/2020 09:37 |
504 | B - Balanced Tunnel | GNU C++11 | data structures sortings two pointers *1300 |
Jul/07/2020 09:23 |
503 | A - Balanced Rating Changes | GNU C++11 | implementation math *1000 |
Jul/07/2020 09:13 |
502 | D - Reality Show | GNU C++11 | bitmasks dp *2800 |
Jul/06/2020 18:17 |
501 | C - Instant Noodles | GNU C++11 | graphs hashing math number theory *2300 |
Jul/06/2020 15:22 |
500 | B - Present | GNU C++11 | binary search bitmasks constructive algorithms data structures math sortings *2100 |
Jul/06/2020 14:20 |
499 | A - Unusual Competitions | GNU C++11 | greedy *1300 |
Jul/06/2020 13:43 |
498 | G - Tree Modification | GNU C++11 | brute force constructive algorithms dfs and similar graph matchings graphs trees *2800 |
Jul/06/2020 10:54 |
497 | F - Integer Game | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms games interactive math *2600 |
Jul/06/2020 10:33 |
496 | D - Replace by MEX | GNU C++11 | brute force constructive algorithms sortings *1900 |
Jul/05/2020 17:24 |
495 | C - Element Extermination | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms data structures greedy *1400 |
Jul/05/2020 14:43 |
494 | B - Neighbor Grid | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms greedy *1200 |
Jul/05/2020 14:34 |
493 | A - Sign Flipping | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms math *1100 |
Jul/05/2020 14:29 |
492 | D - Miss Punyverse | GNU C++11 | dp greedy trees *2500 |
Jul/03/2020 21:33 |
491 | C - Jeremy Bearimy | GNU C++11 | dfs and similar graphs greedy trees *2000 |
Jul/03/2020 16:13 |
490 | B - Beingawesomeism | GNU C++11 | implementation math *1800 |
Jul/03/2020 16:02 |
489 | A - Cut and Paste | GNU C++11 | implementation math *1700 |
Jul/03/2020 15:50 |
488 | F - Asterisk Substrings | GNU C++11 | string suffix structures *3400 |
Jul/02/2020 21:59 |
487 | E2 - Asterism (Hard Version) | GNU C++11 | binary search combinatorics dp math number theory sortings *2300 |
Jul/02/2020 11:54 |
486 | E1 - Asterism (Easy Version) | GNU C++11 | binary search brute force combinatorics math number theory sortings *1900 |
Jul/01/2020 22:49 |
485 | D - Grid-00100 | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms greedy implementation *1600 |
Jul/01/2020 22:27 |
484 | C - A Cookie for You | GNU C++11 | greedy implementation math *1300 |
Jul/01/2020 22:13 |
483 | B - Magical Calendar | GNU C++11 | math *1200 |
Jul/01/2020 21:59 |
482 | A - Magical Sticks | GNU C++11 | math *800 |
Jul/01/2020 21:37 |
481 | E - DeadLee | GNU C++11 | data structures dfs and similar greedy implementation sortings *2400 |
Jul/01/2020 17:17 |
480 | D - TediousLee | GNU C++11 | dp graphs greedy math trees *1900 |
Jul/01/2020 16:23 |
479 | C - RationalLee | GNU C++11 | greedy math sortings two pointers *1400 |
Jul/01/2020 15:56 |
478 | B - AccurateLee | GNU C++11 | greedy implementation strings *1200 |
Jul/01/2020 15:48 |
477 | A - FashionabLee | GNU C++11 | geometry math *800 |
Jul/01/2020 15:37 |
476 | D - Tree Elimination | GNU C++11 | dp trees *2900 |
Jun/29/2020 14:38 |
475 | C - Beautiful Rectangle | GNU C++11 | brute force combinatorics constructive algorithms data structures greedy math *2300 |
Jun/28/2020 17:10 |
474 | B - Two Fairs | GNU C++11 | combinatorics dfs and similar dsu graphs *1900 |
Jun/28/2020 16:19 |
473 | A - As Simple as One and Two | GNU C++11 | dp greedy *1400 |
Jun/28/2020 16:04 |
472 | E - Beautiful League | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms flows graph matchings *2700 |
Jun/27/2020 17:09 |
471 | D2 - Beautiful Bracket Sequence (hard version) | GNU C++11 | combinatorics probabilities *2900 |
Jun/27/2020 16:50 |
470 | G - Pawns | GNU C++11 | data structures divide and conquer greedy *2600 |
Jun/27/2020 13:31 |
469 | F - Network Coverage | GNU C++11 | binary search constructive algorithms data structures greedy *2400 |
Jun/26/2020 15:12 |
468 | D1 - Beautiful Bracket Sequence (easy version) | GNU C++11 | combinatorics dp probabilities *2600 |
Jun/26/2020 12:09 |
467 | E - Sum of Digits | GNU C++11 | brute force constructive algorithms dp greedy *2200 |
Jun/26/2020 00:38 |
466 | D - Maximum Sum on Even Positions | GNU C++11 | divide and conquer dp greedy implementation *1600 |
Jun/25/2020 23:03 |
465 | C - Pluses and Minuses | GNU C++11 | math *1300 |
Jun/25/2020 22:48 |
464 | B - 01 Game | GNU C++11 | games *900 |
Jun/25/2020 22:42 |
463 | A - Donut Shops | GNU C++11 | greedy implementation math *1000 |
Jun/25/2020 22:39 |
462 | C - Beautiful Mirrors with queries | GNU C++11 | data structures probabilities *2400 |
Jun/25/2020 19:31 |
461 | B - Beautiful Sequence | GNU C++11 | brute force constructive algorithms greedy *1900 |
Jun/25/2020 16:23 |
460 | A - Beautiful Regional Contest | GNU C++11 | greedy implementation *1500 |
Jun/25/2020 15:51 |
459 | E - X-OR | GNU C++11 | bitmasks constructive algorithms divide and conquer interactive probabilities *2700 |
Jun/14/2020 16:28 |
458 | D - Ehab's Last Corollary | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms dfs and similar graphs greedy implementation trees *2100 |
Jun/14/2020 15:13 |
457 | C - Ehab and Prefix MEXs | GNU C++11 | brute force constructive algorithms greedy *1600 |
Jun/14/2020 14:55 |
456 | B - Most socially-distanced subsequence | GNU C++11 | greedy two pointers *1300 |
Jun/14/2020 14:53 |
455 | A - XXXXX | GNU C++11 | brute force data structures number theory two pointers *1200 |
Jun/14/2020 14:48 |
454 | E - Two Arrays | GNU C++11 | binary search brute force combinatorics constructive algorithms dp two pointers *2100 |
Jun/12/2020 16:04 |
453 | C - Palindromic Paths | GNU C++11 | greedy math *1500 |
Jun/12/2020 15:41 |
452 | D - Two Divisors | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms math number theory *2000 |
Jun/12/2020 15:22 |
451 | B - Shuffle | GNU C++11 | math two pointers *1300 |
Jun/12/2020 15:09 |
450 | A - Shovels and Swords | GNU C++11 | binary search greedy math *1100 |
Jun/12/2020 15:04 |
449 | G - Secure Password | GNU C++11 | bitmasks combinatorics constructive algorithms interactive math *2800 |
Jun/08/2020 20:27 |
448 | F - Swaps Again | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms implementation sortings *2100 |
Jun/08/2020 15:55 |
447 | D - Solve The Maze | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms dfs and similar dsu graphs greedy implementation shortest paths *1700 |
Jun/08/2020 15:14 |
446 | E - Maximum Subsequence Value | GNU C++11 | brute force constructive algorithms *1900 |
