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Es Utils library

is a useful methods library, contain some functions you might need in a project which based on ES

2.0 has broken update, see module for detail



$ npm install @wxhccc/es-util


$ yarn add @wxhccc/es-util

in browser

<script src=""></script>



import * as EsUtil from '@wxhccc/es-util'
// or import { xxx } from '@wxhccc/es-util'
// or const EsUtil = require('@wxhccc/es-util')

// example, array2tree
const array = [
  { id: 1, pid: 0, name: 'language' },
  { id: 2, pid: 1, name: 'english' },
  { id: 3, pid: 1, name: 'chinese' }
/* log
    id: 1,
    pid: 0,
    name: 'language',
    children: [
        id: 2,
        pid: 1,
        name: 'english',
        children: []
        id: 3,
        pid: 1,
        name: 'chinese',
        children: []


array-tree-switch module

array2tree(array, options)

transform an array to tree structure


  • array {object[]} (The array need to transform).
  • options {object} The options.
    • primaryKey {string} the primary key of array item, default 'id'
    • parentKey {string} the parent key of array item, default 'pid'
    • childrenKey {string} the childrenKey key of tree structure node, default 'children'
    • createRoot {boolean | (nodes: TreeNode[]) => any} whether to create a root node, default false, will return an array, if true ,will return an object. you can pass an function as well, the transformed array will pass to function
    • parentRefKey {boolean| string} whether to create a reference of current node's parent, default false, will do nothing. if you set it to string or 'true'(mean '_parent') ,will use it as the object key which point to the parent node of current node.

warning: set the parentRefKey will make the return tree object/array cycling, so you can't use JSON.stringify to stringify it

returns: array or object with tree structure.


import { array2tree } from '@wxhccc/es-util'

const array = [
  { id: 1, parentId: 0, name: 'language' },
  { id: 2, parentId: 1, name: 'english' },
  { id: 3, parentId: 1, name: 'chinese' }

const tree = array2tree(array, {
  parentKey: 'parentId',
  childrenKey: 'nodes',
  createRoot: true
/* log
  nodes: [
      id: 1,
      pid: 0,
      name: 'language',
      nodes: [
          id: 2,
          pid: 1,
          name: 'english',
          nodes: []
          id: 3,
          pid: 1,
          name: 'chinese',
          nodes: []
const tree = array2tree(array, {
  parentRefKey: true
/* log
    id: 1,
    pid: 0,
    name: 'language',
    _parent: null,
    children: [
        id: 2,
        pid: 1,
        name: 'english',
        children: [],
        _parent: {
          id: 1,
          pid: 0
          _parent: ...
        id: 3,
        pid: 1,
        name: 'chinese',
        children: [],
        _parent: {
          id: 1,
          pid: 0
          _parent: ...

tree2array(tree, options)

transform tree structure to an array


  • tree {TreeNode[] | object} The tree structure need to transform.
  • options {object} The options.
    • primaryKey {string} the primary key of node item, default 'id'
    • parentKey {string} the parent key of node item, default 'pid'
    • childrenKey {string} the childrenKey key of node item, default 'children'
    • hasParentKey {boolean} whether tree node has parent property, default true, if false ,will add an parent key property

returns: items array


import { tree2array } from '@wxhccc/es-util'

const tree = {
  id: 0,
  nodes: [
      id: 1,
      name: 'language',
      children: [
          id: 2,
          name: 'english',
          children: []
          id: 3,
          name: 'chinese',
          children: []

const tree = array2tree(array, {
  hasParentKey: false
/* log
  { id: 1, pid: 0, name: 'language' },
  { id: 2, pid: 1, name: 'english' },
  { id: 3, pid: 1, name: 'chinese' }

treeAnalyse(tree, options, keys)

