This repository contains the datasets and evaluation framework for the paper "Bot or Human? Detecting ChatGPT Imposters with A Single Question". The paper proposes a new framework named FLAIR (Finding Large Language Model Authenticity via a Single Inquiry and Response) to detect conversational bots in an online manner. The approach aims to differentiate human users from bots using single-question scenarios.
The questions are divided into two categories:
- Questions that are easy for humans but difficult for bots (e.g., counting, substitution, positioning, noise filtering, and ASCII art)
- Questions that are easy for bots but difficult for humans (e.g., memorization and computation)
Below are the description for each FLAIR question:
- Counting - Questions require counting the occurrences of a target character in a randomly generated string.
- Reverse - Questions require reversing the characters of a random word with consecutive double or triple letters.
- Substitution - Questions require deciphering a string where each character is substituted with another character based on a substitution table.
- Positioning - Questions require finding the k-th character after the j-th appearance of a character c in a randomly generated string.
- Random Editing - Questions require performing drop, insert, swap, and substitute operations on a random string and providing three different outputs.
- Noise Injection - Questions are common sense questions with added noise by appending uppercase letters to words within the question.
- ASCII Art - Questions present an ASCII art and require providing the corresponding label as the answer.
- Memorization - Questions require enumerating items within a category or answering domain-specific questions that are difficult for humans to recall.
- Computation - Questions require calculating the product of two randomly sampled four-digit numbers.
We choosed ten users for our user study.
- To conduct this experiment, we will first generate a candidate character set by randomly sampling 3 to 5 letters from the entire alphabet.
- Using the generated character set, we will create a random string by sampling k times, where k is set to 30 for this experiment.
- Next, we will randomly select a character from the generated string and ask users to count the number of times it appears.
- Each participant is allocated with 10 counting questions. Answers should match the results exactly.
- We randomly choose 100 different english words with consecutive double or triple letters. The words are from dictionaries and this document.
- The letters of the words are reversed to create the dataset.
- Each participant is allocated with 10 Reverse questions. Answers should match the results exactly.
- We randomly choose 100 different english words as the original strings.
- Then, we designed a random substitution rule to substitute characters within the words.
- Given the words and different substitution rules, participants should perform substitution and output the correct results.
- To standardize the experiment, each user will be allocated 10 substitution questions. Answers should match the results exactly.
- For our experiment, we will start by generating a candidate character set by randomly sampling 6 to 10 letters from the entire alphabet.
- Using the generated character set, we will create a random string by sampling k times, where k is set to 30 for this experiment.
- Next, we will randomly select a character from the generated string. Users should find the k-th character after the j-th occurence of the selected character.
- Each participant is allocated with 10 positioning questions. Answers should match the results exactly.
- For the first category of questions, we will randomly drop k zeros or ones from a sequence of 20 bits.
- For the second category of questions, we will randomly add k zeros or ones to a sequence of 20 bits.
- In the third category, we will randomly substitute k zeros with ones or k ones with zeros in a sequence of 20 bits.
- The fourth category of questions will involve randomly swapping zeros and ones k times in a sequence of 20 bits.
- Each participant is allocated 10 random edit questions from 2 categories. Answers should pass our answer checker.
- To design our experiment, we first collected a set of 100 common sense questions along with their corresponding answers. Additionally, we generated a set of 400 random words to serve as noise.
- In order to inject noise into the common sense questions, we replaced the spaces within the questions with uppercase random words.
- Users will be presented with the noisy questions and are required to remove the random words and answer the questions correctly.
- Each participant is allocated 10 noise injection questions from 2 categories. It is important to note that all answers that make sense will be considered correct.
- To conduct our experiment, we first collected a set of 50 ASCII arts from
- For the experiment, users will be presented with the ASCII arts and are required to identify what is depicted in each image.
- Each participant is allocated 5 ASCII questions. It is important to note that all answers that make sense will be considered correct.
- We have collected 100 questions from various professional fields, including both numerical and knowledge-based questions.
- For numerical questions, users are required to provide an answer with an error margin of no more than 5%.
- For knowledge-based questions, users must provide accurate answers.
- Each participant is allocated 10 random memorization questions.
- Users are required to complete a multiplication question involving two randomly generated four-digit numbers within a time limit of 10 seconds.
- Any answers submitted after the time limit will be marked as incorrect.
- In order for the answer to be considered correct, the margin of error must be within 5%.
We welcome contributions to expand the dataset and improve the detection of conversational bots. If you have a new question that you believe can effectively differentiate human users from bots, please feel free to contribute to the dataset via submitting a pull request to this repo.
Please cite our paper if you find this repository helpful in your research or you use our data:
title={Bot or Human? Detecting ChatGPT Imposters with A Single Question},
author={Wang, Hong and Luo, Xuan and Wang, Weizhi and Yan, Xifeng},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.06424},