Jun/08/2020 15:07 |
445 | C - Rotation Matching | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms data structures greedy implementation *1400 |
Jun/08/2020 15:00 |
444 | B - Trouble Sort | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms implementation *1300 |
Jun/08/2020 14:52 |
443 | A - Matrix Game | GNU C++11 | games greedy implementation *1100 |
Jun/08/2020 14:46 |
442 | C - Johnny and Megan's Necklace | GNU C++11 | binary search bitmasks constructive algorithms dfs and similar dsu graphs *2500 |
Jun/05/2020 09:55 |
441 | B - Johnny and Grandmaster | GNU C++11 | greedy implementation math sortings *1900 |
Jun/05/2020 00:31 |
440 | A - Johnny and Contribution | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms graphs greedy sortings *1700 |
Jun/04/2020 22:46 |
439 | F - Rotating Substrings | GNU C++11 | dp strings *2600 |
Jun/01/2020 20:16 |
438 | D - Guess The Maximums | GNU C++11 | binary search implementation interactive math *2100 |
Jun/01/2020 16:34 |
437 | E - Tree Shuffling | GNU C++11 | dfs and similar dp greedy trees *2000 |
Jun/01/2020 16:16 |
436 | C - Game On Leaves | GNU C++11 | games trees *1600 |
Jun/01/2020 15:23 |
435 | B - Subsequence Hate | GNU C++11 | implementation strings *1400 |
Jun/01/2020 15:05 |
434 | A - Odd Selection | GNU C++11 | brute force implementation math *1200 |
Jun/01/2020 14:59 |
433 | F - RC Kaboom Show | GNU C++11 | binary search brute force data structures geometry math *2900 |
May/31/2020 20:11 |
432 | E - Modular Stability | GNU C++11 | combinatorics math number theory *2000 |
May/29/2020 00:06 |
431 | C - Mixing Water | GNU C++11 | binary search math *1700 |
May/28/2020 23:56 |
430 | D - Yet Another Yet Another Task | GNU C++11 | data structures dp implementation two pointers *2000 |
May/28/2020 23:13 |
429 | B - New Theatre Square | GNU C++11 | brute force dp greedy implementation two pointers *1000 |
May/28/2020 22:45 |
428 | A - Berland Poker | GNU C++11 | brute force greedy math *1000 |
May/28/2020 22:39 |
427 | A - A+B (Trial Problem) | Kotlin | *special problem *800 |
May/27/2020 11:56 |
426 | G - Find a Gift | GNU C++11 | binary search interactive probabilities *2600 |
May/27/2020 11:23 |
425 | F - Tasty Cookie | GNU C++11 | binary search constructive algorithms greedy implementation *2700 |
May/27/2020 09:52 |
424 | E - Are You Fired? | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms data structures greedy implementation *2400 |
May/27/2020 08:39 |
423 | D - The Best Vacation | GNU C++11 | binary search brute force greedy implementation two pointers *1900 |
May/27/2020 00:10 |
422 | D - Around the World | GNU C++11 | bitmasks combinatorics dfs and similar dp graphs graphs math trees *3000 |
May/26/2020 09:16 |
421 | E - Binary Cards | GNU C++11 | brute force *2700 |
May/25/2020 11:30 |
420 | E - k-d-sequence | GNU C++11 | data structures *3100 |
May/23/2020 12:49 |
419 | E - Cow Tennis Tournament | GNU C++11 | combinatorics data structures math *2800 |
May/20/2020 21:25 |
418 | E - Graph Coloring | GNU C++11 | dfs and similar dp graphs *2100 |
May/17/2020 21:09 |
417 | C2 - Not So Simple Polygon Embedding | GNU C++14 | binary search brute force geometry math *2000 |
May/17/2020 18:36 |
416 | C1 - Simple Polygon Embedding | GNU C++14 | binary search geometry math ternary search *1400 |
May/17/2020 18:09 |
415 | D - Multiset | GNU C++14 | binary search data structures *1900 |
May/17/2020 17:56 |
414 | B - Ternary String | GNU C++14 | binary search dp implementation two pointers *1200 |
May/17/2020 17:34 |
413 | A - Alarm Clock | GNU C++14 | math *900 |
May/17/2020 17:28 |
412 | E - Restorer Distance | GNU C++14 | binary search greedy math sortings ternary search *2100 |
May/16/2020 22:57 |
411 | D - Game With Array | GNU C++14 | constructive algorithms math *1400 |
May/16/2020 20:52 |
410 | A - Sequence with Digits | GNU C++14 | brute force implementation math *1200 |
May/16/2020 20:05 |
409 | C - Count Triangles | GNU C++14 | binary search implementation math two pointers *1800 |
May/16/2020 19:58 |
408 | B - Young Explorers | GNU C++14 | dp greedy sortings *1200 |
May/16/2020 19:45 |
407 | I - Yet Another String Matching Problem | GNU C++14 | fft math *2200 |
May/15/2020 11:30 |
406 | C - Logistical Questions | GNU C++14 | dfs and similar divide and conquer trees *3000 |
Apr/27/2020 21:36 |
405 | C - Infinite Fence | GNU C++14 | greedy math number theory *1700 |
Apr/25/2020 09:04 |
404 | E - Ciel and Gondolas | GNU C++14 | data structures divide and conquer dp *2600 |
Apr/23/2020 19:54 |
403 | F - Edge coloring of bipartite graph | GNU C++14 | graphs *2800 |
Apr/20/2020 20:22 |
402 | E - Buying Sets | GNU C++14 | flows graph matchings *2900 |
Apr/18/2020 14:56 |
401 | D - Mike and Fish | GNU C++14 | constructive algorithms dfs and similar graphs *2600 |
Apr/15/2020 16:01 |
400 | B - Weird journey | GNU C++14 | combinatorics constructive algorithms dfs and similar dsu graphs *2100 |
Apr/14/2020 23:02 |
399 | E - Mashmokh's Designed Problem | GNU C++11 | data structures *3200 |
Apr/09/2020 23:32 |
398 | F - Elementary! | GNU C++11 | brute force dp strings |
Apr/02/2020 00:25 |
397 | H - It's showtime | UnknownX | Apr/01/2020 23:48 | |
396 | C - ...And after happily lived ever they | GNU C++11 | bitmasks |
Apr/01/2020 23:18 |
395 | B - Limericks | GNU C++11 | math number theory |
Apr/01/2020 22:56 |
394 | D - Again? | GNU C++11 | implementation |
Apr/01/2020 22:49 |
393 | A - Is it rated? | GNU C++11 | Apr/01/2020 22:41 | |
392 | E - Fox And Dinner | GNU C++11 | flows *2300 |
Mar/28/2020 22:57 |
391 | D - Prefixes and Suffixes | GNU C++11 | dp string suffix structures strings two pointers *2000 |
Mar/25/2020 17:40 |
390 | G - New Year and Original Order | GNU C++11 | dp math *2800 |
Mar/09/2020 22:10 |
389 | E - Messenger Simulator | GNU C++11 | data structures *2000 |
Mar/06/2020 11:10 |
388 | D - Minimax Problem | GNU C++11 | binary search bitmasks dp *2000 |
Mar/06/2020 10:43 |
387 | C - Two Arrays | GNU C++11 | combinatorics dp *1600 |
Mar/06/2020 10:28 |
386 | B - Yet Another Meme Problem | GNU C++11 | math *1100 |
Mar/06/2020 10:18 |
385 | A - Deadline | GNU C++11 | binary search brute force math ternary search *1100 |
Mar/06/2020 10:10 |
384 | C - Cyclical Quest | GNU C++11 | data structures string suffix structures strings *2700 |
Mar/05/2020 15:37 |
383 | E - Permutation Separation | GNU C++11 | data structures divide and conquer *2200 |