v2.1.0 add

analyse tree data, return an object contain typed handled data


  • tree {TreeNode[] | object} The tree structure need to transform.
  • options {object} The options.
    • primaryKey {string} the primary key of node item, default 'id'
    • labelKey {string} the primary key of node item, default 'name'
    • disabledKey {string} the disabled key of node item, default 'disabled'
    • childrenKey {string} the childrenKey key of node item, default 'children'
  • keys {('nodes' | 'keyNodeMap' | 'childKeysMaps' | 'disabledKeys')[]} the modules need to handle

returns: AnalyseTreeData


import { treeAnalyse } from '@wxhccc/es-util'

const tree = [
    id: 1,
    name: 'language',
    children: [
        id: 2,
        name: 'english',
        children: []
        id: 3,
        name: 'chinese',
        children: []

const result = array2tree(array)
/* log
  "nodes": [
      "id": 1,
      "name": "language",
      "children": [{…}, {…}]
      "id": 2,
      "name": "english",
      "children": []
      "id": 3,
      "name": "chinese",
      "children": []
  "childKeysMaps": {
    "1": [2, 3]
  "keyNodeMap": {
    1: {keyVlaue: 1, keyLabel: 'language', parent: undefined, children: [{…}, {…}]},
    2: {keyVlaue: 2, keyLabel: 'english', parent: {…}, children: [] },
    3: {keyVlaue: 3, keyLabel: 'chinese', parent: {…}, children: [] }
  "disabledKeys": []

validate module


Check whether the Chinese id number provided is valid


  • idCard {string} The IDcard number.

returns: boolean


import { ChinaIdCardValid } from '@wxhccc/es-util'

console.log(ChinaIdCardValid('[valid IDcard]')
/* log

formulaValidate(formulaString, variables)

Check whether the formulaString provided is valid


  • formulaString {string} The formula string.
  • variables {string[]} The variables can appear in formula.

returns: boolean


import { formulaValidate } from '@wxhccc/es-util'

console.log(formulaValidate('A+*B/E', ['A', 'B', 'C'])
/* log

object-array module

mapToObject(objectArray, keyProp, valueProp)

create an object from an object array.


  • objectArray {object[]} The source object array.
  • keyProp {string | (item: object, index: number) => string} The property of array item be used for key, or the function to create object key, default "key".

    if array item not contain key or function not return a string/number,the item will ignore.

  • valueProp {string | (item: object, index: number) => string} The property of array item be used for value, or the function to create object value, default "value".

returns: object


import { mapToObject } from '@wxhccc/es-util'

const array = [
  { key: 'a', value: 'b', name: 'afsfsdfe' },
  { key: 'a1', value: 'b1', name: 'afssdfsfe' },
  { key: 'a2', value: 'b2', name: 'afsfgege' }
/* log
{ a: 'b', a1: 'b1', a2: 'b2' }
console.log(mapToObject(array, item => (item.key + item.value), 'name'))
/* log
{ ab: 'afsfsdfe', a1b1: 'afssdfsfe', a2b2: 'afsfgege' }

checkoutBy(object, keys, mergeFn)

checkout an array from an object by gived keys, you can merge new data to object item


  • object {object} The source object.
  • keys {string[] | Record<string, any>} The properties array of object. or an object contains keys which you want to pick from object and values you want to merge to those picked values. if keys not provided, will return Object.values(object)
  • mergeFn {(objItem: object, newItem: any) => object} this method use Object.assign to merge values where two value are object default, you can provide custom function to merge value.

