Feedbacker provides a tab for users to contact developers from within the application
Feedbacker assumes that you're using...
- At least Rails 3.1.3
- The Rails Asset Pipeline
- Jquery
- That you have a User class with email and name methods (name can be configured to something else)
- and probably some other things that we've failed to mention.
Add the following to your Gemfile.
gem :feedbacker
bundle install
Add the following line to your application layout.
<%= javascript_include_tag :feedbacker %>
Add the following line to your application layout before you call application.css. Override default settings in application.css.
<%= stylesheet_link_tag :feedbacker %>
Add the following line at at appropriate position in your application layout.
<%= render(:partial => 'feedbacker/tab') unless current_user.is_guest? %>
Add the folllowing line to config/application.rb.
config.paths['db/migrate'] += Feedbacker::Engine.paths['db/migrate'].existent
For Rails 4.2:
rake db:migrate
to add remarks table. -
Create feedbacker.rb in config/initializers and add the following line.
Feedbacker::SETTINGS.email_to = '[email protected]'
Feedbacker::SETTINGS.update do |settings|
settings.email_to = '[email protected]'
settings.user_name_method = :name # default value
settings.email_prefix = '[FEEDBACKER]' # default value
Rails 4.2: Add this line to the top of your routes file.
resources :remarks, :only => [:create]
If have improvements to contribute to this gem, please feel free to fork, commit with tests (if applicable), and then send a pull request. Thank You!
Copyright (c) 2009-2013 WWIDEA, Inc. released under the MIT license