Mar/05/2020 11:27 |
382 | D - Same GCDs | GNU C++11 | math number theory *1800 |
Mar/05/2020 10:46 |
381 | C - Obtain The String | GNU C++11 | dp greedy strings *1600 |
Mar/05/2020 10:33 |
380 | B - Infinite Prefixes | GNU C++11 | math strings *1700 |
Mar/05/2020 10:23 |
379 | A - Display The Number | GNU C++11 | greedy *900 |
Mar/05/2020 10:08 |
378 | C - Primitive Primes | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms math ternary search *1800 |
Mar/04/2020 23:13 |
377 | E - Kuroni and the Score Distribution | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms greedy implementation math *2200 |
Mar/04/2020 00:34 |
376 | D - Kuroni and the Celebration | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms dfs and similar interactive trees *1900 |
Mar/03/2020 23:06 |
375 | C - Kuroni and Impossible Calculation | GNU C++11 | brute force combinatorics math number theory *1600 |
Mar/03/2020 22:49 |
374 | B - Kuroni and Simple Strings | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms greedy strings two pointers *1200 |
Mar/03/2020 22:45 |
373 | A - Kuroni and the Gifts | GNU C++11 | brute force constructive algorithms greedy sortings *800 |
Mar/03/2020 22:38 |
372 | F2 - Animal Observation (hard version) | GNU C++11 | data structures dp greedy *2400 |
Mar/03/2020 11:51 |
371 | F1 - Animal Observation (easy version) | GNU C++11 | data structures dp *2300 |
Mar/03/2020 11:25 |
370 | D - Shortest and Longest LIS | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms graphs greedy two pointers *1800 |
Mar/03/2020 10:58 |
369 | E - 1-Trees and Queries | GNU C++11 | data structures dfs and similar shortest paths trees *2000 |
Mar/03/2020 10:42 |
368 | C - Air Conditioner | GNU C++11 | dp greedy implementation sortings two pointers *1500 |
Mar/03/2020 10:19 |
367 | B - Longest Palindrome | GNU C++11 | brute force constructive algorithms greedy implementation strings *1100 |
Mar/03/2020 10:10 |
366 | A - Two Rabbits | GNU C++11 | math *800 |
Mar/03/2020 09:57 |
365 | F - String Set Queries | GNU C++11 | brute force data structures hashing interactive string suffix structures strings *2400 |
Mar/02/2020 23:58 |
364 | E - Cow and Treats | GNU C++11 | binary search combinatorics dp greedy implementation math *2500 |
Mar/02/2020 10:36 |
363 | D - Cow and Fields | GNU C++11 | binary search data structures dfs and similar graphs greedy shortest paths sortings *1900 |
Mar/02/2020 09:24 |
362 | C - Cow and Message | GNU C++11 | brute force dp math strings *1500 |
Mar/02/2020 08:50 |
361 | B - Cow and Friend | GNU C++11 | geometry greedy math *1300 |
Mar/02/2020 08:41 |
360 | A - Cow and Haybales | GNU C++11 | greedy implementation *800 |
Mar/02/2020 08:33 |
359 | D - Reachable Strings | GNU C++11 | data structures hashing strings *2500 |
Mar/02/2020 08:21 |
358 | C - World of Darkraft: Battle for Azathoth | GNU C++11 | brute force data structures sortings *2000 |
Mar/01/2020 23:01 |
357 | B - Navigation System | GNU C++11 | dfs and similar graphs shortest paths *1700 |
Mar/01/2020 21:50 |
356 | A - Journey Planning | GNU C++11 | data structures dp greedy math sortings *1400 |
Mar/01/2020 21:22 |
355 | A - Recommendations | GNU C++11 | data structures greedy sortings *1700 |
Mar/01/2020 20:32 |
354 | D - Bonus Distribution | Kotlin | *special problem binary search greedy sortings |
Feb/27/2020 22:42 |
353 | C - Dream Team | Kotlin | *special problem greedy |
Feb/27/2020 22:03 |
352 | A - Likes Display | Kotlin | *special problem implementation |
Feb/27/2020 21:48 |
351 | F2 - Median on Segments (General Case Edition) | Kotlin | *special problem sortings |
Feb/27/2020 13:35 |
350 | F1 - Median on Segments (Permutations Edition) | Kotlin | *special problem sortings |
Feb/27/2020 12:50 |
349 | E - Mentors | Kotlin | *special problem data structures implementation |
Feb/27/2020 11:56 |
348 | D - Bus Video System | Kotlin | *special problem combinatorics math |
Feb/27/2020 10:19 |
347 | C - File Name | Kotlin | *special problem strings |
Feb/27/2020 10:12 |
346 | B - Remove Duplicates | Kotlin | *special problem implementation |
Feb/27/2020 10:04 |
345 | A - Restoring Three Numbers | Kotlin | *special problem math |
Feb/27/2020 09:48 |
344 | E - Concatenation with intersection | GNU C++11 | data structures hashing strings two pointers *2700 |
Feb/24/2020 10:19 |
343 | D - Happy New Year | GNU C++11 | bitmasks dp implementation *2500 |
Feb/24/2020 00:10 |
342 | B - Different Rules | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms greedy implementation math *1700 |
Feb/23/2020 18:14 |
341 | C2 - Skyscrapers (hard version) | GNU C++11 | data structures dp greedy *1900 |
Feb/23/2020 17:51 |
340 | C1 - Skyscrapers (easy version) | GNU C++11 | brute force data structures dp greedy *1500 |
Feb/23/2020 17:51 |
339 | A - Fast Food Restaurant | GNU C++11 | brute force greedy implementation *900 |
Feb/23/2020 17:18 |
338 | C - Binary Table | GNU C++11 | bitmasks brute force divide and conquer dp fft math *2600 |
Feb/18/2020 14:45 |
337 | E - Random Elections | GNU C++11 | bitmasks brute force divide and conquer fft math *2800 |
Feb/18/2020 13:10 |
336 | D - Time to Run | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms graphs implementation *2000 |
Feb/13/2020 23:55 |
335 | C - Ayoub's function | GNU C++11 | binary search combinatorics greedy math strings *1700 |
Feb/13/2020 23:37 |
334 | B - Motarack's Birthday | GNU C++11 | binary search greedy ternary search *1500 |
Feb/13/2020 22:52 |
333 | A - Three Strings | GNU C++11 | implementation strings *800 |
Feb/13/2020 22:38 |
332 | E - Erase Subsequences | GNU C++11 | dp strings *2200 |
Feb/13/2020 07:26 |
331 | D - Fill The Bag | GNU C++11 | bitmasks greedy *1900 |
Feb/12/2020 23:57 |
330 | B - National Project | GNU C++11 | math *1400 |
Feb/12/2020 23:20 |
329 | C - Perfect Keyboard | GNU C++11 | dfs and similar greedy implementation *1600 |
Feb/12/2020 23:13 |
328 | A - Erasing Zeroes | GNU C++11 | implementation strings *800 |
Feb/12/2020 22:39 |
327 | B - Domino for Young | GNU C++11 | dp greedy math *2000 |
Feb/12/2020 00:31 |
326 | A - Long Beautiful Integer | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms greedy implementation strings *1700 |
Feb/12/2020 00:19 |
325 | C - Water Balance | GNU C++11 | data structures geometry greedy *2100 |
Feb/10/2020 21:33 |
324 | B - Aerodynamic | GNU C++11 | geometry *1800 |
Feb/10/2020 20:46 |
323 | C - Goodbye Souvenir | GNU C++14 | data structures divide and conquer *2600 |