returns: array


import { checkoutBy } from '@wxhccc/es-util'

const configs = {
  a: { key: 1, name: 'afsfsdfe' },
  b: { key: 2, name: { a: 'afssdfsfe' } },
  c: { key: 3, name: 'afsfgege' },
  d: { key: 4 }
console.log(checkoutBy(configs, ['a', 'c'])
/* log
[{ key: 1, name: 'afsfsdfe' }, { key: 3, name: 'afsfgege' }]
console.log(checkoutBy(configs, { a: null, b: { name: { b: 'aaa' } } })
/* log
[{ key: 1, name: 'afsfsdfe' }, { key: 2, name: { b: 'aaa' } }]
const { merge } = required('lodash')
console.log(checkoutBy(configs, { d: 123, b: { name: { b: 'aaa' } } }, merge)
/* log
[123, { key: 2, name: { a: 'afssdfsfe', b: 'aaa' } }]

pickRenameKeys(object, keysMap)

pick and rename object's keys


  • object {object} The source object.
  • keysMap {Record<string, string>} The oldKey-newKey object

returns: array


import { pickRenameKeys } from '@wxhccc/es-util'

const configs = {
  a: { name: 'afsfsdfe' },
  b: 3,
  c: [123],
  d: 'aaa'
console.log(pickRenameKeys(configs, { 'a': 'a1', 'c': 'c3', 'd': 'd' })
/* log
{ a1: { name: 'afsfsdfe' }, c3: [123], d: 'aaa' }

value-string-switch module

byteStringify(byteNum, options)

transform byte size to a string in the specified format


  • byteNum {number} The size number need to transform.
  • options {object} The options.
    • standard {string} the standard used to transform, default 'jedec', suport 'metric', 'iec'. Metric, IEC and JEDEC units
    • unitLvl {string} the unit lvl to transform byte size, default 'auto'. suport 'B','K','M','G','T','P','E','Z','Y'
    • precision {number} the precision of value, default 1
    • detail {boolean} whether to return an object of detai info, default false.

returns: string or object


import { byteStringify } from '@wxhccc/es-util'

/*log '1.2 KB'*/
byteStringify(-1234, { precision: 2 })
/*log '-1.21 KB'*/
byteStringify(1234, { unitLvl: 'M', precision: 3 })
/*log '0.001 MB'*/
byteStringify(1234, { detail: true, standard: 'metric', precision: 3 })
/*log { value: '1.234', unit: 'kB' } */

these methods remove from v1.2.0 you can use lodash instead




promise module


wrap promise with then and catch to return [null, data] or [Error, undefined], useful async & await


import { awaitWrapper } from '@wxhccc/es-util'

const [err, data] = await awaitWrapper(Promise.resolve(1))
/*log [null, 1] */
const [err, data] = await awaitWrapper(Promise.reject())
/*log [err, undefined] */

wp(promise, [wrap])

this module has been refactor in v2.0,no longer support vue/react instance detection because there is no need in hooks.

wrap promise or a function return promise with lock method to control UI or forbiden multi task at same time


  • promise {Promise | () => Promise} promise object or a function return promise object. when use function and lock, it can prevent second call before previous promise settled
  • options {WrapOptions}
    • wrap {boolean} whether use awaitWrapper to wrap then promise.

    • lock {(bool) => void | [ref, lockKey]} string: v2.0 not support component instance bind, so can't use string

      function: useful in ReactHook component, pass setXXX to method

      syncRefHandle: an array such as [object, keyOfObject] useful when need to lock promise when value can't be update sync, such as React

    • syncRefHandle {[ref, lockKey]} when you need function and syncRefHandle at sametime

returns: a extends promise object with __lockValue getter and unlock method

can be use in react and vue2/3 instance when bind this 2.0 will not bind this

use in react hooks

import { wp } from '@wxhccc/es-util'

const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false)

 * eg.1
 * will run setLoading(true) and run setLoading(false) after promise resettled 
const result = await wp(Promise.resolve(1), { lock: setLoading })
 * eg.2
const [er, data] = await wp(Promise.resolve(1), { wrap: true, lock: setLoading })
/*log [null, 1] */

 * eg.3
 * will prevent second run when use syncRefHandle
const loadingRef = useRef(false)

const asyncMethod = () => Promise.resolve(1)

const runTask = async () => {
  const [err, data] = await wp(asyncMethod, {  wrap: true, lock: setLoading, syncRefHandle: [loadingRef, 'current'] })

