Interpolating irradiance values of the Micasense panel during the drone flight time and adding them into images' metadata.
Below, we go through the options to download and install a full working Python environment for the job. For sake of convenience, the use of Anaconda or miniconda environments is recommended.
Installing ExifTool, software for editing image metadata
tar -xvzf Image-ExifTool-12.15.tar.gz
cd Image-ExifTool-12.15/
perl Makefile.PL
make test
sudo make install
For more information visit exiftool install
git clone
cd imageprocessing
conda env create -f micasense_conda_env.yml
cd imageprocessing
conda activate micasense
python install
cd ../
git clone
cd panelcorrection
For editing and replacing image metadata values the file ExifTool_config must replace the original .Exiftool_config file. For example on Ubuntu:
cp ExifTool_config ~/.ExifTool_config
For more details please see my question on ExifTool forum. Phil Harvey, ExifTool author help me a lot!
Finally, open the file and edit it with some python IDE (e.g., emacs, vim, spyder, jupyter, atom, etc.). Just set up the path of your images and let the panel capture before the flight as the first file and the panel capture after the flight as the last file.
- Tested on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS for Altum camera.
- Test on Ubuntu for RedEdge-MX camera.
- Test on Windows for Altum and RedEdge-MX cameras.