Feb/10/2020 14:41 |
322 | A - Anu Has a Function | GNU C++14 | brute force greedy math *1500 |
Feb/10/2020 06:57 |
321 | C2 - Madhouse (Hard version) | GNU C++14 | brute force constructive algorithms hashing interactive math *2800 |
Feb/09/2020 23:03 |
320 | B - Numbers on Tree | GNU C++14 | constructive algorithms data structures dfs and similar graphs greedy trees *1800 |
Feb/08/2020 23:50 |
319 | A - Garland | GNU C++11 | dp greedy sortings *1800 |
Feb/08/2020 23:20 |
318 | D - Chaotic V. | GNU C++11 | dp graphs greedy math number theory trees *2700 |
Feb/08/2020 21:00 |
317 | C - Xenon's Attack on the Gangs | GNU C++11 | combinatorics dfs and similar dp greedy trees *2300 |
Feb/08/2020 17:57 |
316 | D - Coffee Varieties (hard version) | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms graphs interactive *3000 |
Feb/05/2020 22:34 |
315 | C - Prefix Enlightenment | GNU C++11 | dfs and similar dsu graphs *2400 |
Feb/04/2020 23:04 |
314 | B - Irreducible Anagrams | GNU C++14 | binary search constructive algorithms data structures strings two pointers *1800 |
Feb/03/2020 00:11 |
313 | A - Mind Control | GNU C++14 | brute force data structures implementation *1600 |
Feb/02/2020 22:40 |
312 | E - Longest Increasing Subsequence | GNU C++14 | data structures dp *3000 |
Jan/30/2020 21:48 |
311 | F - Duff is Mad | GNU C++11 | data structures strings *3000 |
Jan/28/2020 20:11 |
310 | H - Modest Substrings | GNU C++11 | dp strings *3500 |
Jan/27/2020 17:48 |
309 | F - Digits of Number Pi | GNU C++11 | dp implementation strings *3200 |
Jan/27/2020 15:14 |
308 | B - Aroma's Search | GNU C++11 | brute force constructive algorithms geometry greedy implementation *1700 |
Jan/19/2020 22:38 |
307 | A - NEKO's Maze Game | GNU C++11 | data structures dsu implementation *1400 |
Jan/19/2020 21:53 |
306 | C1 - Madhouse (Easy version) | GNU C++11 | brute force constructive algorithms interactive math *2400 |
Jan/06/2020 12:58 |
305 | C - Stack of Presents | GNU C++11 | data structures implementation *1400 |
Dec/28/2019 10:35 |
304 | D - Santa's Bot | GNU C++11 | combinatorics math probabilities *1700 |
Dec/28/2019 09:45 |
303 | E - Close Vertices | GNU C++11 | data structures divide and conquer trees *2700 |
Dec/27/2019 22:13 |
302 | E - Lomsat gelral | GNU C++11 | data structures dfs and similar dsu trees *2300 |
Dec/17/2019 13:18 |
301 | B - Equivalent Strings | GNU C++11 | divide and conquer hashing sortings strings *1700 |
Dec/08/2019 20:32 |
300 | F - TorCoder | GNU C++11 | data structures *2600 |
Dec/08/2019 18:53 |
299 | C - Two permutations | GNU C++11 | data structures *2400 |
Dec/08/2019 18:26 |
298 | E - More Queries to Array... | GNU C++11 | data structures math *2500 |
Dec/08/2019 18:11 |
297 | E - Dividing Kingdom | GNU C++11 | binary search brute force data structures *2500 |
Dec/08/2019 15:16 |
296 | E - Not Same | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms greedy *2600 |
Nov/25/2019 12:51 |
295 | D - Legen... | GNU C++11 | data structures dp matrices strings *2500 |
Nov/08/2019 16:50 |
294 | A - The Brand New Function | GNU C++11 | bitmasks *1600 |
Oct/21/2019 20:34 |
293 | C - Paint Tree | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms divide and conquer geometry sortings trees *2200 |
Oct/21/2019 19:57 |
292 | D - New Year Letter | GNU C++11 | bitmasks brute force dp *2000 |
Oct/21/2019 16:24 |
291 | D - Upgrading Array | GNU C++11 | dp greedy math number theory *1800 |
Oct/21/2019 14:15 |
290 | C - Ivan the Fool and the Probability Theory | GNU C++11 | combinatorics dp math *1700 |
Oct/21/2019 11:21 |
289 | E - New Year Domino | GNU C++11 | data structures dp dsu *2300 |
Oct/21/2019 10:46 |
288 | D - New Year Santa Network | GNU C++11 | combinatorics dfs and similar graphs trees *1900 |
Oct/21/2019 08:51 |
287 | B - Fox And Jumping | GNU C++11 | data structures dp math number theory shortest paths *1900 |
Oct/20/2019 21:10 |
286 | D - Catowice City | GNU C++11 | 2-sat dfs and similar graph matchings graphs *2400 |
Oct/20/2019 19:00 |
285 | A - Ivan the Fool and the Probability Theory | GNU C++11 | combinatorics dp math *1700 |
Oct/20/2019 17:43 |
284 | A - Fox And Names | GNU C++11 | dfs and similar graphs greedy sortings *1600 |
Oct/20/2019 15:54 |
283 | E - A and B and Lecture Rooms | GNU C++11 | binary search data structures dfs and similar dp trees *2100 |
Oct/19/2019 16:58 |
282 | F - A Heap of Heaps | GNU C++11 | brute force data structures math sortings *2200 |
Oct/19/2019 15:46 |
281 | D - Regular Bridge | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms graphs implementation *1900 |
Oct/18/2019 20:22 |
280 | C - Divisibility by Eight | GNU C++11 | brute force dp math *1500 |
Oct/18/2019 19:14 |
279 | D - GukiZ and Binary Operations | GNU C++11 | combinatorics implementation math matrices number theory *2100 |
Oct/18/2019 19:03 |
278 | C - GukiZ hates Boxes | GNU C++11 | binary search greedy *2200 |
Oct/18/2019 16:38 |
277 | E - Case of Chocolate | GNU C++11 | binary search data structures *2200 |
Oct/18/2019 15:49 |
276 | D - Case of Fugitive | GNU C++11 | binary search data structures greedy *2000 |
Oct/18/2019 15:44 |
275 | E - Parking Lot | GNU C++11 | data structures divide and conquer *2800 |
Oct/17/2019 20:52 |
274 | D - Time to Raid Cowavans | GNU C++11 | brute force data structures sortings *2100 |
Oct/17/2019 17:06 |
273 | D - Paint the Tree | GNU C++11 | brute force constructive algorithms dp graphs implementation trees *1800 |
Oct/16/2019 16:41 |
272 | G - Running in Pairs | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms greedy math *2400 |
Oct/16/2019 16:40 |
271 | A - Pens and Pencils | GNU C++11 | math *800 |
Oct/16/2019 16:39 |
270 | D - AB-string | GNU C++11 | binary search combinatorics dp strings *1900 |
Oct/11/2019 10:32 |
269 | F - The Maximum Subtree | GNU C++11 | dfs and similar dp graphs trees *2200 |
Oct/11/2019 09:48 |
268 | E - Keyboard Purchase | GNU C++11 | bitmasks dp *2200 |
Oct/11/2019 08:44 |
267 | C - Standard Free2play | GNU C++11 | dp greedy math *1600 |
Oct/11/2019 08:29 |
266 | B - Kill `Em All | GNU C++11 | greedy sortings *1300 |
Oct/11/2019 07:37 |
265 | A - Prime Subtraction | GNU C++11 | math number theory *900 |
Oct/11/2019 07:31 |
264 | F - Subtree Minimum Query | GNU C++11 | data structures trees *2300 |
Oct/10/2019 19:35 |
263 | E - Arkady and a Nobody-men | GNU C++11 | data structures dfs and similar trees *2700 |
Oct/09/2019 21:06 |