/*log [null, 1] */
/*log [null, undefined], second method call will resolve undefined immediate, but not run asyncMethod */

use in vue setup

import { wp } from '@wxhccc/es-util'

const loading = ref(false)

 * eg.1
 * will run setLoading(true) and run setLoading(false) after promise resettled 
const setLoading = (bool) => loading.value = bool
const result = await wp(Promise.resolve(1), { lock: setLoading })
 * eg.2
 * lock can be syncRefHandle if ref is update sync, it's more simpler for vue
const asyncMethod = () => Promise.resolve(1)

const runTask = async () => {
  const [err, data] = await wp(asyncMethod, {  wrap: true, lock: [loading, 'value'] })

/*log [null, 1] */
/*log [null, undefined], second method call will resolve undefined immediate, but not run asyncMethod */

event-target-emitter module

v1.7.0 add

this is a simple event emitter, you can find other emitter package is you need more function


return an emitter instance with on, off, emit and some other methods to handle with EventTarget


  • options {ConfigOptions}
    • name {string} the name of current emitter. can used to limit message received from
    • customHanlderCreator {(watchers) => function} custome handler creator, you can handle message distribute logic as you want.
import { eventTargetEmitter } from '@wxhccc/es-util'

/** eg.1 */
const emitter = eventTargetEmitter()

const runTaskA = () => {
const runTaskB = () => {
emitter.on('to-run-a', runTaskA)
emitter.on('to-run-b', runTaskA)

websocket.on('message', (task) => {
  if (task === 'a') {
  } else if (task === 'b') {

/** eg.2 */
// page-a in tab 1
const emitter = eventTargetEmitter({ name: 'page-a' })

const runTask = () => {
  // this method will call when received message from page-b, but not call when received message from page-c
  console.log('do someting')
emitter.on('to-run-task', runTask, { limitFrom: 'page-b' })

const onStorageMessage = (payload) => {
  const payload = JSON.parse(localStorage.setItem('page-communicate'))

window.addEventListener('storage', onStorageMessage)

// page-b in tab 2
const { createPayload } = eventTargetEmitter({ name: 'page-b' })

const payload = createPayload('to-run-task', { a: 1 })
 * payload: { method: 'to-run-task', data: { a: 1 }, originEmitterName: 'page-b' }
localStorage.setItem('page-communicate', payload)


page-communicate module

v1.7.0 add


return an instance which can used to communicate between same-origin pages, powered by eventTargetEmitter

this module is full realize of eventTargetEmitter eg.2, it use BroadcastChannel if it supported, otherwise will use `window.localStorage

import { pageCommunicate } from '@wxhccc/es-util'

const pc = pageCommunicate()

pc.on('update-use-info', (newUserInfo) => {
  // update global state

// when one page change login account
pc.send('update-use-info', newUserInfo)

raf-timer module

v2.0.0 add


return an requestAnimationFrame timer instance. used to instead of window.setTimout and window.setInterval.

import { createRAFTimer } from '@wxhccc/es-util'

const timer = createRAFTimer()
// start timer

/** mock window.setTimeout, run once */
timer.addTask(() => {
  console.log('run after 1 second')
}, 1000, 1)
/** run 10 times */
timer.addTask(() => {
  console.log('run every 1 second, max 10 times')
}, 1000, 10)

const fn = () => {}
/** mock window.setInterval */
timer.addTask(fn, 1000)
/** stop task */

// you can stop timer when no task by pass options
const timer = createRAFTimer({
  autoStopWhenNoTask: true,
  autoStartWhenAddTask: true

date-time module

v2.0.0 add

secondsToDuration(number, maxUnit)

import { secondsToDuration } from '@wxhccc/es-util'

const detail = secondsToDuration(12345678)
/*log {h: 3429, m: 21, s: 18} */

const detail = secondsToDuration(12345678, 'd')
/*log { d: 142, h: 21, m: 21, s: 18 } */

parse seconds to duration detail object