262 | C - Edgy Trees | GNU C++11 | dfs and similar dsu graphs math trees *1500 |
Oct/09/2019 16:40 |
261 | D - Mr. Kitayuta's Colorful Graph | GNU C++11 | brute force dfs and similar dsu graphs *2400 |
Oct/09/2019 16:26 |
260 | E - Ehab and the Expected GCD Problem | GNU C++11 | combinatorics dp math number theory *2500 |
Oct/09/2019 14:54 |
259 | D - New Year and Arbitrary Arrangement | GNU C++11 | dp math probabilities *2200 |
Oct/09/2019 11:15 |
258 | E - Edo and Magnets | GNU C++11 | brute force greedy implementation *2300 |
Oct/09/2019 10:13 |
257 | E - Sandy and Nuts | GNU C++11 | bitmasks dp trees *2600 |
Oct/08/2019 21:25 |
256 | C - Vladik and fractions | GNU C++11 | brute force constructive algorithms math number theory *1500 |
Oct/08/2019 19:01 |
255 | E - Vladik and cards | GNU C++11 | binary search bitmasks brute force dp *2200 |
Oct/08/2019 18:52 |
254 | E - Compatible Numbers | GNU C++11 | bitmasks brute force dfs and similar dp *2200 |
Oct/08/2019 17:05 |
253 | D - Fox and Perfect Sets | GNU C++11 | math *2700 |
Oct/08/2019 10:28 |
252 | D - Beautiful numbers | GNU C++11 | dp number theory *2500 |
Oct/08/2019 09:45 |
251 | A - Gift | GNU C++11 | dsu graphs sortings trees *2200 |
Oct/08/2019 09:11 |
250 | B - Jzzhu and Cities | GNU C++11 | graphs greedy shortest paths *2000 |
Oct/07/2019 21:51 |
249 | E - MST Company | GNU C++11 | binary search graphs *2400 |
Oct/07/2019 11:42 |
248 | E - Envy | GNU C++11 | graphs *2300 |
Oct/07/2019 09:56 |
247 | D - Stack Exterminable Arrays | GNU C++11 | data structures divide and conquer dp hashing *2600 |
Oct/07/2019 08:42 |
246 | B - Sequence Sorting | GNU C++11 | dp two pointers *2000 |
Oct/07/2019 08:32 |
245 | A - Save the Nature | GNU C++11 | binary search greedy sortings *1600 |
Oct/06/2019 23:22 |
244 | E - The Classic Problem | GNU C++11 | data structures graphs shortest paths *3000 |
Oct/04/2019 20:11 |
243 | D - Pashmak and Parmida's problem | GNU C++11 | data structures divide and conquer sortings *1800 |
Oct/02/2019 19:23 |
242 | F - Yet Another Substring Reverse | GNU C++11 | bitmasks dp *2200 |
Oct/02/2019 12:19 |
241 | C - The Great Mixing | GNU C++11 | dfs and similar graphs shortest paths *2300 |
Sep/22/2019 08:47 |
240 | C - Counting Kangaroos is Fun | GNU C++11 | greedy sortings two pointers *1600 |
Sep/13/2019 18:54 |
239 | B - Uniqueness | GNU C++11 | binary search brute force implementation two pointers *1500 |
Sep/08/2019 10:56 |
238 | C - Book Reading | GNU C++11 | math *1200 |
Sep/08/2019 10:54 |
237 | C - Ice Cream | Kotlin | *special problem greedy sortings *1700 |
Sep/07/2019 23:33 |
236 | B - Traveling Around the Golden Ring of Berland | Kotlin | *special problem implementation *1500 |
Sep/07/2019 23:22 |
235 | A - Three Problems | Kotlin | *special problem implementation *1000 |
Sep/07/2019 23:11 |
234 | E - Booking System | Kotlin | *special problem greedy *1600 |
Sep/07/2019 17:30 |
233 | C - Less or Equal | Kotlin | *special problem sortings *1200 |
Sep/07/2019 15:48 |
232 | B - Two-gram | Kotlin | *special problem implementation *900 |
Sep/07/2019 11:57 |
231 | A - Wrong Subtraction | Kotlin | *special problem implementation *800 |
Sep/07/2019 08:27 |
230 | E - Petya and Construction Set | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms graphs math sortings trees *2000 |
Sep/04/2019 21:33 |
229 | B - Badges | GNU C++11 | brute force math *1100 |
Sep/04/2019 20:27 |
228 | D - Treasure Island | GNU C++11 | dfs and similar dp flows hashing *1900 |
Sep/04/2019 20:27 |
227 | A - Optimal Currency Exchange | GNU C++11 | brute force math *1400 |
Sep/04/2019 20:26 |
226 | C - Bad Sequence | GNU C++11 | data structures greedy *1200 |
Sep/04/2019 20:26 |
225 | F - Roads in the Kingdom | GNU C++11 | dfs and similar dp graphs trees *2500 |
Aug/30/2019 21:07 |
224 | C - Mutation | GNU C++11 | bitmasks dp math *2700 |
Aug/28/2019 17:23 |
223 | D - Jzzhu and Numbers | GNU C++11 | bitmasks combinatorics dp *2400 |
Aug/28/2019 10:36 |
222 | C - On the Bench | GNU C++11 | combinatorics dp *2500 |
Aug/28/2019 09:12 |
221 | E - Iahub and Permutations | GNU C++11 | combinatorics math *2000 |
Aug/28/2019 08:07 |
220 | F - Coprime Subsequences | GNU C++11 | bitmasks combinatorics number theory *2000 |
Aug/27/2019 21:39 |
219 | E - Devu and Flowers | GNU C++11 | bitmasks combinatorics number theory *2300 |
Aug/27/2019 18:34 |
218 | B - A Lot of Games | GNU C++11 | dfs and similar dp games implementation strings trees *1900 |
Aug/26/2019 09:49 |
217 | C - Journey | GNU C++11 | dfs and similar dp graphs probabilities trees *1500 |
Aug/24/2019 16:36 |
216 | C - Sasha and Array | GNU C++11 | data structures math matrices *2300 |
Aug/24/2019 10:52 |
215 | C - Alyona and towers | GNU C++11 | data structures *2500 |
Aug/24/2019 09:39 |
214 | C - Propagating tree | GNU C++11 | data structures dfs and similar trees *2000 |
Aug/23/2019 17:55 |
213 | B - The Bakery | GNU C++11 | binary search data structures divide and conquer dp two pointers *2200 |
Aug/23/2019 15:39 |
212 | B - Interesting Array | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms data structures trees *1800 |
Aug/23/2019 14:47 |
211 | D - Sum of Medians | GNU C++11 | binary search brute force data structures implementation *2300 |
Aug/23/2019 11:12 |
210 | E - Reachability from the Capital | GNU C++11 | dfs and similar graphs greedy *2000 |
Aug/23/2019 09:10 |
209 | C - Game on Tree | GNU C++11 | implementation math probabilities trees *2200 |
Aug/19/2019 18:33 |
208 | D - Distance in Tree | GNU C++11 | dfs and similar dp trees *1800 |
Aug/15/2019 21:05 |
207 | F - New Year Tree | GNU C++11 | data structures divide and conquer trees *2400 |
Aug/09/2019 22:37 |
206 | E - Anton and Tree | GNU C++11 | dfs and similar dp trees *2100 |
Aug/07/2019 22:44 |
205 | C - Fools and Roads | GNU C++11 | data structures dfs and similar trees *1900 |
Aug/07/2019 22:00 |
204 | B - Cats Transport | GNU C++11 | data structures dp *2400 |
Aug/07/2019 12:21 |
203 | G - Vladislav and a Great Legend | GNU C++11 | combinatorics dp trees *3000 |
Aug/03/2019 20:26 |
202 | D - You Are Given a Tree | GNU C++11 | data structures dp trees *2800 |
Aug/02/2019 20:51 |
201 | D - GCD Counting | GNU C++11 | data structures dfs and similar dp number theory trees *2000 |
Aug/02/2019 19:45 |
200 | D - Clique Problem | GNU C++11 | data structures dp greedy implementation sortings *1800 |
Jul/24/2019 18:21 |
199 | F - Lunar New Year and a Recursive Sequence | GNU C++11 | math matrices number theory *2400 |
Jul/23/2019 18:26 |
198 | E - Archaeology | GNU C++11 | brute force constructive algorithms greedy strings *1900 |
Jul/21/2019 01:00 |
197 | D - Prime Graph | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms greedy math number theory *1500 |
Jul/21/2019 00:21 |
196 | A - Prime Minister | GNU C++11 | greedy *800 |
Jul/21/2019 00:02 |
195 | B - WOW Factor | GNU C++11 | dp strings *1300 |
Jul/20/2019 23:54 |
194 | C - Tiles | GNU C++11 | combinatorics greedy math *1300 |
Jul/20/2019 23:47 |
193 | F - Please, another Queries on Array? | GNU C++11 | bitmasks data structures divide and conquer math number theory *2400 |
Jul/19/2019 08:28 |
192 | D - Xenia and Dominoes | GNU C++11 | bitmasks dfs and similar dp *2100 |
Jul/13/2019 15:22 |
191 | E - Xenia and Tree | GNU C++11 | data structures divide and conquer trees *2400 |
Jul/13/2019 10:41 |
190 | C - Cupboard and Balloons | GNU C++11 | geometry *1900 |
Jul/13/2019 10:14 |
189 | B - Xenia and Spies | GNU C++11 | brute force greedy implementation *1500 |
Jul/13/2019 09:41 |
188 | A - Xenia and Divisors | GNU C++11 | greedy implementation *1200 |
Jul/13/2019 09:24 |
187 | D - Bag of mice | GNU C++11 | dp games math probabilities *1800 |
Jul/12/2019 14:45 |
186 | C - Coin Troubles | GNU C++11 | dp *2100 |
Jul/12/2019 13:34 |
185 | A - Cows and Primitive Roots | GNU C++11 | implementation math number theory *1400 |
Jul/12/2019 09:06 |
184 | F - Dominant Indices | GNU C++11 | data structures dsu trees *2300 |
Jul/12/2019 08:02 |
183 | B - Intercepted Message | GNU C++11 | greedy implementation *1100 |
Jul/11/2019 23:58 |
182 | A - Left-handers, Right-handers and Ambidexters | GNU C++11 | implementation math *800 |
Jul/11/2019 23:55 |
181 | B - Count Pairs | GNU C++11 | math matrices number theory two pointers *2300 |
Jul/11/2019 21:22 |
180 | G - Double Tree | GNU C++11 | data structures divide and conquer shortest paths trees *2700 |
Jul/11/2019 16:41 |
179 | E - Data Center Maintenance | GNU C++11 | 2-sat graphs *1900 |
Jul/11/2019 13:47 |
178 | B - Context Advertising | GNU C++11 | dp two pointers *2100 |
Jul/10/2019 23:29 |
177 | D - Fibonacci Sums | GNU C++11 | dp math *2300 |
Jul/10/2019 14:28 |
176 | C - Greg and Friends | GNU C++11 | combinatorics dp graphs shortest paths *2100 |
Jul/09/2019 16:21 |
175 | C - Bath Queue | GNU C++11 | combinatorics dp probabilities *2200 |
Jul/09/2019 15:48 |
174 | D - Polo the Penguin and Trees | GNU C++11 | combinatorics dfs and similar trees *2400 |
Jul/09/2019 14:25 |
173 | E - Shaass the Great | GNU C++11 | dp trees *2300 |
Jul/08/2019 17:30 |
172 | D - Shaass and Painter Robot | GNU C++11 | brute force implementation number theory *2500 |
Jul/08/2019 15:54 |
171 | F - Cutlet | GNU C++11 | data structures dp *2400 |
Jul/06/2019 17:53 |
170 | E - Opening Portals | GNU C++11 | dsu graphs shortest paths *2600 |
Jul/04/2019 19:27 |
169 | B - Infinite Maze | GNU C++11 | dfs and similar graphs *2000 |
Jul/04/2019 19:26 |
168 | F - Delivery Oligopoly | GNU C++11 | brute force dp graphs *2800 |
Jul/03/2019 15:08 |
167 | D - Iahub and Xors | GNU C++11 | data structures *2500 |
Jul/02/2019 17:17 |
166 | B - Complete The Graph | GNU C++11 | binary search constructive algorithms graphs shortest paths *2300 |
Jul/02/2019 13:11 |
165 | E - Paint Tree | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms dfs and similar geometry trees *2200 |
Jul/01/2019 13:51 |
164 | D - Edges in MST | GNU C++11 | dfs and similar dsu graphs sortings *2300 |
Jun/30/2019 14:39 |
163 | C - Vus the Cossack and Strings | GNU C++11 | implementation math *1800 |
Jun/28/2019 17:08 |
162 | D - Vus the Cossack and Numbers | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms greedy math *1500 |
Jun/28/2019 16:49 |
161 | A - Vus the Cossack and a Contest | GNU C++11 | implementation *800 |
Jun/28/2019 16:21 |
160 | C - Andryusha and Colored Balloons | GNU C++11 | dfs and similar graphs greedy trees *1600 |
Jun/23/2019 15:09 |
159 | B - Alyona and a tree | GNU C++11 | binary search data structures dfs and similar graphs trees *1900 |
Jun/23/2019 10:12 |
158 | C - Alyona and the Tree | GNU C++11 | dfs and similar dp graphs trees *1600 |
Jun/22/2019 17:02 |
157 | C - The Tag Game | GNU C++11 | dfs and similar graphs *1700 |
Jun/22/2019 16:17 |
156 | E - President's Path | GNU C++11 | dp graphs shortest paths *2500 |
Jun/22/2019 11:06 |
155 | F - Scalar Queries | GNU C++11 | combinatorics data structures math sortings *2300 |
Jun/22/2019 10:49 |
154 | D - Lovely Matrix | GNU C++11 | dfs and similar graphs greedy sortings *2200 |
Jun/22/2019 10:16 |
153 | C - The Last Hole! | GNU C++11 | brute force geometry *2600 |
Jun/22/2019 09:57 |
152 | D - Directed Roads | GNU C++11 | combinatorics dfs and similar graphs math *1900 |
Jun/21/2019 16:15 |
151 | C - Buns | GNU C++11 | dp *1700 |
Jun/19/2019 17:21 |
150 | B - DZY Loves Modification | GNU C++11 | brute force data structures greedy *2000 |
Jun/18/2019 14:23 |
149 | E - Maximum Subsequence | GNU C++11 | bitmasks divide and conquer meet-in-the-middle *1800 |
Jun/17/2019 16:17 |
148 | C - Electrification | GNU C++11 | binary search brute force greedy *1600 |
Jun/07/2019 20:14 |
147 | E - Minimal Segment Cover | GNU C++11 | data structures dfs and similar divide and conquer dp greedy implementation trees *2200 |
Jun/07/2019 20:14 |
146 | E - The Number Games | GNU C++11 | data structures greedy trees *2200 |
Jun/01/2019 21:19 |
145 | D - Perfect Groups | GNU C++11 | dp math number theory *2100 |
Jun/01/2019 11:47 |
144 | F - Sonya and Informatics | GNU C++11 | combinatorics dp matrices probabilities *2300 |
May/31/2019 21:37 |
143 | E - Knapsack | GNU C++11 | dfs and similar dp greedy *2300 |
May/31/2019 20:41 |
142 | C - Shaass and Lights | GNU C++11 | combinatorics number theory *1900 |
May/31/2019 20:40 |
141 | D - Beautiful Array | GNU C++11 | brute force data structures divide and conquer dp greedy *1900 |
May/31/2019 20:40 |
140 | D - Recovering BST | GNU C++11 | brute force dp math number theory trees *2100 |
May/01/2019 10:06 |
139 | D - Two Segments | GNU C++11 | data structures *2900 |
Apr/24/2019 22:06 |
138 | E - Duff as a Queen | GNU C++11 | data structures *2900 |
Apr/24/2019 21:32 |
137 | D - Array Restoration | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms data structures *1700 |
Apr/20/2019 21:54 |
136 | D - Minimum Triangulation | GNU C++11 | dp greedy math *1200 |
Mar/22/2019 23:57 |
135 | C - Playlist | GNU C++11 | brute force data structures sortings *1600 |
Mar/22/2019 23:38 |
134 | B - Good String | GNU C++11 | implementation strings *1200 |
Mar/22/2019 23:18 |
133 | A - Detective Book | GNU C++11 | implementation *1000 |
Mar/22/2019 23:08 |
132 | E - Walking! | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms greedy *2700 |
Mar/09/2019 20:07 |
131 | F - Double Knapsack | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms two pointers *3000 |
Mar/09/2019 16:04 |
130 | C - Prefix Product Sequence | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms math number theory *2300 |
Mar/07/2019 20:30 |
129 | C - Hack it! | GNU C++11 | binary search constructive algorithms math *2500 |
Mar/07/2019 20:10 |
128 | C - Trails and Glades | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms dsu graphs greedy *2400 |
Mar/02/2019 20:13 |
127 | D - The table | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms greedy *2100 |
Mar/02/2019 18:53 |
126 | F - Asya And Kittens | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms dsu *1700 |
Feb/23/2019 19:37 |
125 | D - Gourmet choice | GNU C++11 | dfs and similar dp dsu graphs greedy *2000 |
Feb/23/2019 19:28 |
124 | C - Birthday | GNU C++11 | binary search greedy sortings *1200 |
Feb/23/2019 18:50 |
123 | B - Draw! | GNU C++11 | greedy implementation *1400 |
Feb/23/2019 18:43 |
122 | A - Sea Battle | GNU C++11 | math *800 |
Feb/23/2019 18:28 |
121 | D - Magic Gems | GNU C++11 | dp math matrices *2100 |
Feb/19/2019 01:35 |
120 | C - Magic Ship | GNU C++11 | binary search *1900 |
Feb/19/2019 01:31 |
119 | A - Best Subsegment | GNU C++11 | implementation math *1100 |
Feb/19/2019 00:02 |
118 | B - Emotes | GNU C++11 | greedy math sortings *1000 |
Feb/18/2019 23:59 |
117 | A - Parity | GNU C++11 | math *900 |
Feb/08/2019 01:09 |
116 | E - Magic Stones | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms math sortings *2200 |
Feb/07/2019 22:44 |
115 | C - Meaningless Operations | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms math number theory *1500 |
Feb/07/2019 22:23 |
114 | B - Tape | GNU C++11 | greedy sortings *1400 |
Feb/07/2019 21:55 |
113 | A - Lunar New Year and Cross Counting | GNU C++11 | implementation *800 |
Feb/01/2019 08:11 |
112 | B - Lunar New Year and Food Ordering | GNU C++11 | data structures implementation *1500 |
Feb/01/2019 08:11 |
111 | C - Lunar New Year and Number Division | GNU C++11 | greedy implementation math sortings *900 |
Feb/01/2019 08:11 |
110 | D - Lunar New Year and a Wander | GNU C++11 | data structures dfs and similar graphs greedy shortest paths *1500 |
Feb/01/2019 08:10 |
109 | D - Arpa’s letter-marked tree and Mehrdad’s Dokhtar-kosh paths | GNU C++11 | data structures dfs and similar trees *2900 |
Jan/26/2019 15:15 |
108 | F - Cities Excursions | GNU C++14 | dfs and similar graphs trees *2700 |
Jan/21/2019 20:23 |
107 | E - Tourists | GNU C++11 | data structures dfs and similar graphs trees *3200 |
Jan/21/2019 17:05 |
106 | E - Case of Computer Network | GNU C++11 | dfs and similar graphs trees *2800 |
Jan/21/2019 09:53 |
105 | B - Zuhair and Strings | GNU C++11 | brute force implementation strings *1100 |
Jan/20/2019 20:58 |
104 | C - Ayoub and Lost Array | GNU C++11 | combinatorics dp math *1500 |
Jan/20/2019 20:53 |
103 | A - Salem and Sticks | GNU C++11 | brute force implementation *1100 |
Jan/20/2019 20:11 |
102 | A - Gennady and a Card Game | GNU C++11 | brute force implementation *800 |
Jan/08/2019 08:13 |
101 | C - Yuhao and a Parenthesis | GNU C++11 | greedy implementation *1400 |
Jan/08/2019 08:12 |
100 | B - Petr and a Combination Lock | GNU C++11 | bitmasks brute force dp *1200 |
Jan/08/2019 08:12 |
99 | D - Makoto and a Blackboard | GNU C++11 | dp math number theory probabilities *2200 |
Jan/08/2019 08:10 |
98 | D - Tree | GNU C++11 | graph matchings *3100 |
Jan/06/2019 12:08 |
97 | F - New Year and the Mallard Expedition | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms greedy *2600 |
Jan/01/2019 19:51 |
96 | D - New Year and the Permutation Concatenation | GNU C++11 | combinatorics dp math *1700 |
Dec/31/2018 00:41 |
95 | C - New Year and the Sphere Transmission | GNU C++11 | math number theory *1400 |
Dec/30/2018 23:15 |
94 | B - New Year and the Treasure Geolocation | GNU C++11 | brute force constructive algorithms greedy implementation *1200 |
Dec/30/2018 22:47 |
93 | A - New Year and the Christmas Ornament | GNU C++11 | brute force implementation math *800 |
Dec/30/2018 22:38 |
92 | D - Berland Fair | GNU C++11 | binary search brute force data structures greedy *1700 |
Dec/16/2018 19:52 |
91 | A - Diverse Substring | GNU C++11 | implementation strings *1000 |
Dec/16/2018 19:51 |
90 | B - Vasya and Books | GNU C++11 | implementation math *1000 |
Dec/16/2018 19:51 |
89 | C - Vasya and Robot | GNU C++11 | binary search two pointers *1800 |
Dec/16/2018 19:51 |
88 | B - Margarite and the best present | GNU C++11 | math *900 |
Dec/16/2018 19:49 |
87 | C - Masha and two friends | GNU C++11 | implementation *1500 |
Dec/16/2018 19:49 |
86 | A - Petya and Origami | GNU C++11 | math *800 |
Dec/16/2018 19:48 |
85 | D - Beautiful Graph | GNU C++11 | dfs and similar graphs *1700 |
Dec/16/2018 00:29 |
84 | C - Mishka and the Last Exam | GNU C++11 | greedy *1300 |
Dec/15/2018 23:18 |
83 | B - Letters Rearranging | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms greedy sortings strings *900 |
Dec/15/2018 22:56 |
82 | A - Dice Rolling | GNU C++11 | math *800 |
Dec/15/2018 22:46 |
81 | C - Tennis Championship | GNU C++11 | combinatorics constructive algorithms greedy math *1600 |
Dec/15/2018 17:25 |
80 | F - Fractions | GNU C++11 | math *1900 |
Dec/02/2018 16:47 |
79 | E - Easy Chess | GNU C++11 | Dec/02/2018 15:57 | |
78 | G - Guest Student | GNU C++11 | math *1500 |
Dec/02/2018 15:38 |
77 | L - Lazyland | GNU C++11 | *900 |
Dec/02/2018 15:19 |
76 | B - Legacy | GNU C++11 | data structures graphs shortest paths *2300 |
Nov/26/2018 21:48 |
75 | F - Yet Another Minimization Problem | GNU C++11 | divide and conquer dp *2500 |
Nov/23/2018 20:54 |
74 | C - Good Array | GNU C++11 | *1300 |
Nov/17/2018 14:31 |
73 | D - Cutting Out | GNU C++11 | binary search sortings *1600 |
Nov/16/2018 23:50 |
72 | B - Disturbed People | GNU C++11 | greedy *1000 |
Nov/16/2018 22:45 |
71 | A - Frog Jumping | GNU C++11 | math *800 |
Nov/16/2018 22:41 |
70 | F - Make It One | GNU C++11 | bitmasks combinatorics dp math number theory shortest paths *2500 |
Oct/29/2018 20:48 |
69 | D - Minimum path | GNU C++11 | dfs and similar dp graphs greedy sortings *1900 |
Oct/23/2018 14:20 |
68 | C - Cram Time | GNU C++11 | greedy math *1600 |
Oct/21/2018 18:03 |
67 | B - Curiosity Has No Limits | GNU C++11 | dp *1500 |
Oct/21/2018 17:05 |
66 | A - Golden Plate | GNU C++11 | implementation math *800 |
Oct/21/2018 16:22 |
65 | B - Vasya and Public Transport | GNU C++11 | greedy implementation *1100 |
Oct/15/2018 11:22 |
64 | B - Equations of Mathematical Magic | GNU C++11 | math *1200 |
Oct/14/2018 18:49 |
63 | C - Oh Those Palindromes | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms *1300 |
Oct/14/2018 18:39 |
62 | A - Make a triangle! | GNU C++11 | brute force geometry math *800 |
Oct/14/2018 18:10 |
61 | B - Dima and Text Messages | GNU C++11 | brute force strings *1500 |
Oct/10/2018 07:57 |
60 | D - Queue | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms dp *2000 |
Oct/09/2018 20:59 |
59 | A - Knight Tournament | GNU C++11 | data structures dsu *1500 |
Oct/09/2018 20:51 |
58 | E - Wrong Floyd | GNU C++11 | brute force constructive algorithms dfs and similar graphs *2200 |
Oct/09/2018 20:21 |
57 | B - Flag Day | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms implementation *1400 |
Oct/09/2018 20:00 |
56 | C - Dima and Containers | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms greedy implementation *2000 |
Oct/09/2018 19:44 |
55 | D - Valid BFS? | GNU C++11 | dfs and similar graphs shortest paths trees *1700 |
Oct/09/2018 11:03 |
54 | E - Roadside Trees | GNU C++11 | data structures dp *3000 |
Oct/08/2018 11:01 |
53 | D - Bash and a Tough Math Puzzle | GNU C++11 | data structures number theory *1900 |
Oct/08/2018 08:33 |
52 | C - Sequence Transformation | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms math *1600 |
Oct/06/2018 00:03 |
51 | B - Forgery | GNU C++11 | implementation *1300 |
Oct/05/2018 23:09 |
50 | A - Cashier | GNU C++11 | implementation *1000 |
Oct/05/2018 22:46 |
49 | E - Sergey and Subway | GNU C++11 | dfs and similar dp trees *2000 |
Oct/04/2018 19:06 |
48 | D - Social Circles | GNU C++11 | greedy math *1900 |
Oct/04/2018 15:41 |
47 | B - Maximum Sum of Digits | GNU C++11 | greedy *1100 |
Oct/04/2018 15:36 |
46 | A - Phone Numbers | GNU C++11 | brute force *800 |
Oct/04/2018 15:09 |
45 | C - Vasya and Golden Ticket | GNU C++11 | brute force implementation *1300 |
Sep/24/2018 08:49 |
44 | B - Vasya and Cornfield | GNU C++11 | geometry *1100 |
Sep/23/2018 21:19 |
43 | A - In Search of an Easy Problem | GNU C++11 | implementation *800 |
Sep/23/2018 21:06 |
42 | B - Cover Points | GNU C++11 | geometry math *900 |
Sep/21/2018 22:56 |
41 | A - Little C Loves 3 I | GNU C++11 | math *800 |
Sep/21/2018 22:49 |
40 | A - Vasya And Password | GNU C++11 | greedy implementation strings *1200 |
Sep/21/2018 00:33 |
39 | C - Vasya and Multisets | GNU C++11 | brute force dp greedy implementation math *1500 |
Sep/21/2018 00:12 |
38 | B - Relatively Prime Pairs | GNU C++11 | greedy math number theory *1000 |
Sep/20/2018 22:59 |
37 | A - Mafia | GNU C++11 | binary search math sortings *1600 |
Sep/20/2018 20:29 |
36 | B - Lucky Common Subsequence | GNU C++11 | dp strings *2000 |
Sep/20/2018 20:18 |
35 | B - Color the Fence | GNU C++11 | data structures dp greedy implementation *1700 |
Sep/19/2018 22:46 |
34 | A - Alice and Bob | GNU C++11 | games math number theory *1600 |
Sep/19/2018 22:08 |
33 | B - Fixed Points | GNU C++11 | brute force implementation math *1100 |
Sep/19/2018 21:58 |
32 | B - Simple Molecules | GNU C++11 | brute force graphs math *1200 |
Sep/17/2018 22:56 |
31 | D - Glider | GNU C++11 | binary search data structures two pointers *1700 |
Sep/17/2018 22:37 |
30 | C - Coffee Break | GNU C++11 | binary search data structures greedy two pointers *1600 |
Sep/17/2018 22:09 |
29 | B - Buying a TV Set | GNU C++11 | math *1000 |
Sep/16/2018 18:50 |
28 | A - Heist | GNU C++11 | greedy implementation sortings *800 |
Sep/16/2018 18:41 |
27 | D - Bubble Sort Graph | GNU C++11 | binary search data structures dp *1500 |
Sep/15/2018 13:51 |
26 | B - Maximal Area Quadrilateral | GNU C++11 | brute force geometry *2100 |
Sep/14/2018 23:18 |
25 | C - Tourist Problem | GNU C++11 | combinatorics implementation math *1600 |
Sep/14/2018 22:52 |
24 | D - Xenia and Bit Operations | GNU C++11 | data structures trees *1700 |
Sep/14/2018 22:19 |
23 | C - Xenia and Weights | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms dfs and similar dp graphs greedy shortest paths *1700 |
Sep/13/2018 22:52 |
22 | B - Xenia and Ringroad | GNU C++11 | implementation *1000 |
Sep/13/2018 22:30 |
21 | D - Book of Evil | GNU C++11 | dfs and similar divide and conquer dp trees *2000 |
Sep/13/2018 22:08 |
20 | C - Quiz | GNU C++11 | binary search greedy math matrices number theory *1600 |
Sep/13/2018 21:28 |
19 | B - Routine Problem | GNU C++11 | greedy math number theory *1400 |
Sep/13/2018 21:04 |
18 | D - Vasily the Bear and Beautiful Strings | GNU C++11 | combinatorics math number theory *2100 |
Sep/12/2018 21:39 |
17 | C - Vasily the Bear and Sequence | GNU C++11 | brute force greedy implementation number theory *1800 |
Sep/12/2018 21:05 |
16 | B - Vasily the Bear and Fly | GNU C++11 | math *1900 |
Sep/11/2018 22:57 |
15 | B - Chips | GNU C++11 | greedy *1800 |
Sep/10/2018 22:08 |
14 | A - Secrets | GNU C++11 | greedy *1600 |
Sep/09/2018 22:19 |
13 | B - Eight Point Sets | GNU C++11 | sortings *1400 |
Sep/09/2018 22:06 |
12 | B - Greg and Graph | GNU C++11 | dp graphs shortest paths *1700 |
Sep/07/2018 19:04 |
11 | B - Creating the Contest | GNU C++ | dp greedy math *1200 |
Aug/24/2018 23:20 |
10 | A - Many Equal Substrings | GNU C++ | implementation strings *1300 |
Aug/24/2018 23:10 |
9 | C - Plasticine zebra | GNU C++ | constructive algorithms implementation *1600 |
Aug/20/2018 12:38 |
8 | A - Doggo Recoloring | GNU C++ | implementation sortings *900 |
Aug/20/2018 12:34 |
7 | B - And | GNU C++ | greedy *1200 |
Aug/01/2018 17:42 |
6 | A - Piles With Stones | GNU C++ | math *800 |
Aug/01/2018 17:20 |
5 | F - 000001 | GNU C++ | *special problem *1900 |
Jul/05/2018 16:04 |
4 | A - Points on the line | GNU C++ | brute force greedy sortings *1200 |
Feb/24/2018 18:32 |
3 | A - Football | GNU C++ | strings *1000 |
Feb/08/2018 20:32 |
2 | A - Watermelon | GNU C++ | brute force math *800 |
Feb/05/2018 20:08 |
1 | A - Theatre Square | GNU C++ | math *1000 |
Feb/05/2018 12:01 |